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Grain Brain (2013) is a book that describes how to improve your brain health and reduce the risk of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and conditions such as ADHD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and headaches. High in healthy fats, naturally raised animal proteins, vegetables. Low carbohydrate and low fruit, no processed carbs or sugars. Below [...]

I’m Too Young for This! (2013) is a book about what happens in perimenopause and how to deal with it. Food recommendations include: Eat fresh, whole, unprocessed foods; gluten-free and dairy-free may be best. Avoid processed foods, white flour, sugar, artificial additives. Below is a description of the food recommendations in the diet.  Foods to [...]

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (1939) is an epic written after a decade of traveling the world and studying the diets of healthy people in isolated locations, compared to the unhealthy diets and bodies of “modernized” people eating highly processed foods. Eat animal foods (dairy products, seafood, meats), especially animal fats, that contain high vitamins and [...]

Babies’ feeding habits related to higher risk of obesity – infant formula consumption levels, taking a bottle to bed, and introducing solid foods too soon. More than a third of shoppers in the USA buy meat alternatives, although levels of vegetarianism are much lower. Eating more fruits and vegetables linked to lower diabetes – although [...]

True Food (2012) is a recipe book that describes the menu of True Food Kitchen, based mainly on Andrew Weil's Anti-Inflammatory Diet. Versions of this food are suitable for people on vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, low fat, low carb, and paleo diets Plate proportion, large amounts of vegetables Fish and grass-fed beef/bison Truly wholegrains Mainly organic, [...]

Eat to Win, Eat to Lose (2013) is a weight loss and healthy eating book from the nutritionist/dietitian on The Biggest Loser. High fiber, including vegetables, fruits, and limited whole grains. Vegetables/salads as a high proportion of your plate. Lean protein, low fat. No sugar (some alternative sweeteners are suggested), no processed carbs. Below is [...]

In the USA, diet and healthy eating books are selling fewer copies as summer ends. Wheat Belly (gluten-free, whole foods) remains one of the bestselling books related to diet. In the UK, there’s no end-of-summer diet lull for the Brits. The Fast Diet (intermittent fasting) is still one of the top-selling books in the country. [...]

Eating on the Wild Side (2013) is a book that advises you how to choose, store, and prepare the most nutritious vegetables and fruits. Which vegetable varieties and fruit varieties are the most nutritious. How to check for ripeness and high phytonutrient content. How to store vegetables and fruits to retain their nutrients, and how [...]

The FDA set a standard on labeling “gluten-free” – and larger manufacturers may benefit Traceability of produce may take a big step forward with Wal-Mart requirement There’s been a wide (but small) decrease in obesity rates in children in the USA Dannon under fire for using bug-derived coloring in yogurts Fresh and local beat organic [...]

The DASH Diet Weight Loss Solution (2012) is an updated version of the DASH diet, with lower starch and “healthy” fats allowed, which claims to be as effective as the original DASH is for heart health and is now formulated for weight loss. The DASH diet was ranked #1 Best Diet Overall by the U.S. [...]