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The Blood Sugar Solution, a no-sugar, unprocessed, detox diet has climbed near the top of the USA bestsellers chart. Versions of low-carb, paleo and gluten-free diets are again popular, and vegan diets remain popular but have been overtaken. In the UK, The Dukan Diet stays on top and the Clean & Lean Diet is staying [...]

As Lent rolls around again, restaurant chains once more put fish dishes on the menu. The gluten-free industry has grown 27% since 2009 according to Mintel; some say that more research should be done on nonceliac gluten sensitivity and that more people may be affected than currently thought; others say that gluten may not be [...]

After several recent outbreaks of sickness from unsafe sprouts, uncooked sprouts have been removed from the menus of a number of food chains. Gluten-free has become one of the fastest growing nutritional movements in America. USA and Europe will recognize each other’s organic standards as equivalent. GMO seed companies have pulled out of Europe as [...]

Diet books sales drop after the New Year rush as people realize it’ll be several months before warm weather kicks in. In the USA, vegan diets continue to be top sellers, generally for health rather than purely weight loss diets, and Wheat Belly, advising a gluten-free diet, has risen back up. In the UK, The [...]

As demand grows for humanely grown animal foods, suppliers and government regulations are starting to catch up. Raw sprouts have been considered healthy for years, but the government now advises against eating them as they carry a high risk of foodborne illness; heading in the other direction is coconut, which is increasingly seen as healthy [...]

There are no clear trends in this week’s news on food restrictions. 83% of surveyed consumers have resolved to eat more healthily in the new year, compared to 76% in previous years. Supermarkets are becoming gluten-free guides, providing communities with resources while hoping for loyalty. A Harvard School of Public Health roundup of research shows [...]

Mark Bittman continues to look at patterns of meat eating, as people are eating less meat and there’s a corresponding rise in flexitarianism. There are increased requests for culinary schools to teach vegetarian cuisine. Pediatrics looks at foods to avoid for ADHD. A poor pregnancy diet can increase risk for children to get diabetes later [...]

Vegan diets filled the news this week, as the trend for eating vegan meals at least part of the time is increasing, mostly for health reasons. No surprise, weight loss diets are in the news after the holiday period ended. A number of restaurants are offering new lower-calorie options. Several weight loss diet rankings were [...]

Diet books start to sell again as the holiday period ends and people start to try to lose weight or get healthy for their new year’s resolutions. Most of the top-selling books listed here were top sellers in the past year… or before – only a limited number of new diet books have been released [...]

People are eating less meat, and often eat vegetarian meals, according to a number of studies. Other studies say that consumers want healthier menu options – including low fat, low calorie, and low sugar. Lean beef may lower cholesterol as much as the DASH diet. More gluten-free products are brought to market, but some may [...]