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More ready meals emphasize natural and organic – TV dinners are responding to the demand for less-processed food. Some consumers are trying to reduce unhealthy elements in their food - sugars, sodium, fats and oils, trans fatty acids and saturated fats – but they’re more interested in adding healthy foods than removing bad ones. More [...]

'Atkins'-type high-protein low-carb diets may raise risk of heart problems, according to a study – but it looks like the study investigated old-style low-carb diets that encouraged eating processed meats and didn’t tell you to eat lots of greens. On the other hand, a small study seemed to indicate that low-carb diets are better for [...]

Kindle diet books are higher selling than usual in the USA – perhaps as people are heading out on vacation. The Skinny Rules by Bob Harper of The Biggest Loser (whole foods, portion control) and Wheat Belly (gluten-free) are at the top of the chart, with whole food vegan diets like Eat to Live and [...]

  (2012) is an easy-to-read book that describes the habits of fat people that you should avoid. If you have the same habits, you’re more likely to be fat, and if you recognize and change them you’re more likely to be able to get to a stable weight and stay healthy. In terms of food [...]

112 lists of food trends for 2012

Here are 112 lists of food trends for 2012, mostly for the USA and some for Canada and the UK. They are listed by type in date order, as one food trend report often influences another. If you think the list would be more useful in a different order, or if something is missing, or [...]

As more authorities are calling for menu boards to contain calorie and other information, a majority of U.S. adults would like to see them. Kosher is the most popular label claim on new food products; economy, low/no/reduced allergen, high-protein, and low/no/reduced saturated fat are the fastest-growing claims. The idea that salt may not be so [...]

Restaurants and grocers jumped over each other to pledge to phasing out cages for chickens and gestation crates – often over long timeframes. May was Celiac Awareness month, and a growing number of popular restaurant chains are offering gluten-free options. The FDA announced plans to phase out the use of antibiotics in farm animals, and [...]

The Skinny Rules by Bob Harper of The Biggest Loser tops the USA diet charts as summer approaches – it focuses of reducing processed and junk food and portion control. Wheat Belly, advising a gluten-free diet, has headed back up the charts, and there are a number of vegan books high on the list. Diet [...]

Pink slime, very lean meat produced using ammonia, has been filling the news as people have become increasingly concerned when they learned what they and their children have been eating. Local food is the biggest trend in decades, according to the USDA, and Mintel say it’s edging out organic in terms of consumer importance for [...]

The Blood Sugar Solution, a no-sugar, unprocessed, detox diet is staying near the top of the USA bestsellers chart. Versions of low-carb, paleo, gluten-free, and vegan diets remain popular, without any of them taking a particular lead. In the UK, The Dukan Diet rules the roost. The positions in the bestselling charts are according to [...]