The Starch Solution (2012) is a weight loss and healthy eating diet that advises a starch-centered diet Vegan High-starch, very-low-fat, low protein Low processed foods Below is a description of the food recommendations in the diet. What to eat | Foods to avoid | To achieve maximum weight loss. There’s a lot more in the [...]
Fit2Fat2Fit (2012) is a weight loss book written by a personal trainer, describes his journey from fitness, putting on 75lb and losing it again, and the unexpected battles involved. Low-fat, low-carb, calorie-controlled Eat lean protein, vegetables, and fruits Introduction phase, then slowly introduce more unprocessed carbs Below is a description of the food recommendations in [...]
Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition (2013) is a book that describes why a “wholistic” interpretation of nutrition is better than a reductionist one Vegan, plant-based High whole carbohydrates, low fat, low protein Avoid heavily processed foods, animal products, added salt, oil, sugar for details of the author’s philosophy on the science of nutrition, why [...]
The China Study (2006) is a book that argues that a plant-based/vegan diet is ideal for weight loss and long-term health. Whole plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains – high fiber. Limit refined carbohydrates, added vegetable oils, fish. Avoid meat, poultry, dairy, eggs. Below on this page is a description of the food [...]
Here are 133 lists of food trends for 2013, mostly for the USA and some international. They are listed by type in date order, as one food trend report often influences another. If you have any other comments or suggestions - please let us know in the comments box below. See previous lists of lists: [...]
The 17 Day Diet (2011) is a low-processed food, low-sugar, low-fat "body confusion" diet that gets progressively less restrictive and can be used in cycles. 4 stages, progressively less restrictive Start with high lean protein, high non-starchy vegetables, probiotics, no starches Add unprocessed starch foods and slowly increase the allowed amount of fat in animal [...]
Relish (2013) is a lifestyle book aimed at young women in their 20s and 30s. As well as food choice recommendations, it contains recipes and recommendations on fitness, looking good, home decorating, hosting parties, work and play, love, and other lifestyle tips. Dietary recommendations include: Fresh foods, lots of produce Organic, local, no GMO, pastured, [...]
Plan D (2013) is a book on losing weight and beating diabetes. Food guidelines include: High fiber, low fat, low glycemic Eat your veggies, lots of water Portion control and plate proportions; eat every 3 hours Occasional indulgences are allowed Below is a description of the food recommendations in the book. Guidelines | What [...]
Vegetables are getting more attention as ingredients, not just garnishes Gluten-free is growing – expected to reach $6.2 billion by 2018. Drugs stores, club stores and foodservice may be the next big growth areas Nightshade foods such as peppers and tomatoes may lower Parkinson’s risk Here are links and summaries for recent news and opinion [...]
In the USA, Gwyneth Paltrow’s recipe book following Dr. Alejandro Junger’s “Clean” detox/elimination principles continues to be a bestseller. Junger’s books are selling more again with the release of Clean Gut. Vegan and semi-vegan diets are surging again. In the UK, intermittent fasting is still top – The Fast Diet, The 2-Day Diet, and The [...]