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Fat Chance (2012) is a book discussing the causes of obesity and the dangers of sugar - Avoid sugars, especially fructose, and sugary / processed foods Eat intact whole grains, eggs, meat, nuts and seeds, dairy, beans, fruits, vegetables Limit fatty and slightly processed foods Below is a description of the food recommendations in the [...]

Rich Food, Poor Food (2013) is a “grocery purchasing system (GPS)” to help you find healthy foods when you shop for groceries - Choose fresh, local, unpasteurized, organic foods that have been raised naturally Avoid unnatural ingredients and foods that deplete micronutrients Avoid wheat Get a copy of Rich Food, Poor Food for details of [...]

In the USA, two of Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s books, Eat to Live and The End of Diabetes, are popular again – both suggest whole foods, mostly plant-based diets. Eat to Lose, Eat to Win (unprocessed, eat more plant-based foods) is popular while at low price on Kindle, and Wheat Belly (gluten-free) remains popular. In the [...]

Eat to Live (2003, revised 2011) is a “nutritarian” diet - Vegan/near-vegan, mostly raw High nutrient density No oil Low starchy vegetables and whole grains No / low processed food Low calorie, low protein, very low fat Below is a description of the food recommendations in the diet. Six week plan  |  Life Plan  |  Advice [...]

Super Immunity (2011) describes a “nutritarian” diet to help build your immune system and make you less likely to get sick or chronically sick Vegan/near vegan, unprocessed foods – concentrate on green vegetables, onions, mushrooms, berries, beans, seeds High nutrient density, high ANDI scores See below on this page for a description of the food [...]

The End of Diabetes (2013) is a book that advises a plant-based diet to recover from type 2 diabetes or have a better prognosis with type 1 diabetes Avoid red meats, eggs, and oils/fats, minimize fish and white meat poultry to 6 ounces a week Eat lots of salads and vegetables; also legumes, some fruits, [...]

Living the Good Long Life (2013) is a guide to caring for yourself and others as you age after age 40. Diet is a small part of the book. Longevity diet  - compare to Blue Zone diets or Mediterranean diet Plant-based foods (vegetables, beans, whole grains, and nuts and seeds), good fats, calcium-rich ingredients, seafood, [...]

VB6 (2013) is a weight loss book that encourages you to restrict what you eat before 6pm every day of the week, and to eat more freely late at night Eat vegan before 6pm, mostly produce After 6pm, you can also eat animal protein and slightly processed foods Try to avoid more processed foods – [...]

The Beauty Detox Foods (2013) is a detox diet Eat mostly plant-based foods, often raw Eat more vegetables and fewer animal products Drink a green smoothie or juice (following recipe guidelines) every day Avoid dairy Below is a description of the food recommendations in the diet.  Phases  |  What to eat  |   Foods to [...]

The 4-Hour Body (2010) is a bestselling tome by the author of The 4-Hour Workweek. It covers many aspects of improving your body, and one of them is diet, to lose weight and gain strength Main diet suggested - slow-carb diet Avoid carb, processed foods Avoid variety One binge day a week Other diets are [...]