The Liver Cleansing Diet (1996/2003/2008) claims over 2 million copies sold. It is a 3-stage 8-week detox diet that is dairy-free, mostly vegetarian, minimally processed, high fiber, and low fat, and it includes a lot of raw vegetable and fruit including juices.
Below is an outline of the food recommendations in the book. Eat always | Eat during the program | Eat for lifetime diet | Avoid always | Avoid during the program | Avoid for lifetime diet. There’s a lot more in the book.
Get a copy of The Liver Cleansing Diet book and The Liver Cleansing Diet kindle for symptoms, liver physiology and function, natural therapies, recipes, and meal plans.
The reasoning behind The Liver Cleansing Diet
This book argues that the key to solving issues such as excessive weight and sluggish metabolism and other conditions is the liver, which is the supreme organism of metabolism. The correction of a poor liver state is always a vital step in an individual’s healing program. The Liver Cleansing Diet (LCD) works to overcome chronic medical conditions with a diet that reduces the toxic load on the liver and improves liver function.
Liver Cleansing Diet food list
Eat always | Eat during the program | Eat for lifetime diet | Avoid always | Avoid during the program | Avoid for lifetime diet
The diet includes an 8-week menu plan. If your weight loss is too slow or comes to a plateau, you should eat smaller meals and less carbohydrate and do regular exercise. After you’ve finished the 8-week plan, you should follow the “twelve general principles for a healthy liver.”
The first two weeks of the 8-week plan are a gentle introduction, followed by 4 more demanding weeks with more vegetarian meals (if you get headaches or feel tired, drink extra water or raw vegetable and herbal juices to flush out toxins). The final 2 weeks are less demanding than the middle four but more than the first two.
This diet was not designed with pregnant women in mind.
The book isn’t entirely prescriptive in terms of foods to eat and avoid, instead it includes menu plans and recipes to follow at each stage of the diet. Portion sizes are included, so although this says it’s not a calorie counting book there’s portion control, mainly for carbohydrates. Here’s a summary based on these suggested menus as well as the rest of the book.
Foods to eat in The Liver Cleansing Diet
Always, eat:
- Fruit and veg (preferably organic)
- Raw vegetable juice, soon after waking. Drink a fresh juice at least 4 times a week while on the Liver Cleansing Diet. If you freeze juice immediately after making it and drink it after it thaws, the healing antioxidants and enzymes will not be damaged
- Seasonal fruits and dried fruit
- Vegetables of all types, preferably raw, especially:
- Vegetables containing phytochemicals – carrots, pumpkins, bell peppers, beets
- Vegetables high in sulfur – onions, leeks, red radish, kale, horseradish, garlic, cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower
- Dark green colored vegetables and grasses such as alfalfa, barley leaf, wheat grass
- About 40% of your diet – raw vegetables and fruit, in particular dark green leafy vegetables, orange- and red-colored fruit and vegetables
- Mushrooms
- Herbs
- Grains
- Unsweetened cereals
- Whole wheat, buckwheat, sour dough, rye, stone ground, rice, corn, herb and olive, walnut, gluten free or other “high quality” bread from the health food store. Gluten free breads can be best if you have bloating and allergies. If you have irritable bowel syndrome use stone ground breads which have a fine texture and are free of little grainy bits. Vary the types of bread you eat to reduce allergies
- Whole grain pasta and spaghetti, made from whole wheat, spelt, kamut, or buckwheat
- Whole wheat or gluten-free flour
- Brown rice or wild rice
- Proteins
- Legumes (beans, peas, lentils), including soy products such as tofu, soy bean burgers, soymilk yogurt. Include sprouted legumes
- Seeds and nuts including coconut cream. Include sprouted seeds. Nuts should only be eaten fresh – buy nuts in sealed bags with a use-by date or nuts still in their shells. Legume, seed and nut spreads include hummus, tahini, and nut spreads (brazil, almond, cashew, natural peanut butter, etc)
- Grains in combination with the above
- Seafood – fish and shellfish. Canned fish is healthy
- Unflavored organic cow’s milk yogurt containing acidophilus and bifidus is listed as acceptable for the 8-week program in one part of this book
- Synd-X Slimming Protein Powder (created by the book’s author)
- Also see below for other proteins allowed on certain weeks of the diet
- Fats
- Omega-6 essential fatty acids including cold pressed sesame, safflower, cotton, and sunflower seeds and oil; corn and corn oil; soybeans; raw nuts; legumes; leafy greens
- Omega-3 essential fatty acids including fresh fish from cold, deep oceans; rainbow trout; bass; linseed oil; shrimp; oysters; leafy greens; soy beans; walnuts; wheat germ; wheat sprouts; fresh sea vegetables
- Cold-pressed virgin olive oil
- Cold-pressed sesame oil
- Unsweetened soy, almond, coconut, or rice milk
- Condiments
- Dry mustard powder
- Soy sauce
- Vinegar – apple cider, balsamic, or white wine
- Honey
- Brown rice syrup
- Stevia
- Vanilla essence
- Spices
- Baking soda
- Sweets
- If you want something sweet, use fresh raw fruits, sun-dried fruits, stevia or xylitol
- Good quality dark chocolate or carob
- Fruit-based fruit sorbet without sugar (limit this, as it contains a lot of natural sugars)
- Before breakfast – First thing on arising drink 2 large glasses of purified water with the juice of a fresh lemon, lime, or orange added. Fifteen minutes later have a large glass or two of raw vegetable juice made with carrot, celery, cabbage, apple, orange and fresh green herbs (such as parsley, mint, basil, cilantro, lemon thyme etc) and 1-2 slices of red onion (optional). If you have a sensitive stomach you can dilute this juice with water or extra celery.
- Light breakfast. If you love breakfast or expend a lot of energy, more hearty breakfasts are included in the meal plan. If you have liver disease, or feel that your metabolism is very sluggish / you want to lose weight at a faster pace, limit yourself to raw fruits and raw juices for breakfast. If you have low blood sugar in the mid-morning, add some protein at breakfast.
- Always have a raw vegetable salad with your main course at dinner to improve digestion
- Drink at least 10-12 glasses of filtered water daily. Don’t drink large amounts of fluid with meals.
- Chew your food slowly and thoroughly
- If you don’t have enough stomach acid, sip a small glass of water containing 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar during every meal.
During the program:
The first two weeks, eat:
- Protein sources: The proteins listed above in “always eat“, plus free-range or organic chicken (skinless) and eggs
The middle four weeks, eat:
- Protein sources: The proteins listed above in “always eat“, plus egg white
The last two weeks, eat:
- Protein sources: The proteins listed above in “always eat“, plus free-range or organic chicken (skinless) and eggs
Foods to eat for lifetime diet
“Always” foods above, plus:
- Nice wines and spirits in moderation
- Chicken and eggs, preferably organic / free range
- Fresh, lean red meat, preferably organic (no more than 4 times weekly)
- Cheeses
- It’s not clear whether you’re allowed dairy apart from cheese for your lifetime diet, but the book advises that a lot of medical conditions result from milk and gluten consumption so this implies that it should perhaps be limited
- Obtain your dietary protein from diverse sources, and not just from animal products (such as meat, dairy and eggs)
Foods to avoid with The Liver Cleansing Diet
Always, avoid:
- Processed and refined foods
- Processed and sugary foods –French fries, chips, pretzels, cookies, cakes, donuts, candies, processed jellies and jams high in sugar, soft drinks, white bread
- Deep fried foods – especially if you have gallbladder disease
- Fast food and takeout food
- White flour, white rice
- Large amounts of sugar, especially refined sugars
- Preserved meat such as Italian sausage, ham, smoked meats, sausages, frankfurters, corned beef, bacon, pizza meats
- Smoked foods including fish
- Bad fats
- Omega-6 non-essential fatty acid (arachidonic acid) – fatty red meats, some dairy products (not explained), preserved meats, deep fried food, processed foods and hydrogenated oil
- Processed fats or damaged fats – margarines, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils / trans-fatty acids, shortening, oils used for deep frying and/or repeatedly reheated, and rancid oils
- Stimulants
- Tea – restrict to 2-3 cups a day
- Coffee – restrict to 1 cup a day. If you use decaffeinated coffee make sure chemicals haven’t been used to remove the caffeine
- Alcohol – preferably don’t drink, but if you do don’t drink more than 3-4 glasses of alcohol per week
- MSG, artificial, artificial sweeteners, colorings, and preservatives
- Food containing undercooked eggs
- Foods you may be allergic to
- If you have problems with gluten (such as intestinal irritation and irritable bowel syndrome), avoid foods containing gluten
- Don’t eat if you’re not hungry
- Don’t eat if you feel stressed or anxious
- Never reheat food more than once
- You can’t be perfect, but do your best to follow this diet
If you have cirrhosis of the liver, poor liver function, or liver failure, minimize consumption of red meat, pork and poultry
Avoid during the program
All 8 weeks of the 8-week plan
- Dairy products (milk, butter, cheese, cream, flavored yogurt, ice cream, full cream-chocolate)
- Meat, and meat products including gelatin
- If you want to speed up your weight loss, reduce the amount of oil found in some of the recipes or eliminate it
- Do not have more than two courses in any one meal, as poor or excessive food combining is hard work for the liver
- Only have raw fruit for dessert for lunch and dinner, or skip it altogether
- Eat a maximum of three main meals daily and small snacks in between, preferably not more than 2-3 snacks daily
The first two weeks
- Protein sources: meat, chicken which isn’t free-range or organic
The middle four weeks
- Protein sources: meat, chicken of any kind, and egg yolk
The last two weeks
- Protein sources: meat, chicken which isn’t free-range or organic
Foods to avoid/limit for lifetime diet
“Always” foods above, plus:
- Excessive wines and spirits
- Fatty red meat
For people with irritable bowel syndrome, the LCD may need to be modified as sufferers are unable to tolerate small unground seeds, nuts, and grains. These people should pass seeds, nuts, and grains through a grinder and grate harder salad vegetables such as carrots and beets. They should also avoid or reduce products containing gluten.
Health benefits claimed in The Liver Cleansing Diet
The diet in this book claims to reduce the risks for: acid reflux / GERD, allergies, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, auto immune diseases (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus), bad breath, bloating, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excessive body heat, brain fog, candida, high cholesterol, chronic fatigue, constipation, depression, diabetes, eczema, fatigue, food addiction, headaches/migraines, hives, hormonal imbalances, hypoglycemia, overburdened immune system, indigestion, infertility, irritable bowel syndrome IBS, low libido, liver diseases (cirrhosis, fatty liver, gall bladder disease, hepatitis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, liver cysts, liver pain and congestion,), poor memory, overweight/obesity, rosacea, sluggish metabolism, skin rashes
As always, this is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical diagnosis or treatment for a medical condition. Consult your doctor before starting a new diet. This page describes what the authors of the diet recommend – Chewfo is describing the diet only, and does not endorse it.
Dr. Cabot’s website is
For more information on the recommendations and recipes and meal plans, see The Liver Cleansing Diet book and The Liver Cleansing Diet kindle.
{ 137 comments… add one }
did you realize that under “Other recommendations of foods to eat for lifetime diet” (above on the webpage) you have listed ‘Processed and refined foods’?
Oops – thanks for pointing that out, it was pasted in the wrong place and I’ve corrected it. Appreciate your feedback!
What do you think of Chia loose weight?
Calories in/Calories out. Chia seeds, along with any other seed or nut is very high fat, high cal. Diets that suggest high fat foods (whether whole, omega appropriate or not) stop weight loss in its tracks. Low fat has been proven the way to go, if you’re going to consume carbs. There are the low carb folks who also have success. Even on a low-carb diet, if you want to lose steadily you have to watch fat. There are 9 kcals in fat for every 4 cals of protein and carb. It’s pretty easy to see why most diets are low fat. Unless of course, you want to exercise like mad plus lose 1 lb or 2 per month. Most aren’t satisfied with that.
U needsome efa in your diet to lose weight. Try grinding your seeds for full absorbtion
I thought green tea is good for liver. But limit tea to 2-3 cups a day?
The author isn’t exactly clear on this.
The product she recommends, Livatone Plus, contains green tea, and she also lists it as good for the liver.
She says limit tea to 2-3 cups a day, but doesn’t say whether that’s just black tea only or green, white, oolong etc. as well.
Liver cleanse, detoxification and liver maintenance is also the hands down fastest and most effective way to lose excess weight and keep it off. Why? Since your liver is your prime fat burning organ as well as your prime detoxification organ, it must be properly maintained and cared for.
I have done this diet twice , i’ve lost over 40 lbs in total. Its amazing, healthy, nutritious and gives you more energy. I have suffered with chronic fatigue, acnea, pre-diabetes and obesity. At my heaviest weight i was 230 lbs ! I’m down to 182 , my acnea has gone completely, my skin is glowing , my blood tests are coming back better and i have a lot more energy to spend with my kids !!! Try it – its so easy ! Just get a good juicer , stock up on fresh veggies and fruits and you’re good to go !!
You never mentioned cold water fish throughout the entire 8 weeks.
Thanks for the comment – there are a number of proteins that are allowed throughout the 8 weeks, including legumes, seafood (including cold water fish), and live yogurt. Other proteins are only allowed on certain weeks of the diet. I’ve updated the post and hope it’s clearer now.
Dear Penny,
I want to know what “live youghurt ” means, I was hoping you mean natural youghurt, you say it is allowed during 8 weeks but in other comments no dairy was allowed so I am confused now.
Can you please tell me: can i have natural youghurt and cottage cheese during the 8 weeks.
Kind Regards
Dear Marta,
Yogurt is milk that has been treated with a live culture. In many cases, the yogurt is heated/pasteurized after manufacture, which kills the culture in it. If it isn’t heated/pasteurized after the yogurt culture has done its work, it’s live yogurt.
“Natural yogurt” often means just that it doesn’t have an added flavor or sugar, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s live. I’m not sure what the labeling rules are in Australia, but in other countries the label for live yogurt might say “live active cultures” or list the culture bacteria such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, and Streptococcus thermophilus.
I don’t think cottage cheese is allowed during the 8 weeks.
I have some Kifir cultures to make my ‘live’ milk and yoghurt. They are amazing little things. Google them to see the wonders of them all. I am also in Australia.
Can you have dairy free chocolate on liver cleanse diet?
Under Principal 3, Dr. Cabot talks about avoiding eating large amounts of sugar. In the same section, she says you can have good quality dark chocolate or carob.
Don’t just look for dairy-free – make sure it’s dark chocolate with little sugar.
Can you have baked beans in the middle 4 weeks? In the book it’s allowed at dinner with potato.. And it mentions savoury jaffles on page 83 under the bold text. But it doesn’t mention it in the Menus for those weeks?
You can have beans as a protein source any time during the program.
With baked beans, watch out for sugar.
There are jaffles/toasted sandwiches/paninis in the recipes, and the first 2 weeks menus. The menus are there to help you if you prefer to follow a meal plan; they’re not prescriptive – just because something isn’t there doesn’t mean you can’t have it. Just make sure you’re following the food guidelines for that phase of the diet.
Can you have nutellex?
You can have sunflower seed oil and olive oil in this diet, and maybe canola oil and “vegetable oil” (which may mean soybean oil) – all ingredients in this margarine.
The author says no processed fats or damaged fats – margarines, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils / trans-fatty acids. According to the FAQs on its website, Nutellex is 0.4% trans fat or lower. But it’s still a processed fat and contains some trans fats. So I’d guess that it shouldn’t be eaten on this diet.
There is now a peanut butter no added sugar or salt.. Can you have that instead of tahini?
Peanut butter is listed as okay in the “Overweight Children – How to help them lose weight” section, and fresh unshelled peanuts are in another part of the book listed as a good source of omega-3 EFAs.
Dr. Cabot says that nuts should only be eaten fresh – buy nuts in sealed bags with a use-by date or nuts still in their shells.
So check that your peanut butter is very fresh.
There are 33 mentions of tahini in the book, I’m guessing that she thinks it’s good for you! Maybe don’t substitute PB for tahini every time you see it in the menu.
Thank you I was only going to substitute it at breakfast..
I think i have a really old version of the book..
Thank you so much for helping me out.. Really appreciate it.. About to start the section 2…
I thought I would have lost a kilo or 2 by now.. I normally like to have a drink every night.. And have stopped drinking.. Thought I would lose something for just not drinking.. Anyway.. Ill hang in there..
I think I have some liver “problems”, I am not overweight, only 8 stone 12lbs, 5 feet tall, have a fatty belly, but I am heavier than I was, previously had put it down to the menopause (I am 55). I am waiting for the results of a liver scan after one of my LFT came back too high. I would like to try the Liver Cleanse Diet at some point. While waiting for the results, what foods should I mainly eat, is it ok to eat potatoes? What about cheese, can you buy dairy free cheese, or what about haloumi? I love my cheese, and I am going to find this the most difficult to give up – any suggestions?
I’m not a doctor and can’t tell you which diet to eat – just trying to help people understand the different diets that are out there.
On this diet, it’s okay to eat potatoes (they’re in a lot of the recipes).
There are some dairy-free cheeses such as soy cheeses and nut-based cheeses – try them to see if you like them, but they just ain’t real cheese. Haloumi is a dairy cheese.
The author suggests not having dairy during the 8-week program, but allows cheese on your lifetime diet after that. Could you hold out for 8 weeks?
Think about what it is you like about cheese – it could be the creamyness/fattiness, saltiness, or the fermented flavor, for example – and look at alternatives like avocado, nuts, olives, etc. It’s also possible that if you don’t eat cheese for a while you’ll lose your cravings.
Good luck with your tests.
just to let you know re dairy… I emailed Sandra Cabot and got reply from assistant… sheep and goats cheese is fine on the diet. I did this diet in my 20s and it changed my life… totally vibrant and healthy and the realisation that sugar was making me an angry depressive. Good luck
You mentioned not having more than two different courses at a time, would having different types of vegtables be considered different courses? ( raw broccli, carrots, and celery for instance )
I don’t think that having different vegetables would be considered different courses.
I just been diagnosed with a 76mm liver cyst , would the liver cleaning diet get rid of it .
Regards Jenni
Sorry to hear that.
The book claims to reduce the risk for liver cysts. You should work with your doctor to find a cure.
Jenni, yes work with your ”HOLISTIC” doctor to get rid of it and to cure it :o)
All the best
Copied/pastedfrom the diet info: If you have cirrhosis of the liver, poor liver function, or liver failure, minimize consumption of red meat, pork and poultry. ………My sister-in-law become vegan a year ago, lost 70 pounds and now has a perfect functioning liver.
Thank you everyone!
I was net rested in your reference to high quality dark chocolate – I have again read this section and cannot see any reference to dark chocolate, only carob. Is this because I have an older version of the book?
The book version I’m using is from 2008, released in the USA, and it’s possible that earlier versions don’t refer to dark chocolate. The reference to high-quality dark chocolate is under Principle 3 – Avoid eating large amounts of sugar. “If you are a real chocoholic try good quality dark chocolate or the chocolate-like alternative of carob, which is found in health food stores. Carob looks, feels, and tastes like chocolate and is made from the long pods of the carob tree and is particularly nice as a coating for rice cake biscuits.”
It’s pretty common with diets that are popular for many years, for the author to make slight course adjustments in newer versions as they come across new research and case studies.
Wondering if allowed to have low fat cottage cheese while any part of the diet, I love my cheese dearly.
You’re supposed to avoid all dairy products for the 8 weeks of the plan, so no cottage cheese of any type for the first 8 weeks
For the lifetime diet, cheese is allowed – but there aren’t any clear guidelines on cottage cheese (fresh cheeses such as cottage cheese are closer to milk and have a different nutrient profile than semi-mature or mature cheeses).
I think I’ll just start with having the fresh juices for breakfast.
Too many changes in diet all at once for me.
That’s better than nothing.
Hi, I have a very old edition which says to stay away from coconut and palm oils. Research is now showing coconut oils have amazing health benefits. Would it be ok to include cocnut oils in the liver cleanse diet?
I’m using the 2008 edition, which lists coconut oil as a healthy fat, including for overweight people. So yes, it’s okay to use it.
Palm oil isn’t mentioned.
Palm oils are an ecological nightmare, if you want to go that way stick to coconut oil.
I have just started the LCD again after a long time. I am enjoying the fresh juices and recipes in the back of the book. My version of the book is 1996. I was wondering if there are more recipes or different ones in the newer version of the book?
I don’t have a copy of the 1996 edition, but I assume there have been some changes as there are now recipes that contain coconut oil and coconut cream (which were listed as foods to avoid in the first edition).
What if a person already has hepitic c already
Are the foods still good to use
Dr. Cabot says in Chapter 2 “Who can benefit from the Liver Cleansing Diet?” that “Everybody can benefit from the Liver Cleansing Diet as it is designed to improve overall health and immune function.”
She says that “Those who are in greatest need of this diet are persons with the following health complaints”:
– Excessive body weight
– Liver disease, which is most commonly caused by
– A diet too high in refined carbohydrates
– Alcohol excess
– Viral hepatitis (infections with viruses A, B, C and others)
– Drug abuse (especially intravenous)
– Adverse reactions to prescribed medications and drugs (such as analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and anti-fungal drugs, cholesterol lowering drugs, diabetic drugs and immuno-suppressant drugs)
– Auto-immune diseases such as Lupus, Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis and gluten intolerance
– Infections such as HIV (AIDS), malaria and tuberculosis
– Gallbladder disease
– Some other problems, e.g. high blood pressure, general digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome IBS, problems caused by an imbalance in the immune system e.g. skin rashes, allergies such as hay fever, hives and asthma, auto-immune diseases, some types of arthritis, frequent infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches and/or migraines
So if you have Hepatitis C you have one of many issues that the diet was designed to address.
I’ve yet to read the book but ordered the Livatone Plus powder after reading about it on amazon reviews. I have always been aware of eating/drinking healthy but I have to keep refining my diet. I am early 50’s and look good for my age, but started having some health problems and began an extensive research on the internet. What I’ve learned: Eating/drinking/thinking healthy and exercise is the answer…but learning to detox my body of all the accumulated junk will jump start the the healing process. In this order I did a month long colon cleanse with P&B (lemon flavored) in water, added a parasite cleanse with ParaGone, then started on Liver detox once the lower passageway is cleared. Started with Liver diet and herbsand Livatone, after a month I will do a Liver Flush (the Coke protocol seems less severe as opposed to Hulda Clark) and first must take malic acid or drink organic apple juice for a week building up) . having read about the liver flush from people who have tried it, I expect to resolve many of my lingering problems and 20 extra pounds of belly fat. Good luck to everyone who is on this journey
the information is out there, all we have to do is use it …
I was diagnosed with fatty liver in 2004 with Stage 1 grade 0. This month the biopsy shows Stage 1 Grade 1. Obviously I have to act to change my life diet. Can one just stay on this diet forever? What’s the point of sugar and bad fat, if it’s going to kill me. So my question is: What’s missing that one needs from time to time for proper health? Is there anything I should have that’s a no, no, for the diet; but should have once in awhile for balanced health?
Also, how important do you think a coffee enema is for fatty liver? How often, regularly or yearly?
Hi Ken,
Dr. Cabot advises what to eat for a lifetime diet – see “Foods to eat for lifetime diet” and “Foods to avoid for lifetime diet”
I focus on the food side of diets, and I don’t know enough advise on enemas.
I think it is great to have everyone commenting on this diet. I just started the diet yesterday and I already see I am going to have a hard time giving up a few things, mainly sugar. Not that I eat sugar all the time. I take people to lunch for my job so eating out and traveling is going to be hard on this diet as where will I get my juice in the morning(I have to say 2 days on the fresh juice and I kind of like it) the telling sign will be afternoons and do I experience the need for a nap around 1-3 pm. Oh well I just wanted to say good luck to everyone and keep sharing as I see this as a Journey to a new me and I should be able to make it 8 weeks without a steak,damn I love steak.
I will be starting the diet on Monday. I don’t have a juicer but before I buy one, are Innocent Smoothies and Cawston Press juices allowed? They claim to be 100% natural. Also V8 vegetable juice? It’s made from concentrate. Thanks.
Dr. Cabot asks you to use fresh raw juices, and vegetable juices rather than fruit juices. Innocent and Cawston are both mainly fruit, and V8 can’t really be described as a fresh juice and it isn’t raw (commercial juices tend to be pasteurized, which means they’re heated at a temperature high enough that they’re not considered raw).
The liver cleanse brings incredible improvements to health, go and see many testimonies on the web-site of a user of this technic :
Best regards, Denis, France.
I have the latest version of the book with the recipes in the back… but i was wondering, do i need to use only these recipes or can i use the principles involved re: protein and carb types and portion sizes (sticking to the “foods to eat on the liver cleansing diet” as per above), but use different veges and allowed seasonings… and/or combining in a different way.. is there any “magic” in the food and seasoning combos or is it the types of protein and carbs and the portion sizes. i have a young family and one child with food allergies so i need to work around them.. i can’t manage cooking separate meals for everyone!
I don’t think you need to only use the recipes; they’re there to give you ideas of what to eat.
I can’t find many meal proportion guidelines in the book. It looks like Dr. Cabot asks you to:
– Eat 40% of your diet as raw vegetables and fruit, in particular dark green leafy vegetables, orange- and red-colored fruit and vegetables
– Eat protein at every meal (from the allowed list), especially for children
– Don’t eat a high carbohydrate diet
– Vary the foods you eat (especially grains) to reduce allergies
Hi. i was checking out another website about the liver cleansing diet by sandra cabot and it mentioned synd x slimming protein powder.. is that allowed during the 8 week cleanse?
I focus on the food side of diets, not supplements, so I don’t know the answer to that question…
Hi , i did the lcd and took liver tone shots twice 6 and 5 years ago . I have stuck to the eating plan as i had amazing results and lost 50 kilos over 3 to 4 years . You state above you can have chicken in the middle 4 weeks of the diet but in the book it was off the list ????? Since then i have discovered Ian Gawler and now do his Wellness Diet . I have mended my body !!!! The LCD was amazing to kick start the healing process , Ian Gawler,s Wellness Diet is very hard core and takes intense commitment but it cures cancer so it,s worth it . The knowledge and success i,ve had have helped me on so many levels . I recommend both these diets [ lifelong eating plans ] to everyone . When i see what people have in their food trolleys i want to yell at them ” how can you feed that terrible toxic rubbish to your family ” but i restrain myself as i used to do it . Now i,m a healthy , obsessed food bore but i never felt better . Do the cleanse it,s worth it .
Thanks for the feedback!
As you say, chicken isn’t allowed in the middle 4 weeks of the diet. My wording of which proteins to eat and when was a little unclear, so I updated it.
I did the LCD several years ago and lost 22lbs and my cholesterol dropped 68 points. My DR said to “keep it up”, but of course, as time went on, I gradually went back to my old ways of eating and now am back to square one. I KNOW the LCD works and I appreciate all the encouragement from comments on here and also the new updated information! Wish me luck!
Good luck!
love the livertone diet / used book in conjuction to formula–I lost 60 lbs in a year and I felt terrific–since then i dropped off the wagon due to some deaths that caused such a depression ..but im better now and ive just started on this again..feeling good already..i try to educate people as much as i can now concerning the liver and the importance it plays in metabolism and weightloss and all the other is GREAT,,
What do you think of the LivLean product from Perfect Origins? is this a good product to take to help detox my liver and strengthen it?
THank you!
Hi Wendy,
I concentrate on the food side of diets, not supplements or other products, sorry I can’t help you there.
Lent out my copy of LCD and need to make up some LSA. Need to get the proportions for Linseed/Sunflower seeds and Almonds if you can help. Thanks
It’s 3:2:1 whole linseed/flaxseed : whole sunflower seeds : whole almonds, mixed and ground until fine.
Thanks for the information Penny.
I am 25 and diagnosed with mild fatty liver. would this diet plan help me recover?
The book claims that the diet helps reverse fatty liver.
Dear Penny,
thank you for the detailled overview – helped me a lot.
greetings from germany!
You’re welcome!
Hi, I am considering completing the LCD, however I am unclear of the portion sizes in some of the recipes, is it fair to say that where it doesn’t state portion size then this is a serving for one? My version is from 2000. Look forward to your reply. Jewels
I’m looking at the 2010 version, and all the recipes I see tell you the number of servings – and they all have at least 2 servings.
This isn’t a limited-calorie diet, so portion sizes may be aimed more towards keeping the portion sizes reasonable so you don’t overfill yourself.
I have just started on the save your gallbladder diet which is more severe than dr cabot lcd but I have been really tired and unwell for 12 months with no real diagnoses got bits of everything from mobile gallstones to a very small fatty spot on my liver so im on my way to a revialised me thanks to the liver cleansing diet and save your gallbladder
Can I put Chia seeds and goji berries in my smoothies
Seeds (preferably sprouted) and dried fruits are allowed in this diet; I can’t find anything that says you shouldn’t add them to smoothies.
Hi. You state no-free-range chicken. The rage at the moment is organic. Is this one in the same and permitted? If not, what do you mean by non-free-range?
During the first 2 weeks and the last 2 weeks of the 8-week program, you can have free-range or organic chicken (skinless).
For “avoid” foods during those weeks, you shouldn’t have chicken that isn’t free range or organic.
“Organic” refers to a set of growing and raising standards instituted by the government, focusing heavily on the avoidance of synthetic chemicals and food sources for animals, and mandating a certain amount of outdoor access. “Free-range,” by contrast, does not address food sources or chemicals, but solely the fact that animals have the ability to access the outdoors. (Homeguides)
Hi there, about to embark upon the LCD this week. I have Graves Disease, a rather large gallstone and poor liver function – hoping this will settle things down so I don’t need to have any unnecessary surgery. I’m also using the Fitness Pal and Run Keeper apps (which link to each) to monitor food intake and exercise. It would be amazing if some clever person could create and LCD app which also links to these…. this time in 12 weeks I expect to be healthier, fitter and happier…
Good luck!
Dr. Cabot says you should exercise, but she isn’t impressed with “obsessive high-impact aerobic exercise” – make sure you don’t overdo the exercise.
Worked for me! The fat melts off from places I wasn’t even paying attention. The body seems to know where it needs to be removed. I will begin the maintenance soon.
I tell everyone about it!
Download book is the least expensive and the easiest to use.
I’m just about to start the LCD but are a bit confused on what oils to use, can you have any cold pressed virgin oil, like rapeseed oil? I’ve tried making mayo with cold pressed virgin olive oil & it tastes too strong. I’ve got two editions of the book, in the lastest one it says you can heat oil for stirfrying etc but in the older version she says never heat oil, I’m guessing it’s ok as long as it doesnt get too hot? Thanks
Dr. Cabot doesn’t say you should exclude any cold pressed oils, so rapeseed oil / canola oil should be fine on this diet.
The newer version of the book asks you to avoid damaged fats, which includes margarines, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils / trans-fatty acids, shortening, oils used for deep frying and/or repeatedly reheated, and rancid oils.
If you stir fry with new oil and don’t let it get smoky, that should be fine.
I must be missing something. I have the book and I don’t really see a whole lot of difference between the weeks. Taking out an egg yolk and keeping the egg whites is certainly not enough to sustain increased weight loss. Neither is taking out 1/2 of a chicken breast. She lists vegetarian meals in the first two weeks, so if I did that there would be no difference between that and the next four weeks. I see that there are more vegetarian meals so would that be it? It just seems like the same amount of food to me for each of the 8 weeks.
“leafy greens” are listed under fat?
The main listing for leafy greens is under fruit and veg.
The author also notes that omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which she encourages you to eat, can be found in leafy greens.
Hi, just wondering if I am allowed to have coconut sugar instead of Stevia on the LCD? Thanks
Dr. Cabot doesn’t mention coconut sugar in the book or on her website.
Honey and brown rice syrup are caloric sweeteners that are allowed in this diet, and coconut sugar probably has the same amount of processing as brown rice syrup, so I’d assume it’s okay to have coconut sugar.
I am a little confused as to the portion sizes, especially for lunch and dinner, any advice ? Also can you drink mineral water ?
Dr. Cabot doesn’t give clear guidelines about general portion sizes, but there are portions in the recipes in the book. Divide the full recipe by the number of servings to get the portion size per serving – unfortunately not all the recipes have the number of servings. Listen to your “real” hunger to see if that serving size feels right.
she says that you shouldn’t have to measure each portion of food and count the calories. She also says “if you stick to the liver-friendly foods found in the LCD you can’t go wrong, provided you listen to your real physical hunger”. “Ignore the bathroom scales as the aim of the LCD is to cleanse your body and rejuvenate your entire metabolism, not merely to lose weight. Weight loss will occur hand in hand with the improvement in liver function over the eight-week period of the LCD.” “During any period of dieting, weight loss may enter a temporary standstill; this phase is known as a weight loss PLATEAU and may last from two to four weeks. During the plateau phase the LCD is still working, even though weight loss is not occurring because the intracellular metabolic changes that must first occur before weight loss can recommence are taking place during the plateau phase; be patient and weight loss will resume with increased vigor. If you ignore the bathroom scales you won’t even notice this temporary plateau and will avoid frustration and give yourself a greater chance of hanging in there on the LCD for much longer.”
She doesn’t say why she asks you to use filtered or purified water – as she doesn’t say you should avoid mineral water I’d assume that she wants you to avoid the additives in tap water, in which case mineral water would be okay.
Why no egg yolks in the middle four weeks? Is this really that big of a deal or issue for the liver to process? They are natural food so I’m guessing not.
I can’t find any explanation of why, but in the “Evening Meals – Section Two” section Dr. Cabot says “During the middle four weeks (section two) you need to avoid chicken and egg yolks; however seafood is allowed.”
It might be something related to the comment that the liver is the major fat-burning organ in your body – she advises you to avoid excessive saturated or damaged fats, so it’s possible that in section 2 you’re giving your liver a rest from all saturated fats.
to whom this may concern
I have been having 3 tablespoons of LSA three times a day is this too much? How much should I be having? I am going into my 8th week of being on the LCD and have not lost any weight why would this be?
I would really appreciate a speedy reply.
Thank you so much
I look at the food side of the diets and don’t know much about the supplements side.
If you’re using the diet primarily to lose weight, and you’re not losing weight, it might not be the right diet for you personally.
If you’re using it to improve your liver function – are you feeling any better in terms of symptoms?
My husband is having blood tests and has had a liver biopsy,thankfully he does not have cancer,but has a familiar history of cholesterol.He was on cholesterol tabs for years,he is only 43,some tabs side affects the liver.Two years ago he did a 3month diebetic course which covered how to read packet per serve in fats sugar etc.The course also covered exercise,he lost ten kilos.His main problem was alcohol,he drank every evening,his work was demanding
60-70 hrs a week and constantly on call.As a wife ,I could see the alcohol pattern,like most of us we feel invincible,
As a wife giving advice was just nagging,so I worded up my friend who uses Dr Cabots book,he took her advice like a lamb,don’t you just love it?Whatever works to get his head around it and embrace the advice of Dr Cabot!
Hi I have a couple of questions if that’s ok. I can’t seem to find cold pressed sunflower oil, does it have be cold pressed or is regular sunflower oil ok to make mayo etc with? Also regarding fruit juice, is it ok to consume 100% bottled fruit juice on the LCD if I’m still having raw veggie juice each morning. Thanks.
Dr. Cabot says “Ideally you should buy unrefined oils that have been mechanically pressed (genuinely cold-pressed) and kept in dark-colored glass bottles to block out the light. Keep your bottle of oil in the fridge or a cool dark cupboard. Sometimes these high quality oils can be harder to find, but your health food store should be able to help.”
She points out that fruit juices are high in natural sugars – it looks like she prefers you to eat your fruit whole.
Hi again, I’ve just been looking through the LCD website at recipes and some recipes say to use either olive oil, ghee or butter?? I thought ghee and butter were off limits. Just wondering if you could clear that up for me thanks. I’m into my second week now & feeling good
The book says that you should avoid butter and margarine, although it says that organic butter can be useful for children. It basically says you should avoid dairy for the 8 weeks of the program.
On the website, which has more recent updates, Dr. Cabot says in that cold pressed, unrefined oils are the healthiest (virgin olive oil, macadamia nut oil); coconut oil, olive oil, ghee or organic butter are great for cooking or coating vegetables to be roasted; and that you can have small quantities of saturated fats including cream, cheese, and butter.
But it’s not clear whether butter is recommended during the 8 week liver cleanse program. The recipes on (which is not Dr. Cabot’s main website) don’t tell you that they’re acceptable in a specific week of the program, so it looks like they may be for use after the program.
i can understand i am a small guy and i have to be on a diet i understand someone over weight but i am sure not so for me i guess lots of fruits and vegetables fish and skinless chicken press and brown rice and stay away from proceesed foods i will do good i would like try dr sandras cabot liver cleans pills but iam abit worried it might harm the liver than do it good i would like an email from her to see if its safe to take
Here’s the contact page on Dr Cabot’s website:
I did the liver cleanse nearly ten years ago and felt great – I seem to remember raw sugar was ok in very small doses as some of the recipes had it listed in the ingredients. Is this still the case in the revised editions? I wonder if I could get away with half a teaspoon of brown sugar in my coffee or tea now and again during the 8 weeks?
The book say to avoid eating large amounts of sugar, especially refined sugars (Principle Three). It doesn’t say to avoid it completely, and it doesn’t explain how much “large amounts” is; some of the recipes have a teaspoon or so per serving of raw brown sugar or raw sugar.
Would you say this diet is a must for a person who has has a liver transplant?
You should check with your doctor to see whether it would be beneficial in your personal case.
I’m on day 4 of the liver/gall bladder cleanse to hopefully pass gall stones and am wondering if I can ONLY eat the raw fruits and vegetables. Can I have anything that’s a plant? Grains, beans? I’ve lost about 6 lbs already and my gall bladder has not bothered me any.
You can have anything listed under Foods to eat in The Liver Cleansing Diet – “Always, eat”. That includes the listed fruit and veg, grains, proteins (including legumes; some proteins are always allowed and others are allowed on different weeks of the diet), fats, etc.
Drinking hot fresh lemon water fist thing in the morning good for a fatty liver? What about taking Living Clay to detox the body?
Thank you.
The book says that first thing on arising you should drink 2 large glasses of purified water with the juice of a fresh lemon, lime, or orange added. It doesn’t say anything about hot water. It also doesn’t mention clay.
I can find nothing in the book about condiments. Is it ok to use hot sauce, tabasco or Worchester sauce?
The condiments I find listed in the book as okay to eat are: Dry mustard powder, soy sauce, and vinegar – apple cider, balsamic, or white wine
Chili powder is allowed, so there isn’t a rule against hot foods. If you want to use hot sauce, tabasco, or worcestershire sauce, check that they’re free of MSG, artificial, artificial sweeteners, colorings, and preservatives.
ive done this diet about 4 times and always feel amazing afterwards.
I also have an issue with my thyroid and the biggest thing I notice is the surge in energy levels.
I’m a fan.
I have cirrhosis. I eat every day fresh cheese for 40 years. It saves me.
Can I use all coconut oil products.
Compressed oil and milk?
Coconut milk is made (at home) by adding hot water to fresh coconut meat and letting it pull the “milk” out – if you leave that to sit, the “cream” rises to the top, and the oil is extracted from the cream.
Coconut milk is probably fine.
From what I understand, “compressed oil” is the natural oil extracted by a certain method – I can’t find any guidance on how natural that process is, but if it’s natural then that should be fine.
Hi, I used this diet 16 years ago after breast cancer and it was great. Now have a neuroendocrine
cancer with metastases to the liver and although I watch my diet I though I would try this again?Any comments?
I’m glad you did so well 16 years ago; sorry to hear about your current condition.
You could try the diet again, but it’s not a definite cure.
Check with your doctor to see if there would be any reason not to try it.
I pulled this book back out after having last done the cleanse almost 10 years ago. Doctor says my liver enzymes are elevated and I should drink no alcohol for a few weeks and get retested. I decided to do the LCD in conjunction with alcohol cessation. My doctor does not want me taking herbal supplements of any kind but thought the LCD a good plan. So, I’m on day 3. Best news is I’m not hungry. Kinda want a nice little glass of wine, but will hold off per Doctors orders and having a nice glass of water instead. I have a really old edition of the book. Wondering if I can have pickles, not the sweet kind of course.
I can’t find anything in the book about pickles, but vinegar is allowed.
If you were making your own / having lacto-fermented pickles (without sugar) I can’t see anything in the book that would imply you shouldn’t have that either. Lacto-fermented pickles are made with quite a lot of salt – this isn’t a low-salt diet as many recipes call for a pinch or a dash of sea salt. Perhaps avoid having a large amount of salty food, not that it specifically mentions that in the book.
thank you for the encouragement!
You’re welcome! I hope you’re feeling healthier.
Is wheatbix alright to have for breakfast?
They’re mostly whole grain wheat, which is listed as a food to eat. As long as you eat them with unsweetened soy, almond, coconut, or rice milk, and without a significant amount of added sugar, it should fit within this diet.
Is it ok to drink soda water while doing the liver cleanse?
It’s not entirely clear from the book. Dr. Cabot says to reduce or avoid the use of sodas and diet pop, but she appears to think of these as sweet drinks. Soda water can be quite acidic, but there isn’t anything I can find in the book about avoiding acidic foods. Maybe you could avoid it for a while then introduce it and see how you react to it.
What about sushi? I would think that if it hasn’t been fried or have certain sauces on it it should be ok to eat.
Sushi is generally made with white rice, which this book says you should always avoid.
In the first two weeks section for breakfast is says on arise drink water with the juice of 1 lemon and so on and then drink vegetable juice from carrot, celery, cabbage, apple, orange, fresh green herbs, but it doesn’t give you the recipe to make it like how much carrot or celery or cabbage and so on. or am I missing something. how do I find that recipe.
There isn’t a precise recipe for raw juices – you can find foods that are fresh and available and start experimenting.
Dr. Cabot says “The best things to juice are: Red, purple and green cabbage, carrots, oranges, limes, lemons, pears, bell peppers, apples, beets, red onion, red radish and ginger root. If you have the correct type of juicer you should start to include fresh herbs as ingredients in your juice mixtures. I use parsley, mint, basil, chives, cilantro, thyme and oregano etc. – but not all at once! The taste of these herbs is zingy, tangy and refreshing and can be a little bitter, so just use small amounts of the strong tasting herbs in your juices and salads.”
what about natural butters like almond/peanut butter? ones with no sugar
Those are fine. They’re referred to under “Shopping/Grocery list for Liver Lovers” in the section on children.
Can organic and cold pressed juices be used instead of expensive juicing?
The book suggests that you use fresh juices – the ones you buy in a bottle in the supermarket might not be very fresh and may therefore be less beneficial.
Ive only started trying the liver cleansing diet a few days ago having fatty liver. this time the pain was wose than ever and in a few days of no sugar /fats cept olive oil its eased . but this on top of the life stresses /burnout I find it hard to organise it . what to eat etc for each meal . bearing in mind I care for a mother with dementia and an autistic daughter
So sorry to hear that. Are there any things you can do from this diet that are a quicker fix for you, rather than always following the full diet? Something’s probably better than burning out and doing nothing.
Thanks for sharing, this was very informative