10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse (2014) is a 10-day detox/cleanse made up of green leafy veggies, fruit, and water.
- 10-day cleanse – either full (green smoothies and light snacks) or modified (green smoothies and snacks and a non-smoothie meal a day).
- Continuing to lose weight / lifetime diet – unprocessed, lots of produce, healthy fats, low sugar.
Below is a description of the food recommendations in the diet. Summary | Full cleanse | Modified cleanse | Breaking the cleanse | Repeating or extending the cleanse | Continuing to lose weight. There’s a lot more in the book.
Use this page as a cheat sheet alongside the book. Send this page to friends, family, and anyone else who you want to understand what you’re eating on this diet.
Get a copy of 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse for a detailed explanation of why a green smoothie cleanse is good for you, detox methods, testimonials, 10 Commandments for Looking Young and Feeling Great, green smoothie recipes for the 10-day cleanse, over 100 green smoothie recipes for after the cleanse, and clean high protein recipes.
The reasoning behind 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse
The book says that the first step in losing weight is detoxification, to remove toxic overload from the body. Toxins stored in fat cells are difficult to get rid of through dieting alone. You must first detoxify the body. Thus, the most effective weight-loss programs should focus on both fat loss and detoxification, which lead to overall improved health and wellness. Raw greens can heal the body. You will detoxify your body through elimination of certain foods for ten days and reprogram your taste buds to desire healthy, nutrient-rich foods. The author states that after you complete the cleanse, you will never have to count calories or follow complicated or expensive meal plans or measure food again, as your body will naturally crave and desire healthy, natural foods.
10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse diet plan – what to eat and foods to avoid
- Full cleanse – eat only smoothies, snacks, and water/tea for 10 days
- Modified cleanse – eat 2 smoothies for breakfast and lunch, 1 healthy meal for dinner, and snacks and water/tea for 10 days
- Breaking the cleanse
- Repeating or extending the cleanse
- Continuing to lose weight
Full cleanse
What to eat on the full cleanse | Foods to avoid on the full cleanse
The full cleanse consists of three smoothies, snacks, and water/ tea for the entire ten days. This will provide the most health and weight-loss benefits, with an expected weight loss between ten and fifteen pounds, according to the book.
Don’t stay on the full cleanse for longer than 2 weeks straight.
Foods to eat in 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse – Full Cleanse
- Green smoothies – ingredients
- All ingredients are raw. Only use green leafy veggies, fruits and water in the green smoothies during the 10-day cleanse
- Use dark green leafy vegetables – greens include arugula, beet greens, bok choy, carrot top leaves, chard/Swiss chard, collard greens, dandelion greens, kale, lettuce (especially with dark green leaves), mustard greens, parsley, radish tops, sorrel, spinach, spring greens, turnip greens, watercress.
- Remove the stems for your greens for the best taste. Rotate your greens so you don’t build up harmful amounts of alkaloids
- Green smoothies can contain 40% greens are a source of protein. If you feel you need additional protein because of a heavy workout, you can add protein powder in your blender, and the author suggests you add 1 scoop of protein powder per day to your green smoothies so you feel full longer and will help keep your metabolism high. Use a non-dairy, plant -based protein powder, such as rice, soy, or hemp protein, and not whey protein powder, which is made from cow’s milk. The author’s favorites are RAW Protein by Garden of Life, SunWarrior protein blend, and Rainbow Light’s Acai Berry Blast Protein Energizer. There are other quality options also
- Add fruits – e.g. apples, bananas, blueberries, grapes (seedless), mango, mixed berries, peaches, pineapple, strawberries. If you’re diabetic or have candida, use only low-sugar fruits, monitor blood sugar, and get a doctor’s permission before following the diet. Note that low-sugar fruits include apples, grapefruits , lemons, limes, cherries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, goji berries, and blueberries; moderate-sugar fruits include peaches, oranges, pears, apples, pomegranates, and plums; high-sugar fruits include apricots, melons, kiwis, mangos, papayas, pineapples, bananas, dates, figs, raisins, and grapes. Go easy on fruits; don’t overdo them
- Fruits can be fresh or frozen. Use ripe fruit – if it isn’t ripe when you get it, allow it to get ripe before adding it to your blender
- Superfoods such as maca or acai berries can be added if you want
- Ground flaxseeds are included in most recipes
- Stevia is included in most recipes as a sweetener
- Use organic ingredients where possible. If you can’t find organic fruits and vegetables, wash off the pesticides and waxes as best you can, using special cleansers from health food stores or vinegar, scrubbing and rinsing carefully
- Use spring or purified water in your green smoothies. Another option is alkaline water, which aids in detoxification and better hydration. You can add ice if you want. Tap water is not recommended for use
- Green smoothies – instructions
- Each day you drink up to 60 ounces of green smoothies per day (you get less than this in the recipes – see below)
- Follow the recipes in the book, as these have been designed for detox and weight loss – each recipe for the 10-day cleanse is for 3 servings – they make about 36-48 ounces of smoothie, which you can divide into 3 servings of 12-16 ounces each
- Use smoothies, not juices – smoothies contain whole foods with lots of fiber
- Prepare your entire day’s worth of green smoothies in the morning and pack it up to take with you
- Keep it refrigerated as much as possible
- Drink 1/3 of the recipe (12-16 ounces) every 3-4 hours throughout the day or sip on the smoothie as you get hungry
- Chew your smoothies as much as possible, to avoid gas and bloating
- If you don’t feel like drinking the entire day’s worth of smoothie, then drink at least two of them to ensure your body gets the proper nutrition. It’s important to drink a green smoothie or snack every three to four hours to keep your metabolism revved up. You will desire less food, but you still need to give your body fuel (smoothie or snack) every three to four hours
- Blenders – Use a high-speed blender, around 1000 watts. These brands are mentioned: Vitamix, Blendtec, and Nutribullet. If you’re using a smaller blender, you may need to make the day’s recipe in two batches
- You may snack on apples, celery, carrots, cucumbers, and other crunchy veggies throughout the day
- Other high-protein snacks include unsweetened peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, and raw or unsalted nuts and seeds (only a handful)
- Daily routine
- Begin each morning by drinking a few glasses of water to replenish what was lost overnight
- Follow with a cup of detox tea which will provide cleansing support for your liver and kidneys. Feel free to add stevia, a natural sweetener, to your detox tea to enhance the taste
- It is very important to drink a lot of water each day during the cleanse. Drink at least 8 glasses of water (64 ounces) per day as well as detox tea (e.g. Detox Tea by Triple Leaf and Yogi brands) or herbal teas (e.g. chamomile tea, peppermint tea, green tea, dandelion root tea, ginger tea, milk thistle tea, sarsaparilla tea, ginseng tea), as desired
- For the first few days, you will feel hungry and irritable. Snack until your body adjusts to less food. You can snack to get rid of the hunger. However, if you snack all day, you will not lose as much weight. But don’t worry about that
- Typical detoxification symptoms include headaches, pains, nausea, cravings, fatigue, muscle aches, skin rashes, and irritability. If the detox symptoms are too strong, follow these guidelines:
- Change the ratio of fruit to vegetables – start with 30% greens to 70% fruit and work your way up to more greens and less fruit over time
- Hydrate – drink lots of water to help with the cleansing process
- Ease gradually into the full cleanse – on your first day, have a green smoothie for breakfast and eat light, healthy meals for lunch and dinner (big salads). Remember to still avoid sugar, meats, dairy, etc. On your second day, have green smoothies for breakfast and lunch but a light healthy meal, such as a salad, for dinner. By the third day, you should be ready to resume with green smoothies all day. If not, just switch to the modified cleanse for the remainder of the cleanse period
Foods to avoid with 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse – Full Cleanse
- In your smoothies for the 10-day cleanse, do not include any starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, or any other vegetable that are not leafy greens
- Refined and processed foods
- Refined sugar
- Refined carbs – white bread, pastas, donuts, etc.
- Processed foods
- Animal foods
- Meat
- Dairy – milk, cheese, etc.
- Beverages that dehydrate you
- Liquor, beer
- Coffee
- Sodas/ diet sodas
- Fried foods
Modified cleanse
The modified cleanse consists of two green smoothies (one for breakfast and one for lunch), with one healthy meal for dinner, snacks, and water/ tea.
The modified cleanse was designed for people who are unwilling or unable to stick with the full cleanse for 10 days, or for people who aren’t looking to lose a lot of weight but want to detox. Weight loss may not be as dramatic as the full cleanse, but the book claims you can still expect to lose between 5-10 pounds in the first 10 days.
Foods to eat in 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse – Modified Cleanse
- See Foods to Eat – Full Cleanse above
- Eat green smoothies for 2 meals each day (12-16 ounces of liquid each), and have a healthy meal for one meal
- Suggestion is to have smoothies for breakfast and lunch and the healthy meal for dinner, but you can use any two meals for the green smoothies as long as you have one healthy meal per day
- Healthy meal for dinner:
- The one healthy meal may consist of a salad, sautéed veggies, and fish or chicken (grilled or baked)
- Drink at least eight glasses of water (64 ounces) per day, and drink detox or herbal teas as desired. Drink the detox tea first thing every morning
Foods to avoid with 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse – Modified Cleanse
See Food to Avoid – Full Cleanse above
Breaking the cleanse
- Do not go right back into eating whole foods right after the cleanse. Take at least 3 days to reintroduce whole foods. Salads are a good way to start. Continue drinking your smoothies and listen to your body to see what foods work well for you. In the first two days after the cleanse, drink a green smoothie for breakfast and have a salad or sautéed veggies for lunch and dinner. The goal is to eat very light. Going back to eating whole foods too quickly can make you feel bloated and nauseous. The third day after the cleanse, you should be able to have one green smoothie for breakfast and light meals ( salads and lean, healthy meats such as fish or chicken) for lunch and dinner. By the fourth day, you should be able to eat whole foods easily, but keep your meals light and healthy
- It’s a good habit to always start your day with a green smoothie for breakfast to maintain weight loss. Even one green smoothie a day used as a replacement meal will put you on the road to permanent weight loss and better health. It will reawaken your metabolism and give you more energy
Repeating or extending the cleanse
JJ doesn’t recommend the full cleanse be longer than two weeks (14 days) straight – she says that you don’t want to run the risk of slowing your metabolism so it’s important to take a break from the full cleanse and re-introduce whole foods into your diet. A “break” would be several weeks (3-4 weeks). However, two green smoothies plus a high-protein meal per day is very healthy and can be done for life.
If you’ve been off the 10-day cleanse for a few weeks and now want to redo the full cleanse or do it for longer than 2 weeks, you have to deliberately add more protein into your diet and be sure to rotate or use different greens each week.
Also, once you get rid of toxins and waste during your first 10-day cleanse, you will most likely lose less the next time you do the full cleanse. Normal weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week after the cleanse. By doing the full cleanse longer than 14 days, you run the risk of slowing your metabolism which will just make it harder to lose weight in the long run. If you need to learn how to lose weight after the cleanse, see below. Just trying to do the full cleanse over and over back to back is not the answer… It’s a jumpstart to weight loss… After the 10-day cleanse, 1-2 pounds per week is normal and healthy. Detoxing should not be used as an extreme diet; that is not the answer to long-term permanent weight loss.
How to continue losing weight after the 10-day cleanse
What to eat to continue losing weight | Foods to avoid to continue losing weight
- To continue weight loss at about two pounds per week, drink two green smoothies a day and eat one clean, high-protein meal. To continue weight loss at about one pound per week, drink one green smoothie and have two clean, high-protein meals per day (there are recipes in the book)
- If you begin to plateau and weight loss stalls (2 weeks with no weight loss), check your hormones – see JJ’s book Lose Weight Without Dieting or Working Out
- Other weight loss tips
- Eat a big salad daily, including dark green leafy vegetables and lots of colorful vegetables
- Drink at least one green smoothie daily. You can add some protein, flaxseeds, spirulina, coconut oil , and bee pollen to it for an extra health boost
- Choose nutrient-rich foods, not empty calories like junk food
- Eat protein with every meal. Whenever you eat a carbohydrate, eat some protein with it – as a general guideline, the protein should be about half the amount of the carbohydrates in grams
- Avoid sugar, salt, and trans fat
- Limit red meat to 2-3 times a week
- Eat at least 30 grams of fiber a day
- Eat 4-5 times a day
- Buy organic as much as possible
- Drink lots of pure water
- Drink green tea, instead of coffee
- Don’t give in to emotional hunger
General weight loss – what to eat to support weight loss
- Animal protein
- Fish – e.g. bass, catfish, cod, flounder, haddock, halibut, herring, sardines, shrimp, sole, tilapia, trout, tuna, wild salmon
- Shellfish and other seafood – e.g. calamari, clams, crabmeat, lobster, oysters, scallops
- Poultry – e.g. cornish hen, skinless chicken, turkey breast, turkey bacon
- Veggies
- All dark greens, asparagus, avocados, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, celery, cucumbers, collards, garlic, green beans, kale, lettuce, mushrooms, olives, onions, parsley, peas, radishes, red peppers, squashes, sweet potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, yams, zucchini
- Fruits
- In general, all fruits are healthy for you. However, if you’re trying to lose weight (or are diabetic), the best fruits to eat are low-sugar fruits, which include blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, grapefruits, lemons, limes, passion fruit, raspberries, strawberries
- Grains (breads, pasta, rice)
- Barley, Brown rice, Bulgur, Buckwheat, Coconut Flour, Oats (steel-cut oats), Quinoa, Wild rice
- Beans/legumes
- Black-eye peas, black beans, butter beans, fava beans, garbanzo beans /chickpeas, green beans, kidney beans, peas, lentils, lima beans, navy beans /pinto beans, white beans
- Dairy
- Egg whites, eggs, almond milk, coconut milk, goat’s milk, hemp milk, oat milk, rice milk, non-dairy butter (vegan butter)
- Nuts and seeds
- Raw and unsalted nuts and seeds: almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, cedar nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts; seeds: chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds. The next best are roasted and unsalted nuts and seeds.
- Oils
- Avocado oil, coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil, fish oil, flaxseed oil, sesame oil
- Sweeteners
- Stevia, monk fruit, xylitol, agave nectar, raw honey, coconut palm sugar, sugar alcohol
- Spices & seasonings
- Apple cider vinegar, black pepper, cardamom, cayenne pepper, chili peppers, cilantro, cinnamon, ginger, parsley, garlic, nutmeg, onion, oregano, rosemary, sage, saffron, tamari, thyme, turmeric
- Snacks
- Fresh fruits & veggies, popcorn (lightly salted), unsweetened peanut butter / cashew butter / almond butter, organic unsweetened chocolate, nuts and seeds, hard-boiled eggs, plain yogurt, trail mix
- Beverages
- Distilled or spring water, alkaline water, coconut water, fresh-squeezed juices, green tea, black tea, mint tea/ other herbal teas
- Cooking methods
- Baking, broiling, grilling, poaching, pressure cooking, roasting, sautéing, steaming, stir frying
- Superfood additions for smoothies
- Acai berries, aloe vera, avocado, bee pollen, brewer’s (nutritional) yeast), cayenne pepper, chia seeds, raw chocolate, coconut oil, flax oil, ginger, goji berries, maca root, pomegranate juice, sprouts, wheat germ (raw), wheatgrass juice (fresh or powdered), yogurt or kefir
General weight loss – foods to avoid because they cause weight gain
- Animal protein
- Processed meats – e.g. bacon, beef jerky, hot dogs, pepperoni, salami, sausage
- High fat meats – e.g. prime rib, porterhouse
- Veggies
- All vegetables are generally good for you; however if you’re trying to lose weight, try to avoid eating white potatoes, red potatoes, corn, and plantains
- Fruits
- Canned fruits, dried fruits, and fruit snacks
- Grains (breads, pasta, rice)
- Bagels , donuts, white rice, white pasta, white bread, white flour
- Beans/legumes
- Dried beans, refried beans
- Dairy
- Regular (full-fat) cow’s milk, cheese, cottage cheese, cream cheese, and sour cream; condensed milk, powdered milk, powered eggs, yogurt with fruit on the bottom
- Nuts and seeds
- Sugar-coated nuts and seeds
- Oils
- Bacon fat , chicken fat, margarine, hydrogenated oils (trans fats), vegetable oils
- Sweeteners
- White sugar, high-fructose corn syrup HFCS, brown rice syrup, brown sugar, dextrose, fruit juice concentrate, raw sugar
- Spices & seasonings
- Ketchup, mayonnaise, MSG, table salt, Worcestershire sauce
- Snacks
- Candy, pies, corn chips, cookies, donuts, cakes, ice cream pastries, potato chips
- Beverages
- Sodas , sports drinks, store-bought fruit juices, mixed drinks, beer
- Cooking methods
- Barbequing, blackening, burning or charring, deep frying, pan frying
Health benefits claimed in 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse
The diet in this book claims to reduce the risks for: allergies, bloating, brain fog, constipation, poor digestion, low energy, fatigue, food cravings, headaches, indigestion, infections, insomnia, overweight/obesity, chronic pain, sensitivities, yeast infections
As always, this is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical diagnosis or treatment for a medical condition. Consult your doctor before starting a new diet. This page describes what the authors of the diet recommend – Chewfo is describing the diet only, not endorsing it.
Get a copy of 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse for a detailed explanation of why a green smoothie cleanse is good for you, detox methods, testimonials, 10 Commandments for Looking Young and Feeling Great, green smoothie recipes for the 10-day cleanse, over 100 green smoothie recipes for after the cleanse, and clean high protein recipes.
There’s a Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/Green.Smoothie.Cleanse/. JJ’s website is https://www.jjsmithonline.com.
How has this diet helped you? Please add a comment or question below.
{ 630 comments… add one }
Hi am very interested in this 10 day diet and wat it can.do for me and west all do I need to purchase to get start and where do I begin at
The book has a lot more detail – this webpage is a “cheat sheet” and I’d recommend getting the book for recipes and more information.
Do I need to drink bottled water instead of tap water
JJ says you shouldn’t drink tap water. She suggests spring water, purified water, or alkaline water. On the Facebook page search for filtered water, she suggests filtered water as well.
I am not needing to lose more than approx. 5lbs Can I only do a detox and which do you recommend…I am a healthy eater and have been all my adult life and exercise (walking swimming and stretching. keep active mentally puzzles, trivia and lots of reading listening classical and jazz music and Operas from Met on public tv and the live cinema show from the met newyork. Will be 95, 31st dec Been GREAT reading all the above.
I thank you so very much./..you are doing a wonderful service to the HEALTH OF ALL AGES
Wow, that’s impressive!
The modified cleanse might be a better idea for you – check with your doctor and take it easy!
Happy Birthday Bobsy!!
just wanted to thank you for your site…i ran into it for the FMD plan and it really helped clarifiy confusion while i was waiting for the book…this cleanse post does the same thing…very helpful!!
You’re welcome, I’m glad you find it useful!
Hi. I’m interested in trying this cleanse. However, I need to know if all of the ingredients are natural and if this is compatible with breastfeeding.
If you’re breastfeeding, you need to make sure you’re getting a full range of nutrition to pass on to your baby.
Perhaps you could add the smoothies to your other foods, rather than following the full set of recommendations which would restrict your foods probably too much.
The smoothies contain natural ingredients with lots of nutrients – the only ingredients with any processing are stevia and protein powder, which you don’t necessarily need to include.
I’m breastfeeding and I want to know if it’s safe to do this cleans? I understand about the calorie intake not being enough for all women to support their milk supply; I want to know if it will harm my child.
Your child is relying on your milk for nutrition; if you’re not providing enough milk or if your milk doesn’t have all the nutrients it should, that could be harmful to the child.
HOW DOES THIS WORK FOR DIABETICS? Really excited and geared to get ready to start on the day after memorial day. I hope this work. I want off get off meds.
The author advises if you have diabetes to watch out for the natural sugar content in green smoothies.
“It is recommended that diabetics or those who suffer with candida use only low-sugar fruits such as apples, grapefruits , lemons, limes, cherries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, goji berries, and blueberries. Moderate-sugar fruits include peaches, oranges, pears, apples, pomegranates, and plums. The high-sugar fruits are apricots, melons, kiwis, mangos, papayas, pineapples, bananas, dates, figs, raisins, and grapes. Be sure to monitor your blood sugar throughout the day to see that the numbers are stable! And, of course, get your doctor’s permission before you proceed with the cleanse.” (pp. 38-39)
Thank you Penny Hammond for asking the question I needed answered which was if diabetics could use this plan. I am anxious to try this out.
You’re welcome!
JJ says that the best fruits to eat are low-sugar fruits, which include blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, grapefruits, lemons, limes, passion fruit, raspberries, strawberries.
Note that type 1 diabetics and some other diabetics might have trouble with this level of fruit – check with your doctor, and see what feels right for you.
I am on day 8th.now but I am not have sometime 1 bowe movement per day and stool is hard. I’m drinking the detox tea twice a day. But i am not using the restroom enought.
Make sure you’re drinking lots of water – you need that in addition to the smoothies, 8 glasses / 64 ounces of water a day.
There are some smoothie recipes for constipation – beet pears, banana blueberry, banana prunes, orange mango, strawberry kiwi.
The author says “One rule of thumb as to whether to do a colonic is determined by how frequent your bowel movements are. If your body is managing the toxins and waste well through normal daily bowel movements (one to two per day), then you probably don’t need to have a colonic. If your bowel movements are less frequent than once a day, it may be a good idea to do a colonic to get your bowels moving more frequently.” (p. 61). There’s a whole section in the book on colonics.
If you have chronic constipation or difficult bowel movements for an extended period of time, the book suggests that you seek medical advice.
Also, JJ talks about getting Mag07 to help with bowel movements. You can’t find it everywhere but i have found it in Vitamin World for close to $30.
JJ Smith also talks about a much cheaper way to clean your bowels in the book. The Salt water flush…Much cheaper than the Mag07… I tried it and it works REALLY well!
she suggests taking m70 stool softener. it is not a laxitive but you take it at night and youll have a good bowel movement in the morning. she say you must move your bowels while on this cleanse
Hi Georgia, I ordered a bottle of PoopDoc (I know, crazy name), but it works. It is all natural and I had No side effects. I take it before I go to bed and it works the next day. I ordered from their website: http://www.poopdoc.com and I’m telling you, it really works! I hope this helps.
I just read about the greens
10 day green cleanse
I tried it for the first time this morning and mine was a dark brown(cocoa) I’m not sure if I did anything wrong
It sure wasn’t the nice green color in the picture, was very chocolate tasting. Is it really 2 T of cocoa.
Please let me know, maybe my handful of spinach wasn’t big enough.
A “green smoothie” is a smoothie that contains leafy green vegetables. It can also contain other foods.
The picture on the cover of the book is just of one recipe; not all will look the same.
The actual color of the smoothie depends on what’s in it. If there are other foods with strong colors (such as blueberries and cocoa), that can change the color of the smoothie, kinda like mixing paints.
Hi there,
Is it ever okay to use 1/3 of unsweetened almond milk in addition to water. I started today and used a litte almond milk. I’ve prepared my smoothies for the day so should I finish what i have already and then leave out the almond milk tomorrow??
Hi Kaisha,
JJ says that the recipes for the 10-day cleanse are designed for detox, weight loss, better energy, and mental clarity. After the detox, you can get creative and add variety. (p.26).
There are lots of recipes for after the 10 days which include unsweetened almond milk.
But for now, to follow this diet as recommended, finish with what you prepared for the day and leave it out tomorrow – follow the recipes in the book for the 10 days of the cleanse.
I think the smoothie in Women’s World is over 1400 calories per day for full meal replacement. 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. Should I only have 2 per day?
Did Woman’s World magazine publish an article about the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse by JJ Smith? I’m not sure if you’re asking about a smoothie that’s part of this diet.
I too picked up the Women’s World magazine after seeing the Green Smoothie Quick Slim Diet notice on the cover. I bought it and read and re-read it. It spoke about JJ’s book and her Facebook page I’ve been reading everything out there until I get the book. I started on the modified version and I love it! I’m feeling better, got the first really good sleep in a long while. Penny thank you for answering the color question as my smoothies were purple; was making the smoothie recipe in the magazine.
How can a smoothie with nothing but water, greens, and frozen fruit have 1400 calories?
I saw the article in Women World, and on facebook. I would love to see some success story of people before and after pictures. I am going to google to see if I can find some.
If you are on Facebook, you can look up the 10-day Green Smoothie page and you will see all kinds of success stories and photos.
I am currently on the 10 Day Green Smoothie diet, following the book by JJ Smith. I feel amazing! I started at 190.6 and I’m already at 185.2 I will not weigh again til Day 10. No headaches or anything so far. I usually jog 7 miles 4 times a week but my weight was up and down. Started this diet to get a jumpstart and I’m so happy I did.
I was wondering if you could do a vegetable soup instead of a salad.
JJ says that she created the 10-Day Smoothie Cleanse after learning how raw greens can heal the body.
When preparing for the cleanse and during the 10 days, the focus is on raw greens, so a soup would not be a substitute for salad.
For breaking the cleanse, you could start with salads and move on to vegetable soups as long as you keep up eating raw veggies.
Today is my first day on the cleasne and i was pleaseantly surprised that the smoothie actually tasted good. That is a bonus for me because i am not a big smoothie person. However, is this cleanse suppose to make you pee a lot because i go to the bathroom every hour on the hour?
Are you drinking a lot more liquids than usual, between the smoothies and the water and other drinks?
I am just starting today as well and was wondering about how many snacks I should have throughout the day. I was just going to eat if my body was telling me to but I want to loose weight. My snacks are broccoli, almonds, cauliflower, and carrots. I am also supplementing my coffee with green tea. I am only eating the spinach, pineapple, peaches and banana smoothie.
Of all the snacks you listed, the one that may affect your weight if you eat huge amounts of it is almonds. Follow what your body is telling you, but watch out to see if you’re overeating nuts – you could measure them into portions before you eat them.
Heading to Whole Foods now. Starting right away!
Do I have to use frozen fruit? Can I use fresh organic?
Fruit can be fresh or frozen.
JJ says you should make sure it’s ripe when you use it.
Thanks for this article! I know you already answered a breastfeeding question above, but I have a 9 month old who won’t take bottles so I don’t have the option to not breastfeed her if I do this. I’d say her solid food to breast milk ratio is about 50/50. I don’t have a very good diet at all, so I feel that this 10- day menu would probably be an improvement on my current diet rather than limiting it, especially if I do the modified version with one healthy meal for dinner and increase the fat content of her solid meals for the time period where there will be less of it in my milk.
I am wondering about the release of toxins and whether or not they will be released into my milk and transferred to her. I have no idea how this works and can’t find anything but peoples’ opinions in my searches so any info you have on the safety of detox while breastfeeding would be wonderful. Thanks in advance
Some people believe that toxins may be released into the breast milk.
You could try to start by increasing fruits/veggies (you could add these smoothies to your diet) – check to see how your baby reacts to more fruit and veggies in your diet.
Then slowly cut back on sugar, soda, refined carbs, fried foods, and processed foods (all potential toxins), so the change isn’t a shock to your system. See if you can cut them out completely.
Then slowly cut back on coffee/tea/caffeine, until you’re not having any more.
After you’ve done all that, see how you feel – you’ll have made many of the changes suggested in this diet, without moving to a full cleanse. By that point, your baby may not be breastfeeding any more… but if she is, you could try the modified version of the diet for a few days and see if it works for you and baby isn’t having any negative effects.
Since your body is full of the “toxins” anyway while your breastfeeding, the release would go through not only your breast milk but your baby. Meaning, he probably needs a detox of the toxins since you don’t eat very well. Me personally, and I’ve breastfed 6 babies (until 12-15 months) I would consider doing it. However, you must be aware of… POOP and GAS!! Baby will definitely have more bowels with the fruit and more gas with veggies. So this would make me monitor his reactions to the additional intake even more. You may want to increase his solid food (which you should be doing shortly anyway), adding more starches to help balance it out.
I would like to start the 10 day green smoothie cleanse. the problem i’m going to have is that I’m on a blood thinner and was told by my doctors to not eat a lot of green leafy veggies. or anything that is high in vitamin K. please help with any substitutions.
Thank you,
One of the blood thinner medication companies has a page that shows you which foods are high in vitamin K – http://www.coumadin.com/pdf/Foods_With_VitaminK.pdf.
The NIH has guidelines for this drug and vitamin K: http://ods.od.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/coumadin1.pdf – they say you should keep vitamin K consistent within a certain range, not avoid it completely, and make sure you have a consistent amount. It suggests that you limit foods “moderately high” in vitamin K to 3 servings per day – there’s a table of these, and each serving is about 1 cup of raw vegetables.
These show that raw vegetables are a lot lower in vitamin K than cooked ones. This diet calls for raw leafy green vegetables.
So you might be able to follow the diet – for each recipe, check that you’re eating vitamin K foods within the limited range, and watch out for snacks you eat. If it’s difficult to make the numbers, try the modified diet with low-vitamin K vegetables for the daily meal.
Thank you so much got more from your info then I did from my Dr.
Theresa….have you considered switching to one of the newer blood thinners that doesn’t require you to avoid green leafy veggies, such as Eliquis? If your kidneys are functioning well, you may be able to make the switch….AND you wouldn’t have to endure frequent PT blood draws.
I want to do this ten day green smoothie cleanse, do I have to give up my black coffee. I would drink green tea as well, but I really like my black coffee. Thank you!
JJ says that you should avoid coffee during the entire 10 days of the cleanse.
“Coffee containing caffeine gives your adrenal glands a rush, and it is important to take a break from this. Coffee is also acidic. As you cleanse, you are bringing your pH into a more alkaline state, which is imperative for good health. Coffee will interrupt the process of bringing your body into an alkaline state. It is also an irritant to the intestines. Take a break from it for now. If you need to, have a cup of green tea instead. But this also contains caffeine. Going without any caffeinated beverage is best.” (pp. 73-74)
Saw JJ Smith on the Steve Harvey Show. I love her. I also heard her on the radio show
Excited about starting this cleanse, however, I can’t eat bananas. Can I simply omit them in all of the recipies ?
JJ suggests that you follow her recipes exactly to achieve the best detoxing.
If you can’t eat one of the ingredients, try substituting it for something else – e.g. substitute a fruit for another fruit.
I want to get this book and begin the cleanse. My concern is I am 24/7 caregiver and sometimes I can’t just run to the bathroom when I want to. Do the BM’s come on so fast as to I may not make it to the bathroom in time. Like some people describe what happens when they take that drink before they have to get a colonoscopy? Lol thanks should I just start with 1 smoothie for a couple days then go to two ? Or is it not that drastic?
It’s probably going to vary from person to person.
You could try to add the smoothies gradually to see what the effect will be on you – might be a good idea if you’re not currently eating much fruit or veg.
I just tried my first green smoothie and was surprised at how delicious it was. I am confused a bought the volume however. Is each recipe intended to be ingested at one meal or spread throughout the day? I followed the recipe and it was a huge amount to drink all at once. Can you clarify please.
The recipes in the 10-day cleanse are for the whole day – so you only have to prepare it once.
JJ says to drink 1/3 every 3-4 hours throughout the day or sip on the smoothie as you get hungry.
I am not what you would call overweight but I have a muffin top would this 10 day cleanse be a good one for me?
Sure, you could try it to see if it works out for you. Some people might find that getting rid of sugar and processed foods, and even caffeine, (or eating more green veggies and detox foods), could help budge stubborn fat.
Started today.Used the Vitamix,the smoothie was awesome.Used blueberries,mangopineapple,banana and kale with flaxseeds.No lumps,smooth blend.
Where can I find the book in Syracuse. Ny? All the stores say it’s out if print. Thank you, Darlene
You can buy it online at amazon.com – it’s one of the top-selling books right now.
Can you use crystal light with your water intake???
I think that would probably qualify as a processed food – to be avoided during the 10-day cleanse.
I just purchased the book on amazon, are all the smoothie recipes included in this book as well?
The book has smoothie recipes for the 10-day cleanse, and also over 100 smoothie recipes for using after the initial 10 days.
I wanted to know how many smoothies the recipes in the back of the book make?
According to a 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Facebook page search on servings, the 100 recipes in the back of the book are 2 servings each.
What type of blender should i purchase or will a regular blender do???
JJ says to use a high-speed blender, around 1000 watts. These brands are mentioned: Vitamix, Blendtec, and Nutribullet. If you’re using a smaller blender, you may need to make the day’s recipe in two batches.
Saw JJ on the Steve Harvey Show. So excited to start this cleanse tomorrow. However, how much of the smoothie do I drink. 16oz, 24oz, 32oz, 48oz or 60 oz????
The recipes for the smoothies in the 10-day cleanse are for a full day of smoothies for the full cleanse.
The unblended ingredients are about 72 ounces. Once blended, they will blend down to about 36 to 48 ounces, depending on the blender size and the amount of water.
For the full cleanse: each day, drink 3 green smoothies (each one about 12-16 ounces of blended liquid): one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can also sip on the smoothie throughout the day as you get hungry. (p.23)
That’s 36 oz minimum (3x12oz), 48 oz if you have large servings (3x16oz), or more if you have it to sip on throughout the day as well. JJ says that you can drink up to 60 ounces of green smoothies per day (p.5)
For the modified cleanse: each day, drink 2 green smoothies (each one about 12-16 ounces of blended liquid): one for breakfast and lunch. Eat a meal within the guidelines for dinner. (p.25).
That’s 24 oz minimum (2x12oz), 32 oz if you have large servings (2x16oz), or more if you use it to sip on throughout the day as well.
So this is confusing ….. Above you said drink one smoothie all day and now this one it says to drink (2) smoothies. Which is it? Drink one smoothie all day for modified (OR) Drink 2 smoothies for Modified?
The smoothie recipes for the 10-day cleanse are each for 3 servings.
Make the whole recipe and divide it into 3 – if you’re following the full diet have all 3 portions, and if you’re following the modified diet have 2 portions for meals with the option of having some of the leftover smoothie for snacks. Or just make 2/3 of the whole recipe for 2 servings.
On the modified diet, you’re having one solid meal and 2 smoothie meals which are each 1 serving of smoothie.
I am on day 6. It has been extremely difficult doing this. I have lost 8 pounds so far and have varied slightly from the complete cleanse. It is hard going from eating out 2 times a day to this. I was probably taking in 3000 calories before and now I am taking in about 1200. My question is, does the 1200 calories sound right for a 200 lb. male? I am not exercising. I don’t think I would be able to if I wanted to. Thanks!!
Adding the protein to the smoothie, made a huge difference.
I just have a question! My family and myself are getting ready to start this cleanse, I was telling a friend about it, and she was concerned about it causing diahria, so that is my question! Thank you
If you suddenly eat/drink a lot more fiber, it’s possible you could get diarrhea temporarily. So if you never (or rarely) eat fruits and vegetables you may want to introduce the smoothies slowly, starting with one a day, so your body can get used to having more fiber.
Hello…..I’m on day 2 and I still have not made a bowel movement. I feel like I want to go, but it’s weird it feels like I’m constipated. I’ve been drinking pleanty of water, and I do have to go to the bathroom a lot for that, but not for a BM. I tried to get the Mag-07 but no one seems to have it or even know what it is. Is this something that you can only buy online? Thanks!
Yes, you can get Mag 07 online at Amazon and other online stores.
There are other suggestions in the book to keep your bowels moving, including saltwater flush (SWF), colonics, and liver cleansing.
This is my 3rd day on 10 day Cleanse, my hardest challenge is feeling hungry, although I have snacks available, like grapes and apples. I have felt light headed a few times, but on the whole I am noticing changes already. My evening meal consist of a green salad with 2 boiled eggs. Can I add steamed fish yet as me evening meals are becoming boring
If you’re following the full cleanse, the book doesn’t say that you can have fish, and also doesn’t say you can’t have it – it’s unclear, but if fish were allowed I’d expect to see it listed there so I assume not.
If the full cleanse isn’t working for you, you can try the modified cleanse, where you can have one light meal a day.
Hi I’m interested in trying the cleanse right now other than on line can I pick this book up at any book store or maybe walmart, target etc. I notice you never mentioned water melon will I be able to snack on it throughout the day. Thanks for sharing and caring!
I searched on the Walmart and Target websites, and at this time it looks like the book isn’t available there. You can get the book online at Amazon and other stores.
The book suggests you eat low-sugar fruits if you want to lose weight or are diabetic. Watermelon isn’t a low-sugar fruit, and if you eat a lot of it the amount of natural sugar you eat will add up. It’s included in smoothie recipes for after the initial cleanse.
Barnes and Nobles has the book also. I just bought one today.
Online Walmart have the book for less than $10
hi i have just started the 10 day full cleanse today i have had 1 pineapple/spinach smoothie recipe quantity split into 3 portions ,2 fennel teas and 1 twinnings detox tea ,2 small bottles of sparkling spring water. my querry is snacks …. can i have a boiled egg between smoothie 1 and 2 ,a handful of nuts between next smoothie and crunchy veg eg carrrot,bell pepper,celery and cucumber as a snack after last smoothie and still achieve a 15lb weightloss ? or is it better not to snack ? i am a bit confused on this issue, please could you advise me thanks .
I can’t say how much weight you’ll lose…
The book says that you may snack throughout the day, but doesn’t give you any guidelines on how much to snack on – although JJ says just a handful of nuts or seeds.
If you feel full enough with only minimal snacks, great. However, if you don’t feel full enough, it’s less likely you’re going to stay on the diet – if that’s the case it would probably be better to snack on the suggested foods rather than skipping snacks.
The focus is on health, not just weight loss.
I want to start the cleanse on Monday,but it is sold out everywhere, including Amazon. Can anyone tell me where I can find the book? Costco maybe? I have read all the online info I can find. Can anyone tell me what recipe is Day 1’s smoothie? I could maybe start with that and a hard boiled egg and salad. Thanks so much
Ah, that’s annoying – it’s selling bucketloads in the USA but the paperback is “temporarily out of stock” in Amazon Canada. You could try getting the Canadian Kindle for PC (free) or other free reading app, downloading the Kindle version and reading it on your computer if you want it urgently.
Day 1 smoothie: Berry Green (p.28)
3 handfuls spinach, 2 cups water, 1 apple (cored), 1 cup frozen mango, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1 handful frozen or fresh seedless grapes, 1 stevia packet (add more to sweeten if necessary), 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds, optional 1 scoop of protein powder
Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
Thanks so much Penny
Help! I am all ready to jumpstart my life with this cleanse and have read everything online I could find on it, but the book is sold out in Canada. Does anyone know where I might be able to get a copy? Or where I can get some recipes? I really need to start this ASAP. Thanks so much
Try E-bay. It may take a few days, but it is available there.
Try that link. She was on a show and there are a few recipes on there. Amazon has a digital version you can download immediately. http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Nutritionist-JJ-Smith-Shares-10-Day-Smoothie-Cleanse-Recipes-250635741.html
Thanks for giving Day 1 smoothie I too wanted to start on Monday.
LOVE this Book!!! I started doing the modified because i eat out everyday and didnt think i could handle the full cleanse. I lost 1 pound a day doing the modified and felt horrible the first two days with headach and sore throat but felt great after that. I am on day 1 of the full cleanse right now and excited about it. My sister is on day 3
I love the GSC Life and will not be stopping. My kids love the smoothies too so we all win and its a great way to get healthy into kids who wont eat it any other way!!!! Thanks JJ Smith for saving my life 
I have a problem. I don’t like tea. Is there anything else I can drink. I’ve tried to drink tea before and it just doesn’t agree with me. Any suggestions???? And . . . . can you use Splenda instead of Stevia. I’m on Social Security and that means a limited income. I already have a lot of Splenda and Stevia is expensive. I’m going to have enough problems affording this as it is and every little suggestion will help. Thanks
If you don’t like tea or herbal teas, you could just stick with drinking water.
JJ doesn’t give any alternatives for the detox tea she asks you to have first thing in the morning.
The sweeteners listed in the book to support weight loss are, listed in order of the best sweetener: Stevia, monk fruit, xylitol, agave nectar, raw honey, coconut palm sugar, sugar alcohol.
These sweeteners are listed as causing weight gain: White sugar, high-fructose corn syrup HFCS, brown rice syrup, brown sugar, dextrose, fruit juice concentrate, raw sugar.
Splenda is made with sucralose, dextrose, and maltodextrin – one of the ingredients is listed in the book as a cause for weight gain, and the others are similar. So it sounds like you shouldn’t be having it on this diet.
You could try to make the smoothies without an added sweetener – they contain fruit so they may be sweet enough already.
Is using ranch on my salads okay for during the 10 days?
With most brands, the first ingredient of ranch dressing is vegetable oil. JJ lists this as a food to avoid because it causes weight gain. So probably not a good idea for the 10 day cleanse.
I started Monday with the cleanse and I didn’t think I was going to make it but to my surprise I survived now I’m going to order the book and continue. I can’t wait to see what else I can do. Thank you for your response to all the commits.
The Green Smoothie Cleanse is a Nice Diet Program Developed to help You loss weight in a short while. I have lost more than 15 Pounds Following this Diet Program. I believe it is Diet But a lifestyle, that improve Your Overall health in a Short While. When in the program, I got A lot of Green Smoothie book that helped me loss weight Fast here Is one by Jessy Smith: http://www.amazon.com/10-Day-Green-Smoothie-Cleanse-Smoothies-ebook/dp/B00KCYJ4CO. Also Some Protein Recipes From The Same Author: http://www.amazon.com/10-Day-Smoothie-Cleanse-Protein-Recipes-ebook/dp/B00KDQZH2C/
“Remember it only take 10 Days to change a Habit” Make the 10 Day green Smoothie Cleanse Work For You
Hi! All I would like to say is I feel healthier (which is most important), my belly is going down and I lost 8 pounds in 3 days. Good luck! It takes a lot of discipline.
I have been on this program for 5 days now, and have lost 7 lbs. I wasn’t so sure about this ,but after the second dayI felt better than I have in months! It was the kick I needed to get back to a healthly lifestyle.
I’m on the 3rd day of the cleanse and I’m singing it’s praises to everyone!! The Smoothies are delicious and I don’t use the Stevia, they’re sweet enough with out it I’m doing the modified cleanse since weight loss isn’t an issue, but definitely have to detox and maybe lose a couple pounds. My question… on the modified cleanse , since I’m making the full recipe each day can I still drink all 3 smoothies and have a light dinner of grilled fish and a salad?I eat snacks during the day…carrots, celery, cucumbers, a hard boiled egg and a handful of almonds. I feel great and my sugar and caffeine cravings are gone. Is it OK that I’m having that 3rd smoothie on the modified plan ?? Thanks to JJ, this is the best,easiest,and most affordable cleanse I’ve ever come across and I can get almost everything I need at Trader Joe’s .
If you have the full recipe of the smoothies during the day plus a meal and snacks, that should be fine. However you’re eating more food that way, so you may lose a bit more weight if you have only 2 smoothie meals.
I recently ordered the book have not received it yet my question is the ninja blender a tood one to use for making these smoothe
JJ suggests you use a high-speed blender, around 1,000 watts. Ninja blenders tend to be lower speed, around 400 watts. They might not be powerful enough to blend all the ingredients to tiny pieces for a “smooth” smoothie.
Hi Marilyn,
I purchased the Ninja blender that is 1,000 watts and it is the perfect blender to use. It did a great job of blending all the items. Plus it came with 2 individual cups to blend with. I use the individual cups to drink the smoothies. She is correct when she states you need at least 1,000 watts. I’m on day one and the smoothies taste a lot better than I thought they would.
We just purchased the 1500 watt Ninja blender at Costco ($140) and it pulsed that stuff quite well. Couldn’t see spending the hundreds of $$$ more for the others.
And yes, the day one smoothie is tasty – looking forward to the full 10 days!
Are tomatoes permitted on the 10 day green smoothie cleanse?
If you’re doing the full cleanse for 10 days, none of the smoothie recipes contain tomatoes and you’re supposed to have “crunchy” veggies – tomatoes probably don’t count there. But it probably wouldn’t be the end of the world to include them.
If you’re doing the modified cleanse, tomatoes should be fine in the salads.
For long term / after the 10-day cleanse, you’re encouraged to eat tomatoes as a food that supports weight loss.
When starting the detox, does or can you have a skin breakout while the toxins are excreting?
That’s quite possible; people have many different symptoms when undergoing large changes in diet.
I am waiting for my book. Scheduled to arrive Thursday. Next on list is the blender. 2 questions.
1. Has anyone used the Ninja blender? Would this be a great choice. I want a quality blender without the cost overload of the Vitamix or Blendtec. Not a fan of the Nutribullet – I had one before.
2. I always shop with a list. Because I don’t have the book yet, is there a grocery list/what to buy? Or do I just add them to my own list?
JJ recommends a high-speed blender, around 1000 watts. A Ninja blender might not be able to handle all the fiber in green smoothies and break it down enough to have a smooth mouthfeel.
Here’s the shopping list for the first 5 days, from the book (p.20):
– 6 apples
– 1 bunch grapes (seedless)
– 20 ounces frozen peaches
– 20 ounces frozen blueberries
– 15 ounces frozen strawberries
– 10 ounces frozen mixed berries
– 6 ounces of mango chunks
– 3 bananas
– 1 bunch kale
– 20 ounces spinach
– 20 ounces spring mix greens
– Stevia sweetener (packets)
– Bag of ground flaxseeds (often in vitamin section)
– Fruit and veggies of your choice to munch on (such as apples, carrots, celery, etc.)
– Raw or unsalted nuts and seeds to snack on
– Detox tea (by Triple Leaf or Yogi brands)
– Sea salt (or any uniodized sea salt)
– OPTIONAL: Non-dairy/ plant-based protein powder, such as RAW Protein by Garden of Life or SunWarrior protein
And here’s the shopping list for the last five days (p.22):
– 20 ounces frozen mango chunks
– 20 ounces frozen peaches
– 20 ounces frozen pineapple chunks
– 10 ounces frozen mixed berries
– 6 ounces frozen blueberries
– 6 ounces frozen strawberries
– 2 apples
– 5 bananas
– 1 bunch kale
– 20 ounces spinach
– 20 ounces spring mix greens
– Fruit and veggies of your choice to munch on (such as apples, carrots, celery, etc.)
– Raw or unsalted nuts and seeds to snack on
I just started the Green Smoothie cleanse
! My day to day experience: http://asmoothieaday.weebly.com/our-experience.html
Thank you so much for your diary. It was extremely helpful and loved how honest you were through your experience. I have my grocery list and am ready to buy a high speed blender. I am hoping Costco has the book since I am starting tomorrow.
hello can you post the 10 day smoothie recipes
Sorry, you’ll have to go to the book for that. This post is a helper for people following the book, not a substitute for it.
I am so very thankful unto you for putting this up i am very interested in doing the cleanse but not purchasing the book. I have been online looking for some short cuts and thanks to you i now have them.
Thank you again
Truly inspired……
The ninja ultima is 1500 watts… 2.5 horse power, I have it! It’s incredible…and it makes everything into a smoothe consistency.. comparable to the vitamix just not the car note price lol
I begin the 10th a smoothie cleanse 4 days ago got held over at work and unable to make smoothies for the day so tomorrow do I begin from day one or do I just continue
No need to beat yourself up – you could just continue. See how you feel at the end of the 10 days and decide whether you’d like to carry on with the modified cleanse.
Can I add flaxseeds in full cleanse recipes.? Also can the arugula be substituted with lettuce levels or spinach with kale? And if I have large apples, can I use 3 instead of 4?
All of the recipes for the 10-day cleanse already include flaxseeds. There’s no discussion in the book about adding more flaxseed to the recipes – some people believe that having a lot of raw ground flaxseed isn’t beneficial for your health and can be harmful, but that opinion isn’t expressed in this book.
Many of the smoothie recipes in the appendix also include flaxseeds – they’re ideas/suggestions for you, and you can use them as a basis for your own recipes.
You could probably substitute leafy greens for each other without too much of an issue. Make sure they’re dark green (lighter-color leaves usually have lower nutrient levels) and that you have some variety in the raw greens you’re eating.
If you have large apples, it makes sense to use 3 instead of 4.
Will this cleanse help decrease cellulite?
That’s not one of the claims of the diet…
how much of the smoothie do I drink per meal ?, and how often does one do the 10 day green smoothie
Drink 1/3 of the full day’s recipe per meal – that’s 12-16 ounces of smoothie.
JJ says “I don’t recommend the full cleanse be longer than two weeks straight. However, two green smoothies plus a high-protein meal per day is very healthy and can be done for life. If you choose to redo the full cleanse or do it for longer than two weeks, you have to deliberately add more protein into your diet and be sure to rotate or use different greens each week” (p. 72)
I plan to do the modified cleanse consisting of 2 smoothies, snacks, ect. How do I modified the smoothie recipes from 3 smoothies to 2 per day?
JJ doesn’t explain how to do this in the book as far as I can find, but here are a couple of alternatives: (a) make 2/3 of the recipes; (b) make the full recipe and either give/throw some away or finish it all as snacks.
I bought your book and there aren’t any smoothies that you showed on Steve Harveys show, I have been reading all the comments people have written in and I don’t even see anything in the book except the smoothies. I was excited about starting on this quest but now I don’t know if this is the right diet to do. Also I bought a Blender before I received your book and its only a 550 Watt so now I have to take that back, glad I didn’t take it out of the box. I really was excited about reading about you in the book but there wasn’t anything except the smoothies. I tried finding those receipes on the internet but couldn’t seem to come up with them like Apple Berry, Pineapply Spinach, etc. Anyway you looked terrific.
I’m on my second day of the GSC.. It has been hard because i crave salty food but I’m committed and i will do this.. my question is: what about pickles, can i eat those? I know the book says not to eat processed food but i was just wondering…
You could say that there are two types of pickles – traditionally made (with just salt or vinegar) and processed (with other artificial ingredients)
There aren’t any guidelines on this in the book, but my guess is that if you made your own quick pickles you might be able to have small amounts of them on the diet, but store-bought pickles would be too processed to eat on this diet.
Hello! I have the book & I’m on day 6 now the only question I have is for the 10 day full or modified cleanse how many calories each smoothie recipe have?
There aren’t any calorie counts on the smoothie recipes – this isn’t a calorie-counting diet.
I calculated the calories in the Day 1 smoothie using My Fitness Pal. The total calories for the entire day’s worth of smoothies is 469.
Can we count the 2 cups of water in to make the smoothie as part of the 8 cups a day we are suppose to have?
JJ says you should drink 64 ounces of good, clean water daily, as well as detox or herbal teas as desired. She doesn’t say it’s separate from what you put in the smoothie, but it’s not clear that you are allowed to include the water in the smoothies in your water count. I’d guess that you can count it as part of the 8 cups total – does anyone else have any ideas?
I am on day 2 and drinking the right amount of water and had my tea this morning and 3 Mag07 supplements last night and now it’s 12 noon and still no BM only peeing like crazy. Is this normal? I did go once on day 1.
Peeing like crazy, yes that’s normal!
No BM – if you went once yesterday and haven’t yet gone today, probably not the end of the world. Keep an eye out to make sure that you don’t go without for more than a couple of days.
Do you make the recipe 3 times a day???
You make the recipe once, about 36-48 oz total, and divide it into 3 servings, each 12-16 ounces.
On page 6 its saying drink up to 60 oz per day but the recipe isnt giving me 60oz… am i doing something wrong???
The recipes for the 10=day cleanse give you about 36-48 ounces per recipe, enough for 3 smoothie meals. When JJ says you can drink up to 60 oz per day, it looks like she’s saying you can make a bit extra if you want to.
Can I use an avacado if I don’t have almond butter?
Avocado is listed as a food that supports weight loss.
In the 10-day cleanse, JJ suggests that you follow the recipes exactly for the best detox; however avocado isn’t a million miles from almond butter in terms of macronutrients so substituting it probably won’t be the end of the world.
You can make your own almond butter with almonds and a food processor – see http://detoxinista.com/2012/09/how-to-make-homemade-almond-butter/
how much peanut butter, and eggs can one have, it says to only do a handfull of nuts, but does not mention the quantity of those foods???
JJ doesn’t give guidelines on how much of these foods you can have. Take it easy with them.
unsweetened peanut butter (2 tablespoons)
hard boiled eggs (2 per day)
I’m confused. At one point it says to snack on carrots then it says to avoid them. Which is it?
Thanks for pointing that out!
JJ says you can snack on carrots, but you shouldn’t have any starchy vegetables (including carrots) in the smoothies – the only vegetables allowed in the smoothies are leafy greens.
It could be that she’s trying to make sure you eat whole vegetables, or that you don’t use starchy vegetables instead of leafy greens in your smoothies.
I bought the book’ 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse ‘after seeing the author JJ Smith on the Steve Harvey show.
I made plans after reading the book which included seeing physicians as needed. I thought about my current life style work,travel,gym and responsibilities and shopped for items to make my cleanse go smooth as I could, storage jars/freezer bags and other items ,raw nuts,seeds and all the cleanse components bought.
I have a vitamix which I enjoyed prior to this cleanse. I currently use it to make soups,and nut and seed butters etc..
I read the book and highlighted all the info I needed to begin ,put the shopping list along with recommend brands of protein and teas in my phone,and iPad.
I had trouble phasing out the coffee prior to the cleanse and yes you will want to remove the caffeine for the full benefits and to be following JJ’s plan outlined in the book.
I am using the plant based protein powder mentioned in the book. I do make my own teas as I have access to the recipes and a bulk herb/spices store (right off the box of yogi) and already did this at home for the last 20+ yrs.
Day #3 doing well ,I experienced some of the detox symptoms headache and good sleep with energy in the mornings at a good level, no hunger as the snacks and smoothies along with water keep me full.
The FB group (80,000+ members)is supportive and inspiring. Do read the entire files section. Don’t expect to get answers to questions without reading the files and the book. The files will explain why.
At amazon I have seen some book look a likes don’t be fooled by them you will want the book written by JJSmith for the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse.
The best to you if you choose to do either the modified version or the complete cleanse. I believe for me the complete reset was the way to go.
Thanks for sharing your planning and experience with us! Hope it goes well for you.
Doing well enjoying the cleanse. Sleeping well and good energy today.
I have learned its best to put snacks in containers, I snack on nuts as well as carrots, ( glycemic index of 45, raw) cucumbers and celery and a apple(1 as a snack) I do not do these all at once back to the point of putting snacks together is so I don’t over do the nuts. The point is not to starve by the way and JJ makes that clear. So eat your crunchy veggies as needed.
Hi Update
I am doing well 16 days out and on the Modified Cleanse laid out in the book by JJ Smith. same copy as pictured above on this page at Chewfo.com
I have continued success ~brain fog lifted~ clarity of mind~yes I lost weight and continue to do so with added walking. Amazing how well my stomach feels and clear headed. I am looking forward to the new days ahead.
This is a life style change for me. I followed every day all that is laid out in the book.
Coffee gone which is amazing ,use to only look forward to coffee first thing in the morning. Now its a nice herb tea and a green smoothie “with Maca powder” from the book which there are 100’s and links to others in the book.
I joined the VIP page “Healthy is the New Black” to learn more from JJ Smith author of the book. I am so happy a guiding easy to reproduce for me system that cleared up my High blood pressure issues,ended brain fog.
there are a growing list of look alike books..
the book is in print and at several places B&N is one best bet is to call ahead and ask for a hold on one before you go to the stores that do hold them for you.
Where can i find the unsweet peant butter ??? It would be great with the apples for my snack…
Look in health food stores, specialty stores, or even Trader Joe’s. It’s getting more commonly available.
I found mine at Kroger’s ~ I am currently using Mara Natha Organic brand.
I just bought the book and it has a lot of recipes. But I thought I was going to be told day one I should take these smoothes, day 2 these smoothes, and so on ….. There is nothing like that! Am I suppose to just pick what smoothes to drink daily? I would appreciate some guidance. Thanks
There’s a chapter in the back of the book with over 100 green smoothie recipes, but they’re not the ones you’re asked to use in the 10-day cleanse.
See chapter 4 “How to Do the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse” – there’s a section called “The 10 Days of Recipes for the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse” (pp.27-34) There you’ll find Day 1: Berry Green, Day 2: Apple Strawberry, and the rest of the smoothies for the cleanse.
Hope that helps.
Does it make a difference which smoothie you have each day during the full clense? I don’t have the book yet and started today with the spinach banana smoothie. I have found a few recipes online of JJ’s. Do they need to be in a certain order?
I can’t see anything that says you have to do them in a particular order, only that the smoothies for the cleanse are focused on detox (her other smoothie recipes, or other green smoothie recipes, might not help you so much with detox)
“Use one recipe per day, as it will make enough for a full day’s worth of smoothies. Be careful deviating from the recipes too much until after the detox/ cleanse. These recipes were designed for detox, weight loss, better energy , and mental clarity. Try to stick to them as much as you can during the detox! You’ll get better results. After the detox, get creative, add variety, and keep losing weight and getting healthy!” (p. 26)
Can you share a recipe from the 10 day cleanse that doesn’t use spinach. I Haven’t received by book yet and am on my third day, I’m concerned that I need to rotate greens.
Only 2 of the recipes for the 10 days don’t contain spinach.
One is the day 2 smoothie – Apple Strawberry: Spring mix greens, water, banana, apples, strawberries, stevia, flaxseeds, optional protein powder.
I did the 10 day cleanse and lost 10 pounds. I took a break for 4 days. I still have more weight to lose. I would like to go back on it again. Is that ok? Will I continue to lose?
You might want to take a longer break, or move to the modified diet.
JJ says “I don’t recommend the full cleanse be longer than two weeks straight. However, two green smoothies plus a high-protein meal per day is very healthy and can be done for life. If you choose to redo the full cleanse or do it for longer than two weeks, you have to deliberately add more protein into your diet and be sure to rotate or use different greens each week” (p. 72)
Just received the 10 Day Cleanse book. I’m very allergic to mangoes and the suggestion is to use 6oz the first five days and 20 oz the second five. What would be an acceptable substitute?
JJ doesn’t give substitutes in the book. However, there’s some discussion of substitutes on the GSC Facebook page. Specific substitutes aren’t given, but you could try other fruits such as peaches or pineapple.
Your instructions are dynamite. Very specific. Thank you. My question is, i’m in training for a half marathon but I’m in Boot Camp right now for it. So I’m not running the miles needed to run a 13 mile marathon. In doing this cleanse while I’m in Boot Camp will hurt me nutrition wise?
If you’re doing intense exercise, this diet probably isn’t going to meet your needs. You could try replacing the occasional meal with one of the green smoothies when you’re not exercising, but I’d suggest waiting until after your marathon to do the cleanse.
On the Modified cleans is there a certain smoothie to use or can u choose witch one you want
Try using the same recipes for each day as the full cleanse.
Can I chew sugarless gum on this program?
The book doesn’t mention gum, so I checked out what the Facebook page says – https://www.facebook.com/groups/Green.Smoothie.Cleanse/search/?query=gum – JJ said on Feb 25 “yes, sugar-free gum is fine! The chewing motion helps some folks feel like they’re eating too”
I have had gastric bypass 2 years ago. I want to do the cleanse but am concerned about protein and the amount I have vitamins I have to take. I currently drink premier protein in the morning.
The recipes have protein powder in them – be sure to include that.
Drinking these smoothies should provide you with plenty of natural vitamins. If you still want to take vitamin supplements on top of that, the smoothies can help them get down and remember that you can also have raw veggie snacks to help you swallow your pills.
If you have concerns about whether the diet is suitable for you, check with your doctor.
I found out about this diet when I bought a poorly edited or produced book at Barns and Noble 50% off, 10 DAY Green SMOOTHIE CLEANSE: 41 Yummy Green Smoothies For Weight Loss, by Jessy Smith. Copyright 2014 by: Jessy Smith. I don’t know if she printed it as a introduction or if someone pirated it off the internet.
But I am about to purchase the Kindle version and am heading out the door to buy a Ninja XL (1000 watts), Ninja Professional (1100 watts) or Ninja Kitchen System 1100 Blender & Food Processor at Kohles. They’re on sale for $99, $149 and $169 and I have my 30% off coupon!
Thank you for the shopping list, first day smoothie recipe and your thorough overview!!!
Hello Penny,
I didn’t see any responses from Men. I’m thinking that we are hard headed when it comes to these things. I’m going through this exercise to continue supporting My Queen and really to see if it works. I use to have a six pack, but it’s a Keg now (truthfully 2)!!
I figure for 54 years I have put everything that wasn’t good for me into the body, and I have never taken a serious cleansing. Any guys out there that may read this the most challenging part is getting mentally ready as the book does state. My Queen is my inspiration I wouldn’t bring anything into the house that would add to her challenge.
I’ll simply be “Vegi-Pausing”, I’d like to keep you posted on our success. Come fellas let’s do it!! Football season around the corner, make room for them goodies!!!!
I don’t like the texture of protein powder. Can tofu be used instead
Tofu isn’t mentioned in the book at all – to say you can have it or you can’t have it.
I did a search on tofu in the facebook page, and someone posted “Please follow the recipes as outlined in the book outside of allergies; Examples of protein powders can be found in the files tab.”
What type of exercise should we do while doing the detox? Cardio, strength training, or stretching/ relaxing/ yoga?
I focus on the food side of diets, not exercise, and would suggest looking in the book for guidance.
JJ says on page 70: “Exercising while on the cleanse is beneficial. However, if you feel really fatigued, rest! Listen to your body, and if it wants to rest, please do so. The best types of exercises are brisk walking or yoga. Keep things simple during a detox. If you do not currently exercise regularly (this would be me!), start small. Take a fifteen -minute walk today and gradually increase your time over the next ten days. It is always best not to just dive right in and make yourself take an hour walk when you are not accustomed to exercising.”
I have had my gallbladder removed and am always curious as to how a cleanse such as this would work for me. Do you have any advice? Thanks!
It’s a relatively low-fat program, and that might work with you – check with your doctor to see what his/her recommendations are.
Just started this yesterday. So far so good. Hopefully I’ll get really good results along with my workout routine.
Good luck!
Is it okay to do the cleanse without the book? Will it still all work the same?
There’s a lot of information in the book about aspects of the cleanse which aren’t included in this post – detox methods, recipes, supplementation, and more. This page is a cheat sheet to be used alongside the book.
I have hypothyroidism, will this 10-day cleanser affect my thyroid? Safe? I would love to try this but not sure if there have been others with same health issues that have tried it. Thx!
JJ doesn’t mention hypothyroidism in the book (or anything related to the thyroid), and there’s very little discussion of hypothyroidism on the 10-Day Smoothie Cleanse Facebook page.
The smoothies include some goitrogenic ingredients – particularly raw kale and spinach, and also raw strawberries and peaches. Goitrogens are known to suppress the function of the thyroid gland by interfering with iodine uptake. I’d suggest checking with your doctor before starting – let them know the cleanse is only for 10 days, show them the ingredients, and ask whether it would be okay.
Hi Penny! I bought the book and am on day 5 of the full cleanse. I feel wonderful and I am eager to share this with more people! For today’s smoothie I didn’t have peaches (left them yesterday at the office’s fridge, arghhh). I used frozen mangoes instead. I am making the rest of the smoothies exactly as in the book. Will this mango-peach swap have any negative effect??? I hope not!!!
Thanks for this amazing resource page, you’re awesome!
Hi Liza!
Probably not the end of the world to substitute mangos for peaches.
Thanks for the thanks! Good luck with the cleanse.
Hello, I purchased and read the book. Still confused about the diabetes section. I am diabetic, I know I have to use low sugar fruit. But how do I follow the recipes by day if I can’t use some of the fruits? Which combination should I use for the 10 days?
I can’t find recipes from JJ for diabetics during the 10-day cleanse – try substituting the fruits in the 10 day recipes for low sugar fruits.
For longer term, there are some smoothies for diabetes/blood sugar control on page 125 of the book, and also a recipe in the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Facebook page – search for Diabetic smoothie.
hi my name is Chiquita Howard and I’m interested in the books and I’m trying to find out how do I go by ordering the book
You can order the book on Amazon, and also get it from bookstores such as Barnes & Noble.
I have thyroids disease and was wondering if I will experience weightloss on the 10 days cleanse? Has anyone out there with the disease tried this detox?
Different people will respond differently to the cleanse – it’s possible you might experience weight loss. Note that many of the ingredients in this cleanse are goitrogenic. It’s worth checking with your doctor before starting the diet.
Hi, it’s my first day starting the diet! I was wondering could I eat homemade kale chip with hummus?
I assume you’re on the full cleanse – if that’s the case you can have raw vegetables, kale chips are cooked and they’re out. There are only a couple cooked foods suggested on the diet – unsweetened peanut butter and boiled eggs. Those are pretty much single-ingredient foods. Hummus tends to have more ingredients, including oil (sometimes quite a lot of it), so you shouldn’t have that either.
However, if you’re on the modified cleanse, on the Facebook page JJ says baked kale chips are okay for the modified cleanse – she suggests you make them yourself so you know all the ingredients. Also, JJ says on the Facebook page that hummus is okay after the 10 days.
Do you need to be exercise while doing this cleanse to lose the 10-15 pounds? And is it a good idea to do my regular weight loss workout while doing this full cleanse? (my workout: 2 minutes of jumping rope, 3.4km run, and 30-45 minutes of working out butt, thighs, and abs)
I focus on the food side of diets, not exercise, and would suggest looking in the book for guidance.
JJ says “Exercising while on the cleanse is beneficial… The best types of exercises are brisk walking or yoga. Keep things simple during a detox.” (p.70)
Hi…I’ve been searching online since I wonder how many calories are in each smoothie and are getting different results. Please let me know
This isn’t a calorie counting diet, so the recipes for the smoothies don’t give the number of calories.
If you want to calculate the calories, you could use a tool like http://caloriecount.about.com/cc/recipe_analysis.php. The recipes call for measurements like “3 handfuls of spinach” which aren’t calculated well by this tool – you may have to take some extra steps to work out the quantities.
I’m not sure if this was mentioned above already, but are we allowed to snack on fruit besides apples during the day?
JJ says in the book “Go easy on the fruit. Yes, they hide the greens, but too much fruit will spike your blood sugar, cause headaches, and give you an uncomfortable feeling under your skin. Pick a new fruit each day, or if you must, add several different fruits in very small doses. Although it’s natural sugar, your body doesn’t know the different between nature’s sugar and high fructose, other than its addictive properties! So don’t overdo it on the fruit!” (pp. 39-40)
Apples are relatively low-sugar fruits, which may be why she suggests them for snacks.
In general, she asks you to follow her guidelines of what to eat during the full cleanse, so fruits other than apples would probably be out for the full cleanse.
hello i am really interested in this diet but not sure if its right for me. from what i have seen in the list of foods i dont eat much of wats required. so my question is do i have to use all of the greens and fruits listed or can i get only what i know i will eat and can i mix the fruits and veggies together in the smoothie. im just a very picky eater always have been thats why none of the diets ive tried worked. I would be so greatful if this one did.
The 10-day cleanse is just for 10 days, do you think you could eat differently for that long?
JJ asks you to follow the recipes in the book for the full 10-day cleanse, although you could substitute one fruit for another or one dark green leafy vegetable for another.
The fruits and veggies are mixed together in the smoothies.
Good luck!
Hi Penny, We really enjoyed the 10-day Smoothie Cleanse and saw very good results. It’s been a month since we went through the plan and I would like to do another round. How often can you do the cleanse? Should I expect the same results?
Hi Rhonda,
This is what the FAQs on the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Facebook page say:
“I don’t recommend the FULL cleanse be longer than two weeks (14 days) straight. You don’t want to run the risk of slowing your metabolism so it’s important to take a break from the full cleanse and re-introduce whole foods into your diet. A “break” would be several weeks (3-4 weeks). However, two green smoothies plus a high-protein meal per day is very healthy and can be done for life.
So, let’s say you’ve been off the 10-day cleanse for a few weeks and now want to redo the full cleanse or do it for longer than 2 weeks, you have to deliberately add more protein into your diet and be sure to rotate or use different greens each week!
Also, once you get rid of toxins and waste during your first 10-day cleanse, you will most likely lose less the next time you do the full cleanse. Normal weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week after the cleanse. By doing the FULL cleanse longer than 14 days, you run the risk of slowing your metabolism which will just make it harder to lose weight in the long run!
If you need to learn how to lose weight after the cleanse…the new book has a chapter on that… Just trying to do the full cleanse over and over back to back is not the answer… It’s a JUMPSTART to weight loss… After the 10-day cleanse, 1-2 pounds PER WEEK is normal and healthy! Be realistic and be safe everyone! To accelerate weight loss after the full cleanse, learn ways to boost your metabolism, balance your hormones, get moving, etc.!
Be smart about detoxing, using it as an extreme diet, is not the answer to long-term permanent weight loss.”
Hi was wondering on the modified version when I have the salad at dinner what do I use for dressing?
The book has a recipe for a dressing for salmon, which it sounds like some people use as a salad dressing. There are a lot of suggestions for salad dressings on The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Facebook page, salad dressing search. JJ says (on March 4 in response to Melissa Battle-Pace) “you can have any light olive oil or vinegarette dressing that’s low in sugar… A dry salad would be very hard to enjoy! Just go easy on the salad dressings.” Generally people are suggesting making your own salad dressing with oil and vinegar, or just using apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.
Hi Penny,
My two sisters and I are all on day 2 of the 10 day Green Smoothie Cleanse. So far so good but we have a few items that we wanted to know if it would be okay to have:
* Fresh Tomatoes from the garden
* Lemon or lime in our water
* Can you cook any of the vegi’s or can you only eat them raw
I have read all of your answers. Thanks for all the support!
Hi Carla,
Glad to be of help!
JJ says you can eat “crunchy veggies” on the full cleanse. Tomatoes aren’t usually crunchy! She also asks you to have the veggies raw.
On the modified cleanse, you’d be able to have tomatoes in your salad and sauteed veggies in your one meal. Just not on the full cleanse.
Lemon or lime in your water should be fine – both of them are listed in the book as foods that support weight loss.
Hi Penny,
I’m on day 5 and so far I lost 4.5 lbs. Yea! Still wondering if you can eat tomatoes. And I saw that many asked about salad dressing and you refereed them to the Facebook page. I have checked it out and although it mentions salad dressing several times it never indicates what is recommended/suggested. Any suggestions? Thank you for your time.
Hi Carla,
There isn’t a single recommended recipe for salad dressing, but a number of suggestions. If you don’t want to go through all that detail, you could try oil and vinegar or lemon juice.
I’m doing the smoothie cleanse currently. My dad isn’t looking very good so if he ate something light for dinner would it mess up the cleanse then just continue back on it tomorrow without restarting completely?
Probably not the end of the world, especially if what he ate met the guidelines for the modified cleanse.
I’m about to start the cleanse today but I was wondering what times most people ate their smoothie? I’ll most likely start at 9 due to my schedule (I can’t push it back any later, the ideal time is 8am), but if I do every 3 hours I’ll be done at 3pm or every 4 hours at 5pm. That seems to leave a lot of day left. Should it be spaced out more than the recommended time frames? Thanks for any advice.
You’re supposed to have a green smoothie or snack every 3-4 hours. So take snacks into consideration! Perhaps you could have a smoothie for breakfast, another for lunch, a snack mid-afternoon, and a smoothie at dinner time.
This is my first day on the full cleanse. I was wondering if sugar free gum such as Extra is allowed?
Gum isn’t mentioned in the book, but in a Facebook page search for gum JJ said on Feb 25 “yes, sugar-free gum is fine! The chewing motion helps some folks feel like they’re eating too”
I did my first 10 day cleanse in mid July. I have been on the modified plan for the most part since then. I have lost a total of 15 lbs. I love this plan! I am getting ready to go on vacation and know I won’t be able to stay on the plan for that week without a blender. How soon could I do another cleanse? I would like to do it after the trip.
JJ says “two green smoothies plus a high-protein meal per day is very healthy and can be done for life” – if you’re going back to the modified plan you should be fine.
If you want to go back to the full cleanse, she suggests a break of 3-4 weeks.
I started the full cleanse Monday and was wondering if I can have lemons as a snack and after my 10 day cleanse do I still have to take the detox tea.
That’s the first time I’ve ever heard of eating lemons as a snack! JJ says you can have apples or crunchy veggies as a snack, or high protein snacks (unsweetened peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, and raw or unsalted nuts and seeds (only a handful)). Lemons don’t exactly fit into “crunchy” or “high protein”. Apples are allowed as a low-sugar fruit, and lemons are low sugar, so maybe they’re allowed if you don’t add any sweetener to them and eat them in moderation.
JJ asks you to drink detox tea as part of the modified cleanse as well – first thing in the morning (p. 25)
Thank you very much, I would really like to purchase a copy of this book, is it available in Trinidad? If so can you please tell me where?
You can check with the publisher to see where the book can be purchased – see https://www.jjsmithonline.com/contact.html.
How often can I do the full 10-day cleanse?
Wait at least 3-4 weeks after finishing the first full cleanse to do another one.
If you want to do something sooner, JJ says you can follow the modified cleanse long-term.
you are right jj, i have bought so many pills/go on diets/and workout but none of them ever seemed to work. one day we were in target, i looked up and the first thing i saw was the “10 day green smoothie challenge” i thought it might have been a sign from god! well yesterday was my last day of the smoothie cleanse and i lost 14 pounds. i wanted to say thank you for everything.!!!
6 days in and lost 5 lbs…love the day 6 smoothie.
I did the 10days cleanse but was unable to do the complete cleanse. I over took my nuts and some other things,the question is can I redo it again
If you want to do the full cleanse again, wait 3-4 weeks before doing it. Alternatively, you could go straight to the modified cleanse.
I started this plan over 6 weeks ago and i am coming up on 40 lbs. Started out doing the full, now modified. Went from a 42 waist to a 38, XXL shirts to a L. Tomorrow I’m selling some of my old clothes at a yard sale so I can buy new ones.
Stick w it, I recommend this plan!
Wow, that’s great!
I am on day 3 of the cleanse, and I do not see any changes in my energy or clarity of mind.
The first two days I forgot the detox tea as well as flaxseeds on the first day. I had a banana on day 2, and instead of limiting myself to two eggs per day, I’ve had up to four on day 1 and day 3. Also, I didn’t have access to unsalted peanut butter so I used a generic brand that probably had sugar and salt. Also, I went to TGIF and had a side of steamed broccoli?
Would all of these “cheats” badly affect my outcomes? My only symptoms are fatigue. I don’t have headaches, constipation, or bad hunger. Is the cleanse even working? I intend to be extremely more strict these next seven days, but should I just start over? Have I compromised my results?
It doesn’t sound like you did a crazy amount of deviation from the diet’s recommendations, so although what you did might affect the outcome it’s probably not had a huge effect. You could try starting over and following the instructions more closely to see if that helps – make sure you also include the non-food instructions in the book as well. It’s possible you might get fatigue for a few days because of the change in diet, but if the diet’s really working for you that would go away.
How many calories does each smoothie have
There aren’t any calorie counts on the smoothie recipes – this isn’t a calorie-counting diet.
Hello! I have an important question. I have been on this smoothie detox now for 5 days. I bought the book, I bought all the organic ingredients, and I am following the rules to a “T”. I have not lost ANY weight at all. Why might this be? I have been drinking about 15 water bottles a day, measuring everything AND walking for about 15 minutes each night. I have not cheated and I wanted this to work so bad. I used to weigh 138 and over time in the professional world I am now up to 152.2. What is going on??? Thank you!
15 bottles of water a day is quite a lot! How much over 64 fluid ounces a day are you drinking? If it’s a lot more you might want to cut back – too much of a good thing isn’t always good.
JJ spends a lot of time in the book talking about keeping your bowels moving and colon cleansing, and some people aren’t comfortable with reading those parts of the book. It may be a bit embarrassing, but worth looking into! Detox diets tend to concentrate on expelling the bad stuff from your body, so it can work more efficiently.
I ordered the book, i have it online. Ready to start and cannot get myself to commit to a day to start.
Think of a couple of days when you’re not going to have too much else going on – perhaps a weekend. On the first day, get all the ingredients for the first week, and maybe make one of the smoothies just to try it out. On the second day, start the diet.
If trying something new is difficult for you, try each of the smoothies over the course of a couple of weeks before you go on the actual diet.
And if you don’t manage to stick to it the first time, you can always try again.
Good luck!
Im going to do the smoothie detox tomorrow.
Going to do 2 smoothies with 1-2 fruits.{Lots of greens4 hand fulls. and add max. green powder for more vitaminsand greens.
please let me know if this will work and will i loose wt. I should u would think.
But like to do with it cabage soup {Diet Soup.
Lots of veggies. and im going to blend the soup with blender to blend all the veggies so eaier to dejuest.
This should work.
The book gives you specific smoothies to have for each day, to maximize the detox.
All of the recipes contain raw leafy green vegetables (not cooked) – JJ says that raw greens can heal the body. Soups are cooked, and wouldn’t meet the guidelines for this diet. It might work for you, but it wouldn’t be the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse!
My question is where can I find the shopping list of food for the Smoothies or will you text it to me thanking you in advance
The shopping list is in the book, page 20 for the first 5 days and page 22 for the next 5 days.
See here.
Can u have coconut water
JJ says “coconut water may make a smoothie taste better, but it is also high in natural sugar. This means that if you’re trying to break a sugar addiction, coconut water will slow the process of breaking that addiction.” (p.41 of the book). You can have it after the 10-day cleanse.
I am in my mid 60’s, is this safe? I have ordered the book on Amazon and will get it in a few days. I currently drink smoothies for my breakfast every day with frozen fruit, flaxseed oil, pea protein powder, liquid calcium and spinach. Is that similar to what I will have to do on the cleanse?
JJ doesn’t say anything in the book about age limits for the diet. Check with your doctor if you’re worried about the safety of the diet.
The smoothies on the diet won’t be too different to what you’re used to. For example, the first day’s smoothie contains spinach, water, apple, frozen mango, frozen strawberries, frozen or fresh grapes, stevia, ground flaxseeds, and optional protein powder.
If I loose say-10lbs. How much ,will u gain back? and what do u do to not gain and keep off.
Gaining back weight will depend on what you do after the diet. If you permanently change the way you’re eating (minimizing or avoiding foods that cause weight gain), you might not put the weight back on.
If weight does come back on, you can try the modified cleanse or repeat the cleanse. See guidelines on repeating or extending the cleanse.
I am on Day 5 of the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse and I feel great! Although I was a bit lightheaded yesterday, that ended when I had my dinner (a smoothie). I have been doing the full cleanse, but plan to modify it for this weekend. I plan to start the full cleanse, again, on Monday. I have noticed that I have more energy, I sleep better and I do not wake up starved! I have really been pleasantly surprised! I do miss the “taste” of something of substance, but my stomach is not growling and I do not feel like I am starving. I do not plan to weigh myself until the end of next week, but I can tell from the slacks that I have on today that I have lost either pounds or inches. Feeling very proud of myself!!
Glad to hear you’re feeling great!
Remember that you shouldn’t do the full cleanse long-term – see above for guidelines about doing the cleanse again or doing it for longer.
Hi today is day one for me and I was wondering if it is necessary to buy the mag 07? Is this what helps you have a bowel movement or should I continue the diet without taking them?
JJ reminds you often in the book that it’s important that you have bowel movements during a detox, and she gives a number of ideas for making sure that happens. You don’t need to do all of them – just make sure you’re eliminating the toxins with a BM at least once a day.
Hello I am trying to get the days on how to take the smoothie. I misplaced my copy of the paper that a coworker had given me. Can u please email it to me?
Please look at the book for the smoothie recipes for each day.
I just recently purchased the book (recommended by a friend) haven’t received it yet, I wanted to know does the book supply a shopping list to follow? Like a outlined shopping list? I am very analytical when it comes to things like this and I like to follow things very manually, (very anal like that).
The book has a shopping list for the first 5 days, and another for the next 5 days, covering the whole period of the cleanse. In my copy they’re on page 20.
Can you have some peppermints during the cleanse such as the soft kind that is fat free?
On the Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/groups/Green.Smoothie.Cleanse/search/?query=mint – JJ said on Feb 25 “sugar-free gum is fine! The chewing motion helps some folks feel like they’re eating too”. However, other mints are not allowed (except real mint leaf, which is used in many recipes).
I just finished the 10-Day Cleanse 3 weeks ago, and have been doing 2 smoothies a day since. I have to say, I AM A BELIEVER!! I lost a total 10 pounds while on the cleanse, and I continue to lose 1 pound a week after. My goal is to lose 20 pounds total (have about 7 more pounds to go). I highly recommend this cleanse to someone who is trying to lose a few extra pounds before the Holidays.
I just started the cleanse this morning and so far so good, and I have noticed my energy level is up more than usual. I work out at the gym twice a day, before work and at lunch, and I cannot wait to see how my energy level holds up!
Can I substitute the flax seeds for chia seeds? Is that going to change the results?
Searching for chia on the Facebook page, JJ says on 10/13/14 that substituting chia seeds is fine.
I am on day 8 and my BM’s have not been 2 or 3 a day. I took Mag07 lastnight and well this morning it worked, but I have been having upper stomach cramps all day is this normal?
Sorry to hear you’ve been having cramps.
I deal with the food side of diets and don’t look at supplements etc., so I don’t know about the effects of Mag07.
Iam on my 6 day diet and I do not have any energy .
Also iam no sleeping good any suggestion.
I fallow the program the.
Thank you
Make sure you’re following JJ’s guidelines about bowel movements – it could be that there are toxins in your system causing these symptoms which need to be removed.
I sent a message, but didn’t get a reply can U try again? or did u even receive my message?
I didn’t see anything from you – if you have a question, please put it in the Comments section of the diet you have a question about.
I have a small prob.my roommate ,I love fruits & veg. she well the only thing green she eats is salad or green beans ,broc. and cole slaw.
Are you trying to get her to follow the diet as well? You could describe the smoothies as “smoothie with salad included” and try to persuade her to try a sip of yours
I am on day 7 and not having regular BM’s. I am about to go out and get Mag07 but it looks like there are different ones. Walmart sells Mag07 and Vitamin Shoppe sells Oxygen Mag07.
Ahojte nejake recepty na smothie Dakujem
The smoothie recipes are in the book. You can also search online to find some of them.
Which blender would be the best to use and the most affordable?
The best and the most affordable may not be the same thing…
JJ recommends that you sse a high-speed blender, around 1000 watts. If you use a less powerful blender (such as blenders around 400 or 500 watts, or anything noticeably less than 1000 watts), it’s not going to break up the food smoothly so you’ll end up with an unsmooth smoothie.
These brands are mentioned in the book as recommended: Vitamix, Blendtec, and Nutribullet.
If you’re using a smaller blender, you may need to make the day’s recipe in two batches
H am I able to add Eggwhite Protein to my Smoothe? I will be starting soon.
JJ says that you should use a non-dairy, plant -based protein powder, such as rice, soy, or hemp protein. She says you should avoid whey protein powder, which is made from cow’s milk. The only time she mentions eggs are hard-boiled eggs as snacks. She does say that egg whites support weight loss, but says that you should avoid powdered eggs. Doing a search for egg white protein on the Facebook page, there are a number of people asking whether it’s okay to eat egg white protein and one person says no, although that’s someone who read the book rather than the author.
I’d say… probably not.
I tried the full 10 day cleanse and I lost 9 lbs. I love the book as it has all the lists of ingredients you need and its easy to follow. You don’t starve yourself. Give it a try, now I am having smoothie for breakfast everyday.
Instead of using the Meg07 are we able to use Senna laxative? I am so ready to get started on the Life changing event right now. Hope I do everything right!!!
On the diet’s Facebook page searching for senna, JJ says “Senna/smooth move shouldn’t be used…they have recently been found to be habit forming…one of the 2 methods in the book are more effective.”
I am allergic to flaxseed. Is this a necessary component?
Is it just flaxseed you’re allergic to, or all seeds? If just flaxseed, try substituting with chia seeds. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Green.Smoothie.Cleanse/search/?query=allergic%20to%20flax
I only need to lose my stomach. I do not need weight loss on any other part of my body. Would this be a good program or is this a complete weight loss in general
I don’t think any diets can successfully target a single part of the body in terms of weight loss.
If you’ve got really slow digestion and that’s why you’re belly’s big, this diet probably has more fiber than the standard American diet which may help to get things moving, and having a liquid-focused diet for a while may help as well.
If you’ve got an unusual mix of bacteria / intestinal flora (which may cause gas or irregularity), it’s possible this diet may help if you’re removing processed foods, but on the other hand if you have a very high balance of carb-loving bacteria then all the fruit juice might only encourage them more – in which case a lower-carb diet may help.
Are Senna Leave teas acceptable? Ie: Slimming herbal Tea
On the diet’s Facebook page searching for senna, JJ says “Senna/smooth move shouldn’t be used…they have recently been found to be habit forming…one of the 2 methods in the book are more effective.” So other teas containing senna would also be out.
Hi Penny, how do you change the recipes for the 10 day green smoothie cleanse if you want to do the modified version? Do you just divide the recipes into 2 drinks instead of 3 drinks for the day?
Thanks for your response,
Hi Kelly,
JJ isn’t exactly clear on that.
The smoothie recipes for the 10-day cleanse are each for 3 servings.
A couple of options:
– Make the whole recipe and divide it into 3 – for the modified diet have 2 portions for meals with the option of having some of the leftover smoothie for snacks
– Just make 2/3 of the whole recipe for 2 servings
Hope that helps,
I am pre-diabetic and need to lose some weight should I use mostly berries in my smoothies and omit the high sugar fruits?
JJ says that if you’re diabetic or have candida, use only low-sugar fruits, monitor blood sugar, and get a doctor’s permission before following the diet. That’s probably a good idea if you’re pre-diabetic as well.
Note that according to the book low-sugar fruits include apples, grapefruits , lemons, limes, cherries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, goji berries, and blueberries; moderate-sugar fruits include peaches, oranges, pears, apples, pomegranates, and plums; high-sugar fruits include apricots, melons, kiwis, mangos, papayas, pineapples, bananas, dates, figs, raisins, and grapes.
Hi Penny, I have to lose a total of 40 lbs and sometimes randomly take a green smoothie for breakfast and love it. I usually alter my greens and fruits i.e. someday spinach and other day kale, someday pear and other day apple with banana regularly. I am planning to start with this cleanse this weekend following the recipes she mentioned for the cleanse. I have 2 queries:
– I was going through the recipes and some asks to add Stevia to the smoothie. I know it’s healthy but I am trying to stay away from anything sweet added on the top other than the natural fruit sweetness. Is it okay if I replace Stevia with 1 banana?
– Also can I take regular Green tea instead of detox tea?
Many of the smoothie recipes already have a banana in them (and there are dozens of smoothie recipes for after the 10 day cleanse that have bananas in them!)
Would it work for you to just use the sweetness in the fruits already in the recipes, without adding stevia or additional fruits?
JJ encourages you to drink green tea (instead of regular tea or coffee), but she doesn’t say it’s a substitution for the detox tea.
You have been a God send with answers. My thing, I cannot I mean CANNOT stand the taste of peanut butter. I have tried to eat it while Doing this cleanse. I’m on day 3 but it makes me gag. Any suggestions on a substitute?
Glad to help!
On the JJ Smith Facebook page searching for peanut butter, on August 10 2014 in response to Rhiannon Hall, JJ says that you can use almond butter instead.
Peanut butter is optional in the cleanse, it’s not included in the smoothie recipes and only as a snack. You can try the other snack options instead.
Hi, I am on Day 3. I was wondering…is it okay to have hummus?? I brought some to dip my veggies into since i couldnt think of anything else to dip them into. I tried googling the answer and asking on facebook but no response.
Please Help.
Overly Hungry lol
Hummus isn’t allowed on the 10-day full cleanse, but you can have it after you’ve finished the cleanse or if you’re doing the modified cleanse. It may sound weird, but you could try dipping your veggies in unsweetened peanut butter.
Can drink the naked juice for breakfast and lunch then a salad with grilled chicken w/ lite ranch? Would that be acceptable? I started today haven’t took dinner yet?
Just want to make sure – when you say naked juice, are you talking about the brand? On this diet you should make your own smoothies from scratch.
If you want to incorporate a solid meal each day, you can do the modified cleanse. On that cleanse, the one healthy meal may consist of a salad, sautéed veggies, and fish or chicken (grilled or baked). Make your own salad dressing, or be careful that the ingredients in the salad dressing don’t include sugar or vegetable oil, or other ingredients you’re supposed to avoid on this diet.
How many calories are in the smoothies?
There aren’t any calorie counts on the smoothie recipes – this isn’t a calorie-counting diet.
do people read the instructions at all before asking questions? it’s about the most simplistic thing ever…
I see it says to blend leafy vegs in water first, my question is would it be ok to blend them in a just such as Apple , orange, or pineapple juice instead?
JJ says you should avoid store-bought fruit juices; she also says that you should only use green leafy veggies, fruits and water (purified or spring, not tap water) in the green smoothies during the 10-day cleanse.
I am on day #4 of the program and at first it was very difficult as this is the first time I have gone a whole day without eating solid foods however it seem to be getting better with each day. I noticed that the program mentioned MAG 07 Colon Cleanser which I did not get on the onset of my shopping trip. Is it too late in the program to begin taking the colon cleanse since I only have 5 days left and if it is not too late, can I still take the cleanse beyond the 10 days since I’ll be starting later? Also, is this the only type of colon cleanser that I can used?
I deal with the food side of diets and don’t look at supplements etc. such as the colon cleansers… it looks like the idea of the cleansers is to make sure that the toxins are cleared out from your body, and to help out if you have constipation – they’re suggested if you haven’t had a bowel movement in over 24 hours. JJ suggests Mag 07 as an alternative to salt water flushes, which are described in the book (p.38) – if you have constipation you could try that instead of the store-bought colon cleanser.
I want to know is it ok to use coconut water Los use hemp seeds instead flaxseeds
JJ says “coconut water may make a smoothie taste better, but it is also high in natural sugar. This means that if you’re trying to break a sugar addiction, coconut water will slow the process of breaking that addiction.” (p.41 of the book). You can have it after the 10-day cleanse.
I can’t see anything in the book or the Facebook page about using hemp seeds instead of flaxseeds during the cleanse. They’re listed as a food that supports weight loss for your long-term diet.
How do i adjust the motified cleanse working overnight for 12hours?
You can still have the green smoothies for 2 meals and the described “healthy meal” for your other meal. Prepare the smoothies before you leave and keep them in an insulated flask, and also bring some approved snacks in baggies. For the full meal, you could have that before you leave or after you come back, if you can’t bring it with you.
Could you explain to me how a person can become a part of the 10-day green smoothies VIP and have their picture place on the site. I’m trying to get more information so I can get more pointer on the program. I started the 10 day cleanse on 1/1/15 by the 10th day I had lose 10 pounds but once I started eating again the weight has started to come back. What am I doing wrong. I have diabetes and I’m trying everything I can to lose the weight so I can get of my medication. HELP
I don’t know how to become a VIP – could you contact the website that has the pictures, and ask them how to do it?
The 10-day cleanse is just a kickstart – it won’t stop you from putting weight back on afterwards if you carry on with your previous eating habits.
Are you eating how you were before the cleanse, or are you following the modified cleanse or using the guidelines on how to continue losing weight?
If you go back to how you were eating before, you’re likely to put weight back on – you’ll need to find a different way of eating that allows you to maintain your weight.
Are other any other snacks besides carrots, cucumbers, or apples? any kind of cracker or something cracker like?
No cracker-like snacks, I’m afraid, unless you think nuts are cracker-like. Produce snacks: apples, celery, carrots, cucumbers, and other crunchy veggies; high-protein snacks: unsweetened peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, and raw or unsalted nuts and seeds (only a handful)
Very Excited! I purchased my book on Amazon, and should have it Friday. This site helped me to prepare by providing many of the foods I’ll need, Thanks!
You’re welcome!
Hi I woul like to know by juicing the greens will it help get rid of the fibrods that I have. How long do I have to juice
This book suggests smoothies, rather than juices (which remove all the fiber). It doesn’t say anything about fibroids.
There are other diets that recommend green juices for all types of health conditions – they might say that you’re getting a big dose of vitamins and phytonutrients, and reducing the amount of work your digestive system has to do. I don’t believe there are any standard guidelines on how long that would take to work – if it does help, it would probably depend on the person.
I was emailed a copy of the pre-book before the book came out last year and was debating if I should buy the book. From my understanding theres more smoothies. Does the book offer substitutes for bananna’s? Im allergic and several of the recipes require them.
thank you in advance for your reply.
The book lists the suggested smoothies for each day of the 10-day cleanse, then has other recipes for after the cleanse. There are several recipes in the 10-day cleanse that include bananas.
Searching for bananas on the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Facebook page, there are a number of people who can’t eat bananas for one reason or another. The advice given is to just omit the banana from what ever day smoothie it is included in, and add more of the other fruit for that day.
Instead of ten days… How can I break this into five (Mon.-Fri.) and still see a lose in my weight???… because my weekends are too busy to stay on track…PLEASE HELP
You might lose weight, but possibly not as much as if you did the cleanse non-stop.
You could try it this way, take a few weeks off, and then do it again following the plan for 10 days nonstop – often if you’ve done something before it’s easier to follow it more completely the second time around because you know what to expect. Alternatively, you could try doing the modified cleanse on the weekend if that works better for you.
When moving to the modified cleanse, do the snacks change?
The snacks listed for the modified cleanse (on p.25) are the same as the snacks listed for the full cleanse (on p.24).
I think this is the best thing going , I really enjoyed doing this with my husband and he did also, once you do the 10 day smoothie it is like you wnat to rest for 3 days and get back on it ., it is healthy and a great thing to do I had fun
This was incredible!!!! My best friend and I started on it after the holidays. The first few days were pretty rough because I was a heavy diet soda drinker and coffee drinker so that was a challenge; as well as an every morning breakfast taco or two. My biggest challenge was drinking water. Now I can’t get enough of it!
In my first 10 days, I lost 19 pounds. Honestly! It’s also amazing how much better I feel. I’m sleeping better, my skin feels much smoother, my eyes feel clearer and most energetic.
After the 10 days I gradually started introducing regular food back into my diet, i.e., tuna fish, baked fish, baked chicken. It’s amazing how quickly I feel full. It’s changed the way I eat. I’m enjoying a lot of my favorite foods, just not as much in quantity.
It’s been two weeks since my 10-day cleanse. I started at 263 lbs. and today I’m at 239. Thanks a million.
That’s great!
Thanks for letting people know how it’s worked for you.
today is my 6th day doing the detox but I’ve been coughing for the last two days. Not real bad. Shall I continue or stop?
Do you think you caught something, or could you be having some kind of reaction to a new food in your diet?
if you caught something – some people feel better when they’re getting a burst of additional nutrients, while others find the struggle with new things to be too much when they’re sick. Follow your gut.
If you’ve been eating new things – track what you ate on each day and exclude that food – and try it again in a few weeks to see if you’re still reacting to it.
How do you make the smoothie in two batches?
Divide the ingredients in two – e.g. put half the blueberries in one pile and the other half in another pile, and the same for the other ingredients – then blend each pile of solid ingredients separately with half the liquids.
The best rule of thumb – to avoid confusion – is to ask yourself this simple question: If you plant it in the ground, will it grow?
If the answer is ‘no’, then don’t put it in your body.
This is especially true for toxic, gmo things like SEEDLESS grapes and watermelon, etc.
I question the basic knowledge of those who push eating such science lab toxins.
Can you eat like saltine crackers and peanut butter while doing the cleanse for a snack?
You can have (natural) peanut butter, but saltine crackers would be out. Try putting the peanut butter on celery sticks, carrots, or cucumber instead.
I’m concerned that I’m making the smoothies wrong… I’m on day 3 and I have yet to get 60 ounces from a blend. I’m following the recipes (minus protein) and I’m still not getting enough. I drink 3 10-12oz. smoothies each day. Also, day 2’s smoothie was much thicker than day 1 & 3. Please help!
The recipes should make about 36-48 ounces of smoothie each, which isn’t far off what you’re getting.
You can have up to 60 ounces a day, but you don’t have to have that much. One recipe per day is enough if that’s all you want.
Add more water if you want to make them thinner, and freeze more ingredients (or use ice instead of part of the water) if you want to make them thicker)
Do you have to drink Detox tea for this to work? I’d like to do the diet, but I don’t drink tea.
The Facebook page for the diet is a good place to find out what people suggest if they don’t like a particular food.
Searching for detox tea on the Facebook page – I couldn’t find any discussion about avoiding it altogether, but some people said they drink it cold, and even add fruit to it.
This information was well needed an very helpful .I Iam doing this once a month ,it is great.xx
I am at 254 up and down but I am
A diabetic have COPD CHF ON COUMADIN . Can I still do the ten day smoothie .
I suggest you check with your doctor to see whether there would be any issues.
For coumadin, you’re supposed to eat a low vitamin K diet – raw veggies are lower in vitamin K that cooked ones.
See http://www.coumadin.com/pdf/Foods_With_VitaminK.pdf.
The NIH has guidelines for coumadin and vitamin K: http://ods.od.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/coumadin1.pdf – they say you should keep vitamin K consistent within a certain range, not avoid it completely, and make sure you have a consistent amount. It suggests that you limit foods “moderately high” in vitamin K to 3 servings per day – there’s a table of these, and each serving is about 1 cup of raw vegetables. So watch out to make sure your vitamin K levels aren’t too high.
Also I back taking the LASIX to get the fluid out. Trying to get to at less 170. Try everything possible nothing working
Also, please check with your doctor.
I would like to try it however I am allergic to apples and peaches what could I use for a substitute ?
Substitute with other fruits that you don’t have problems eating. Try to keep some variety in the fruits you eat, if possible.
If I’m using the detox tea do I still need to use the dietary tea??
I can’t find any references in the book to dietary tea; it only mentions detox tea.
I have Multiple Sclerosis, which affects the Cental Nevous System. Amongst many of my symptons, no energy,and no immune system is really a problem. i really would like to try this, I am wondering if you have any advice. I want to do the modified. Plus because i am on 12 medications gaining weight is one of the side effects. My goal is to change my eating lifestyle. please help
I’d suggest you check in with your doctor before starting this diet, in case it might cause any issues with your condition and medications.
Hello, Im starting the full cleanse tomorrow and i have a couple of questions on the snack part with the full cleanse am i able to have a bollied egg as a snack as well as apples and veggies, or is the bollied egg on a snack for those doing a modified clense. Also which one shows more weight lost within the 10 days the full cleanse or the modified cleanse. Thanks
Hard boiled eggs are a snack on the full cleanse as well as the modified cleanse.
The book says that the weight loss on the modified cleanse won’t be as high as for the full cleanse.
So I decided to take on this 10 day green smoothie cleanse. I started on Monday 3/16/15 weighing in at 125lbs and now today 3/18/15 I am weighing in at 120lbs. I have got to say I have tried every single weight loss thing out there and this one has given me the most results so far. If there is anyone wanting to loose weight quick this is the way to go. Also i haven’t really been craving for food yet… But it too early to say. Also i have a family party to go to this weekend I this will be my ultimate test of will power.
Because I live in Hawai’i I was wondering if it is okay to eat raw fish and steamed fish instead of hard boiled eggs for my source of protein?
In the full cleanse, hard boiled eggs are an optional snack, not the only source of protein – smoothie recipes contain flax seeds and optional protein powder as protein sources, and nuts and seeds are also snack options.
Fish is an option on the modified cleanse.
So this is Day 1 for me and it’s going well, I actually am already feeling some of the side effects but I know its because I’ve gone from eating anything i want to this. I’m doing the modified version of the program. My question though is, when it comes to snacking, are we able to eat hummus with our raw veggies? I sometimes have a hard time eating raw vegetables plain, so what can we use to make them taste better?
The book doesn’t mention hummus, and the Facebook page says that it’s not allowed until after the 10 day cleanse. Some people seem to be using it for the modified plan, but I can’t find anywhere that specifically says that it’s allowed.
Have you tried having unsweetened peanut butter on your raw veggies?
Good luck with the rest of the cleanse, and I hope you continue to feel healthier!
Is drinking matcha green tea allowed during the 10 day green smoothie cleanse.
Green tea is allowed on the cleanse, and matcha green tea is a type of green tea – it’s stronger because you end up drinking the whole leaves instead of just an infusion. I’d assume it’s allowed, but only as a small part of the diet as it might affect the diet if you drink it all the time.
I want to know if I can chew gum while on the cleanse.
A search for “gum” on the Facebook page – JJ said on Feb 25 2014 “yes, sugar-free gum is fine! The chewing motion helps some folks feel like they’re eating too”
I weighed 220 pounds,i did my ten days cleansing,with snacking of Hard boiled eggs and some raw nuts.i drank 50 oz of smoothie,8 cups of green tea and six 8 oz glass of water,i was absolutely thrilled on the 10th day,i lost 20 lbs.BIG THANKS to JJSMITH, Now I will continue with modified plan.
My wife and I started this cleanse back in January and are very pleased with the results. Neither of us have been able to sustain the full 10-days as we both get tired of the smoothies by around day 5. So, instead we have been doing a week on (following the plan) then a week off (eating normally). This has allowed for a steady step-down approach to weight loss where we lose weight the week we are on smoothies and plateau the week we are off. Since mid-January this has led to a weight loss for me of around 25 pounds and around 15 for my wife.
One point to be mindful of that both my wife and I have experienced. The smoothies do help with weight loss but are not really sufficient if you are planning to do heavy exercising. We are both training for a half-marathon and the smoothies simply do not provide us with sufficient energy for runs longer than 1 hour. Under 1 hour seems to be fine but we both bonk pretty heavily if we have been drinking smoothies (in addition to nuts, carrots, hard-boiled eggs, etc.) and go for longer runs. So, if you are planning a long exercise session I suggest consuming something more substantial the night before.
Question? Want to start this 10 day detox, I work outside so it’s hard for me to carry smoothies outside all day, can I drink the green smoothie they sell in the local supermarket or making it at home would be better
I can’t find anything in the book or facebook page about supermarket-bought smoothies, but I’d assume that you’re not supposed to use them on this diet to substitute for the home-made juice recipes.
There are some vacuum insulated water bottles that are amazing at keeping drinks cold no matter what the weather – I have one by Hydro Flask. Would you be able to find somewhere to put something like that?
can i add raw honey to the smoothies instead of stevia?
JJ says that in the long run, raw honey supports weight loss.
However, for the 10-day cleanse program, the only sweetener she allows is stevia.
Hi. Im on day 3 and i noticed that avacados are not mentioned. Any thoughts on whether they’re ok to snack on with celery? What about coconut oil…I love that stuff!
Lastly, I’m on day 3…is 2 boiled eggs today too much?
Avocado is listed as a food that supports weight loss, but it isn’t allowed for the full cleanse (see Facebook page search for avocado)
Coconut oil also isn’t allowed in the full cleanse; however it’s listed as another food that supports weight loss, and after the cleanse you’re encouraged to add coconut oil optionally to your daily green smoothie.
2 hard boiled eggs a day is fine.
According to the FAQs in the Files section of the Facebook page: calories and serving sizes are not the focus, so there are
no hard, fast rules… but you should snack when you’re hungry and in moderation. You have to learn to eat in moderation.
Nuts: a handful, about the amount you can fit into an altoid box
Hardboiled eggs: you decide, most do 2 per day
Peanut butter: you decide, most do 2 tablespoons per day
What is stevia? I do not like sugar supplements. Can I use small amount of
Brown raw sugar, honey, raisins, or granola protein?
There’s a question in the book “Can I use agave or honey instead of stevia in the smoothies?” (p. 74). JJ says that agave is okay in moderation, as it has a glycemic index of 20. Stevia is zero, which is ideal. Honey is about 30, brown sugar/raw sugar is pretty high at 80. She’s encouraging you to have stevia but a small amount of a low-GI natural sweetener would be okay.
hello I just started the 10 day smoothie and I want to know if I drink 3 smoothies and still eat 1 meal in the first week will this mess up my diet with the 10 day smoothie
That sounds like the modified diet, which also gives guidelines for what you can eat for the one meal a day.
JJ offers that as an alternative which is easier to follow for some people, although you might not lose weight at the same rate as for the full cleanse.
Are the smoothies made up of the green vegetables, fruit and water?
Most of the smoothies also have other ingredients, such as flaxseeds and (optional) protein powder.
Can I leave out stevia in my smoothies? They are already sweet enough with all the fruits.
Yes, that would be okay.
hi i am on day 2 but forgot to put in flaxseeds in my smoothie. should i skip it today or put it in for the rest of the day?
If you can, add it in to the smoothies for the rest of the day.
I’m starting the cleanse tomorrow. My question is can frozen spinach be used in place of fresh? And I’m having some trouble finding frozen peaches? Can another fruit be substituted?
You can substitute frozen for fresh and vice versa – although there might be differences in texture.
I’m a little surprised that you can’t find frozen peaches, maybe too many people have been following the diet! JJ has said on the Facebook page that you can substitute other fruits – there aren’t clear guidelines of what to substitute.
I can’t believe this page says dried beans are to be avoided. I eat some sort of prepared dried beans probably every day, for years. I’m 5’8″, 172#, 47 y/o. I don’t eat meat. Beans are my staple. There is no way in the world I’d give up beans. How in the WORLD do beans cause weight gain, other than eat way too much of them, as would happen with any food where too much is consumed. The health bennys of the bean farrrrrrr outweigh weight loss for me.
Hello, I just added the book to my Kindle Fire, been surfing FB page, a lot of great stories. I am shooting to do the full cleanse but want to ask will I be running to the restroom? In the past I drink green smoothies with water and almond milk, I am a very gassy woman so I feel I need a cleanse. As I get older everything I eat makes me gassy all day long (ugh). I am hoping to rid this gas but I know I will be eating a lot of green leafy veggies. I am excited but hoping this will help me cleanse of this nasty gas lol.
Do you know what kinds of foods make you gassy? Gas is sometimes caused by swallowing air (or drinking it in the form of soda), and other times caused by gut bacteria happily eating whatever reaches them in your digestive system. Foods containing sugars are a common cause (and the fruits in these smoothies might cause some people to be a bit gassy), or certain types of carbs such as those found in beans and broccoli. Flax seeds also give some people gas. But most leafy greens don’t have anything to make the gut bacteria get hungry, so they’d be less likely to cause gas.
As for making you run – if you never eat fruit & veg, the smoothies might have more fiber in them than you’re used to – if that’s the case you could try adding them to your diet slowly rather than going all out into the cleanse without preparing – that way you’d be less likely to get diarrhea from the sudden change.
Am I allowed to squeeze lemon on my veggies during a full cleanse?
JJ says you can add fresh-squeezed lemon juice to improve the taste of water, so adding it to veggies should be fine.
Day 1. My blender holds about 56 oz. However, I blended the Day 1 smoothie this morning. I only got about 30 oz total (made one full 20 oz for breakfast and then only got 10 oz for lunch; none left for dinner). Not nearly enough for three smoothies at 20 oz each? Should I just add more water?
The recipes in the book are supposed to make 3 servings – about 36-48 ounces of smoothie, which you can divide into 3 servings of 12-16 ounces each. That’s the suggested serving size for each meal.
If you want, you can have more, up to 60 oz a day. But that doesn’t mean you’re supposed to have 60 oz a day; that’s just optional. To do that, you’d have to make more than one batch of smoothie.
I have been reading several reviews on the internet on the detox (which I am currently on), about a long list of snacks. In the book, it only list eggs, nuts, peanut butter, and crunchy veggies. Am I missing more items because it does not seem like alot. Help!
Here’s what you can have for snacks on the full cleanse:
Apples, celery, carrots, cucumbers, other crunchy veggies; other high-protein snacks include unsweetened peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, and raw or unsalted nuts and seeds (only a handful)
It isn’t a lot of variety, but it’s only for 10 days!
Can I still do a modified cleanse (1 or 2 smoothies a day) after I’ve completed the 10 day full cleanse? Then do the full cleanse again in 3-4 weeks. Wouldn’t that count as a continuous cleanse? What is considered a break (as far as food goes)?
JJ says you shouldn’t do the full cleanse for more than 14 days, and she says that two green smoothies plus a high-protein meal per day is very healthy and can be done for life. So you could do a modified cleanse after the full cleanse – just make sure your meals are high-protein and you rotate your veggies/greens.
Hello I wanted to know if I don’t have time to make a green smoothie is it ok to drink a naked green bottled smoothie
You’re supposed to follow the recipes in the book.
Searching for Naked smoothies on the 10-day green smoothie cleanse Facebook page, when someone asks if they can use Naked smoothies JJ says on Sep 29 2014 ‘Oh my goodness, no…they have to be made fresh! We don’t do processed or packaged smoothies on the detox… Plus NAKED just lost a lawsuit since they are anything but “natural”‘
I just found out a few weeks ago I am anemic and I have a fibrpid. I will do the modified version so I can get iron in certain greens like a kale salad. Is there anything else (vegetable or fruit wise) you would recommend I include to make sure I am getting sufficient iron during the cleanse?
There are differing opinions on the value of iron from plant sources, and cooking generally makes the iron more available than in raw vegetables. Here’s a resource: http://www.vrg.org/nutrition/iron.php.
So even if you have sauteed veggies in your one meal for the modified cleanse, it might be difficult for you to get enough iron while on this cleanse, and it might be worth supplementing. Check with your doctor for recommendations.
This is my 8th day of the cleanse. I don’t believe I have lost any/much weight. My friend has lost 12-15 pounds. We have been drinking the same shakes, have been drinking the same detox tea, and eating the same snacks as well. She has worked out each day and I have not as much. Could this be the reason?
It’s so annoying that different people lose weight at different speeds! It could just be that you’re reacting to the diet in different ways, and it’s possible that the exercise may have helped your friend.
I’m on Day 10 of the full cleanse and the same with Elise above, I haven’t lost weight. Workouts one hour a day. Not sure if this was all worth it.
doing the 10 day cleanse do I have to use the flaxseeds the smell and taste of it is making me sick
Try substituting chia seeds – https://www.facebook.com/groups/Green.Smoothie.Cleanse/search/?query=allergic%20to%20flax
Does the green smoothie made by Naked called Green Machine work?
You’re supposed to follow the recipes in the book, not buy smoothies from the store – whatever they say on the label.
Searching for Naked smoothies on the 10-day green smoothie cleanse Facebook page, when someone asks if they can use Naked smoothies JJ says on Sep 29 2014 ‘Oh my goodness, no…they have to be made fresh! We don’t do processed or packaged smoothies on the detox… Plus NAKED just lost a lawsuit since they are anything but “natural”‘
I doing the green smoothie cleanse and I ahve 2 questions would it be bad if I did not add flaxseed to the smoothie and how come Im not having bowel movements
The flaxseed adds fiber, a bit of protein, and a bit of fat to the smoothies. You could substitute with chia seeds.
If you’re not including the flaxseed in the smoothies, that might contribute to not having bowel movements.
Make sure you drink plenty of water.
The book recommends a saltwater flush (SWF) or Mag07 to keep your bowels moving (p.39).
It has a whole chapter on colonics, which are recommended for making sure the toxins in your body are eliminated.
I have a few questions
1. Is it okay to complete the cleanse again the following month?
2. During maintaining phase am I allowed to have the same smoothie every meal, every day? Or different smoothies are recommended?
I have a favorite smoothie recipe from the book that I really like and can drink every meal
Please see the guidelines for Repeating or extending the cleanse, on this page.
You should vary the smoothies during the maintaining phase, to make sure you get a variety of nutrients.
My prime concern is fat in the mid section. I am about 10/12 kilo overweight. Exercise does not work for me. I don’t eat junk food. Will this book help me?
It works for some people; there’s no one diet that works for everybody long term!
Can you drink 1 glass of red wine per day during the 10 day cleanse?
Red wine is not on the list of approved foods/beverages for the 10-day cleanse, sorry.
Thank you for this information. I would just like clarification on the amount of smoothie being prepared each day. Today is my first day, and according to the instructions, we are to prepare 72oz of smoothie. Using the Nutribullet blender, I made 2 batches using half the recipe for each batch. It yielded approximately 36oz. Did I do something incorrectly?
Not sure where you saw that – the unblended ingredients (before you switch the blender on) may come to about the 72 ounce level in the blender, but after you blend it you should get around 36-48 ounces of smoothie. So it sounds like you did it just right.
Im confused…Am I suppose to drink 2 smoothies for breakfast & 2 for lunch then 1 healthy meal??!
If you’re following the modified cleanse, you should have green smoothies for 2 meals each day (1 smoothie with 12-16 ounces of liquid for each of these meals), and have a healthy meal for one meal. You can choose what time of day you have the healthy meal – it could be lunch, dinner, or even a large breakfast that fits to the meal guidelines.
I completed the 10 day cleanse about a month ago, I have suffered from chronic insomnia and relied on a prescription medication to fall asleep for years. I’m so proud to say that I am no longer taking anything to help me to sleep! I do have a question, what’s the daily calorie count (estimated) for the 10 day cleanse?
Wow, congratulations, that must feel wonderful!
This isn’t a calorie-counting diet and the calories aren’t listed anywhere for the diet.
If you want to calculate the calories, you could use a tool like http://caloriecount.about.com/cc/recipe_analysis.php. The recipes call for measurements like “3 handfuls of spinach” which aren’t calculated well by this tool – you may have to take some extra steps to work out the quantities.
If the fruits are in the smoothie for the ten days cleanse can you also eat them as a snack.
The only fruit that’s listed as a snack is apples. All other fruits are only for the smoothies in this diet.
How many calories do the green smoothies have in them
This isn’t a calorie-counting diet and so the calories aren’t listed anywhere for the diet.
Wondering if anyone can help me…I just completed the 10 cleanse and I’m transitioning to doing the two smoothies and one clean meal until I reach my total weight loss goal. I know I can snack between my meals(my breakfast and lunch smoothie) what are some approved snacks besides the boiled eggs and nuts…. Can I have a small salad between my smoothies? Really don’t want to cheat myself, can anyone answer this?
Hard boiled eggs and nuts aren’t the only snack – you may snack on apples, celery, carrots, cucumbers, and other crunchy veggies throughout the day.
A salad without dressing would be okay – you could use peanut butter or another nut butter as a dip for veggies.
Hi someone told me the only fruit you can eat while doing this is apples??? Is this true?
There are lots of fruits in the smoothies, which you drink throughout the day, but the only fruit you can eat in snacks is apples.
I do not like Kale . Do you have to use it?
You don’t have to use it – substitute a different type of dark leafy green instead, and make sure that you’re not eating the same dark leafy greens in your smoothies every day.
I have a Nutri Ninja Auto IQ, the largest cup holds 28oz to the “fill” line. I’ve been struggling adjusting the recipes for that size cup. Can you offer any suggestions for the ratio of greens, fruit and liquid for that size?
Thank you!
If you’re doing the full cleanse, you should make the full recipe so you have enough for your smoothies for the day.
Collect all the ingredients, and blend the smoothie in two batches – first, put in half the ingredients, blend, and pour into a container, then put in the second half of the ingredients and blend.
I used the items for a smoothie with raspberries, spinach, blueberries, almond butter, cocoa, water, and pea protein powder and the taste is awful. Is there any way to make it taste better. I put in stevia but that does not help. All these items are costly and I don’t want to waste them but I am not sure I can drink this.
There are specific smoothie recipes in the book that you’re supposed to follow – pea protein powder isn’t mentioned in the book. Have a look at the book for tried and tested recipes!
Can I drink green tea on this cleanse?
Yes – green tea is listed as a herbal tea that you can drink “as desired”
Can I eat other fruit besides apples as a snack?
There are other snacks available, but the only fruit that JJ lists as a snack is apples.
Hi Penny,
Am on Day 4 and only having 1 bowel movement per day – also feel very bloated. Can you help?
JJ says that you should have 1-3 bowel movements per day while detoxing – so having only 1 would be okay as far as the book is concerned.
For the bloating, JJ advises that you chew your smoothies as much as possible, to avoid gas and bloating. It sounds weird, but using chewing motions while the drink is still in your mouth can help with the digestive process.
I am starting the cleanse again after 3 months later. This time I would like to use Mago7. Is it okay to take this every day of the cleanse even though I have no bm problems?
I focus on food, not supplements, so not really my area of expertise…
JJ suggests using Mag07 not just for bowel problems, but also to clear up skin rashes and acne and to generally clear out old fecal matter.
I did the full 10 day green cleanse back in May. After the 10th day my meal consist of 1 smoothie for breakfast with plant based protein powder, salad with fish or chicken for lunch and usually snacks on fruits/veggies, nuts for dinner (since I am not that hungry). I lost 20 pounds in just three months. This program really works.
My husband and me are on day 5 and feel so good. Refreshed and sleeping so well at night. I am definitely sold on having green smoothies incorporated in our daily lives after we are done. I had bought a NutraBullet a few months ago and now it is being used! The recipes are easy and good. We already were kind of healthy but this has helped us take it to the next level in our 40’s and we have lost some lbs. in the process put on by summer fun. So glad I found this book! Thanks JJ!
Been on JJ Smith program since December 2014 and have loss 51 1/2 pounds. The body has gone through some positive changes during the process. Exactly as she says in her book.
The book didn’t say, but even my hair grew a few inches longer, my skin is softer, etc, etc. It has been amazing. I’ve plateaued a bit and she does say to check the hormones. I probably need to exercise a bit. I like that better and it’s good for the body anyway. Just might help recharge that metabolism. JJ says to make it a journey and it has been just that, and stay focused. Got rid of emotional eating and only crave clean food. I do try to eat some items that I used to eat but it just doesn’t taste the same. I don’t want it. Just blows my mind how this program has really changed my eating for the better. I wanted a change in what I ate and I found it. This will be a permanent life-style for me and use other healthy meals along with it. Several others have joined me on the program and have had good to great success.
How wonderful to hear you’ve had so many positive changes after starting this diet! I hope you stay healthy.
my friend did the 10 day smoothie for her wedding and looked fantastic. I wanted to know will the smoothie have horrible taste because I’m not a vegetable eater at all, and I really want to do this 10 day smoothie process
I started the 10 day detox this morning. I was very apprehensive in regards to the taste of all the green vegetables but it taste great.. I added three Stevia packets to sweeten. I did have a headache and nausea so I ate 2 hard boiled eggs.. I have been in the bathroom quite a few times this morning.. I think it’s going to work just fine.. Good luck
I noticed under the section of foods not to eat you mentioned carrots, yet in J.J.’s book, carrots are a recommended snack during the cleanse….
The only “don’t eat carrots” mention is that in the full cleanse you shouldn’t include any starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, or any other vegetable that are not leafy greens in the smoothies.
Carrots as snacks are okay – you just can’t put them in smoothies.
will the 10 day green smoothie cleanse run your blood presser up if you already have high blood presser?
There are quite a few testimonials in the book from people saying their blood pressure dropped to a normal level while on this diet.
If you have any concerns, check with your doctor.
Haven’t gotten the book yet so how do I make the green smoothies and how much?
There’s a different recipe for each day in the book.
The quantities are in the book and also on this page: the recipes make about 36-48 ounces of smoothie, which you can divide into 3 servings of 12-16 ounces each.
I’m on propranolol for heart rhythm regulation and it has a moderate interaction with both dandelion and sarsaparilla found in detox teas so I can’t take the detox teas at all. Do you know if this will slow or delay the weight loss I should achieve?
That’s tough – pretty much all of them have some form of dandelion in them. I did a search on dandelion on the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse facebook page, and didn’t find any guidance on what to do if you can’t have dandelion.
You could try having warm water with lemon juice in the morning – some people find that helps clear things out.
The smoothies are great! I was wondering if snacking on other fruits like plums, bananas, ect. besides apples is frowned upon. thank you for your dedication to answering these questions.
You’re welcome, glad to help!
For both the full cleanse and modified cleanse, various fruits are allowed in the smoothies, but only apples are allowed for eating as a snack, not other fruits.
Has anyone ever used a modified version of this for children? I have a 10 year old that has been on steroids for asthma and he is now overweight. He’s a very active child. He plays soccer and is always outside playing with friends and/or jumping on the trampoline. So, do you have any suggestions? Thanks!
The only reference in the book to children is that even children love the taste of the green smoothies.
Check with your son’s doctor to see if they think the modified cleanse would be suitable. The full cleanse is probably too restrictive for a child.
i have the book and want to know how important it is to follow each days recipe? or can we use which ever smoothie we like best and achieve the same results
Here’s what JJ says:
“Follow the ten recipes provided for the cleanse. I encourage you to follow the ten specific recipes as they are listed in this book. The ten days of recipes are designed for detox and weight loss. The ten recipes are nutritionally balanced with proteins, carbs and healthy fats. Don’t substitute the water with other liquids. As an example, coconut water may make a smoothie taste better, but it is also high in natural sugar. This means that if you’re trying to break a sugar addiction, coconut water will slow the process of breaking that addiction. After the ten days, as you continue on your green-smoothie journey, feel free to add other fruits, oils, veggies, and some of the superfoods listed in this book. You have a whole lifetime to get creative with green smoothie recipes.” (p. 41)
Can I do this cleanse while breastfeeding?
If you’re breastfeeding, you need to make sure you’re getting a full range of nutrition to pass on to your baby.
Perhaps you could add the smoothies to your other foods, rather than following the full set of recommendations which would restrict your foods probably too much.
The smoothies contain natural ingredients with lots of nutrients – the only ingredients with any processing are stevia and protein powder, which you don’t necessarily need to include.
I have seen several people refer to this as a “diet”. This is not a diet…it is a 10 day cleanse!!
I’m on day 4 of the cleanse. I am following the 3 day smoothie plan and no meals.
However I have not lost any weight. I feel 1000% times better but no weight loss. Just wondering if Im doing something wrong?
I do drink lemon Tea with ginger. It’s all natural caffeine free.
I snack on carrots. Cucumbers. Red peppers. Broccoli. And some almonds and cashews.
Too many nuts?
I don’t add stevia, and I drink lots of water.
Any tips ?
How wonderful that you’re feeling so much better.
There are a number of lemon-ginger teas that you can buy, that tend to have “natural flavors” and ingredients like that – not sure they can be classified as a herbal tea as they contain non-herbs. Could you stick to water, detox tea, and herbal teas instead?
Keep an eye out on the number of nuts – they can be more-ish. JJ says “only a handful” – it’s not clear whether that’s per day.
The book has lots of guidance on bowel movements – are you eliminating as much as JJ thinks you should be, and if not then have you tried the techniques she suggests?
I am from India, Pune city. I am unable to find the mentioned fruits grapes,mangoes,berries also spring mix greens. What should i do?
That’s tough – JJ asks you to follow her recipes for the best cleanse results. However you could try to substitute the fruits with other fruits that you can buy, and substitute spring greens with young leafy green vegetables that you can purchase where you are.
I’m planning on doing the modified first and wanted to know when making the smoothies how would I cut the recipe to make only two smoothies a day instead of 3? When eating the one healthy meal, can you use any dressings on your salad and what can you sauté your vegetables in?
You could cut down so you make only 2/3 of the recipe, or you could use the leftover smoothies to drink through the rest of the day.
JJ doesn’t tell you which oil to saute vegetables in – however, in the “weight loss the healthy, natural way” section of chapter 6 (p.54), she tells you that these oils support weight loss: avocado oil, coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil, fish oil, flaxseed oil, sesame oil.
Most of those aren’t great to cook with, so probably the best choices are extra-virgin olive oil or coconut oil. Most of the recipes I found on the Facebook page used olive oil.
For salad dressing, JJ says on the Facebook page – “Dressing should be a light, olive oil based or balsamic dressing – recommended for use on the modified cleanse and post-cleanse.”
Is it safe to continue breastfeeding?
If you’re breastfeeding, you need to make sure you’re getting a full range of nutrition to pass on to your baby.
Perhaps you could add the smoothies to your other foods, rather than following the full set of recommendations which would restrict your foods probably too much.
The smoothies contain natural ingredients with lots of nutrients – the only ingredients with any processing are stevia and protein powder, which you don’t necessarily need to include.
I am a vegan so I cannot eat the eggs. I have been snacking on either a small handful of nuts OR 2T almond butter. But I feel like I need something else (everyone else can have eggs but since I can’t….) – any suggestions?
Thanks for answering so many questions for everyone
So you don’t end up eating too many nuts, maybe you could try avocados instead of hard-boiled eggs.
I tried the cleanse back in May. I did not lose weight per say, but I did lose a few inches over all (my clothes were looser etc.)
I am trying it again because over the course of the year (June-Now) I have gained about 20ish lbs due to poor eating, stress from my job, sickness, and lack of working out etc. I am doing the modified cleanse this time, and hope to keep this as a part of my daily routine (2 smoothies, then light dinner meal). What should I do if I am not able to work out? I am a teacher, and it is really hard for me to workout after school around 5pm. I am often exhausted and the gym is the last thing on my mind.
Also, this is my first day starting back, I have not had a bowel movement yet today. How many are you supposed to have daily on the modified cleanse?
JJ says: “Exercising while on the cleanse is beneficial. However, if you feel really fatigued, rest! Listen to your body, and if it wants to rest, please do so. The best types of exercises are brisk walking or yoga. Keep things simple during a detox. If you do not currently exercise regularly (this would be me!), start small. Take a fifteen-minute walk today and gradually increase your time over the next ten days. It is always best not to just dive right in and make yourself take an hour walk when you are not accustomed to exercising.” (p. 70).
As a teacher you’re probably on your feet a fair bit – you probably don’t need to beat yourself up about working out at the gym.
The modified cleanse isn’t any different from the full cleanse for number of bowel movements – normal bowel movement described as 1-2 per day.
Hay JJ Smith, I want to start the 10 day green smoothie cleanse, you talked about 6 ways to get rid of belly fat with out any workout, does those six plans take of the extra fat on the side,and the top of the back, ? Do I have to prachese two different books for what I would like to help me stay consistent in doing for a healthy life. Can I go to any one of the stores to buy the book without ordering? Like to start a.s.a.P. thank you
Hi Evelyn,
This website and this article aren’t written by JJ Smith – I’ll see what I can do to answer your question!
JJ’s book “6 Ways to Lose Belly Fat Without Exercise!” was published in February 2014, and “10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse” was published in July 2014. Often, the more recently published book is the “latest and greatest”. Also, the Green Smoothie Cleanse is a much more popular book, and it sold a lot more copies, which could mean that more people had success following the diet and recommending it to their friends.
I haven’t done a review of “6 Ways” so I can’t tell you the differences between the two books.
You can look at and buy the books in bookstores, or borrow them from the library if you want to review them before you buy. If you look at the book on Amazon, from a computer (not the mobile version), you can click on the book image to “look inside” to see the contents and a sample as well – for this book there are a lot of pages of the book in “look inside.”
Hope that helps,
I just started the 10 day green smoothie cleanse. I am having trouble breaking the recipes into thirds. My blender can only make 14 oz of smoothie at a time. Any suggestions?
A couple of thoughts – break the recipes into quarters (easier than thirds), or break into half except the liquids; only add enough liquid to allow it to blend properly, then add the remaining liquid afterwards.
Your book is one of the best I have read. I have a full collection of nutrition books and your program its simple and effective. I recommend my clients buy your book. Thank you so much for doing this.
Hi I am Imrana I have hypo thyroid and I took medicine every morning
I want to start with two smothy per day .can I take protein with my both smoothies ?
Protein powder is optional in the smoothie recipes – follow your doctor’s advice on how much protein you should eat and whether protein powder would be beneficial for you.
I want to do modified cleanser with 2 smoothy and one meal but I have torpid patient. And can I used milk on my tea and what salad dressing should I used in my salad
JJ says you shouldn’t have any milk products during the cleanse, either the full cleanse or the modified cleanse.
The book has a recipe for a dressing for salmon, which it sounds like some people use as a salad dressing. There are a lot of suggestions for salad dressings on The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Facebook page, salad dressing search. JJ says (on March 4 in response to Melissa Battle-Pace) “you can have any light olive oil or vinegarette dressing that’s low in sugar… A dry salad would be very hard to enjoy! Just go easy on the salad dressings.” Generally people are suggesting making your own salad dressing with oil and vinegar, or just using apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.
This is day 1 on the cleanse for me! I noticed that the book said crunchy veggies yet did not specify if I could eat tomatoes, avocado or use vinegar….I would very much like to eat these together for a snack.
Would it be wise to do so?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve never had crunchy tomatoes or avocado – I’d assume you can’t have them as snacks on this diet. Tomatoes contains sugars, avocados contain fats – crunchy vegetables tend to be very low on both of those. Also, the crunchy stuff takes more to digest – you have to chew it, or it takes more to break down in your digestive system.
JJ raves about apple cider vinegar (ACV), and her favorite brand is Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar. She suggests it in water for a liver-cleansing option (p.63).
The only reference I can find for vinegar in food in the full cleanse is in the Facebook post by JJ on 1/3/16 – “OK! I’m gonna try this! My friend swears by it… It’s APPLES, CUCUMBERS with a little Lite Raspberry Vinaigrette (one with 5 grams or less of sugar)…brands like Wishbone, Annie’s and many other brands are available). Yes, its GSC-approved.”
i just started my 10 day green smoothie cleanse, can i have a salad with baked chicken on the the 10 day green smoothie cleanse
If you’re doing the full cleanse, you can’t have chicken – only the smoothies and listed snacks.
If you’re doing the modified cleanse, you can have salad and baked chicken, along with sauteed vegetables.
i’m on day 3 of the 10 day smoothie diet.why is my tongue green?it did the same thing the first time i did it a few months ago…thanks
Hmm, that’s unusual. Do you not usually eat leafy green vegetables? Does your tongue usually have a “hairy” appearance with a fuzzy coating?
Greetings, I’m just starting the 10 Day Smoothie. I purchased the ingredients and made my smoothie and snacks for the day. In J J’s book and on this site it mentions Sea Salt. But, where am I adding the Sea Salt? On my raw veggies, boiled eggs? And, is it just a pinch?
Thanks in advance for replying.
The sea salt is probably for the saltwater flush (SWF), for getting your bowels moving if you haven’t had a bowel movement in over 24 hours – see page 39
can you do this cleanse if you are a diabetic? or is there a diabetic cleanse you could suggest?
The author advises if you have diabetes to watch out for the natural sugar content in green smoothies.
“It is recommended that diabetics or those who suffer with candida use only low-sugar fruits such as apples, grapefruits , lemons, limes, cherries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, goji berries, and blueberries. Moderate-sugar fruits include peaches, oranges, pears, apples, pomegranates, and plums. The high-sugar fruits are apricots, melons, kiwis, mangos, papayas, pineapples, bananas, dates, figs, raisins, and grapes. Be sure to monitor your blood sugar throughout the day to see that the numbers are stable! And, of course, get your doctor’s permission before you proceed with the cleanse.” (pp. 38-39)
You could also look at The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet by Mark Hyman
Can I chew sugarless gum during this process.
Gum isn’t mentioned in the book, but in a Facebook page search for gum JJ said on Feb 25 2014 “yes, sugar-free gum is fine! The chewing motion helps some folks feel like they’re eating too”
Did anyone have stomach pain during the diet?
I did a search for stomach pain on the Facebook page – couldn’t find people complaining of it.
Are you just starting the diet? It would be an unusual detox pain, but you can’t always predict what your body will do while it’s detoxing.
I started the diet this Friday. I started having stomach pain on sun. It slowly went away but then has come back on mon and also on tues. Very strange. I do not want to be discouraged away from doing the diet but if this continues I may have to stop. Any tips?
Try this: don’t have the smoothies too cold, and “chew” them (roll each mouthful around and move your jaw up and down like you’re chewing a solid food) before swallowing them.
Some people’s stomachs react badly to cold foods, and chewing produces enzymes that help in digestion.
I have done the cleanse 3x and I have never had stomach pains. The only pain that I have experienced is a headache during the first 1-2 days.
What kind of stomach pains are you having? One of the things that I would suggest is to join the Facebook page for the cleanse. There is so much information on there and you can ask questions and get a response.
I’m 55 years old and weighed 100 pounds. Year 2015 I gained 15 pounds and my clothes do not fit anymore. I really discouraged because I do not want to go out an buy new ones. I’m in the process of looking at the modified diet and only want to lose pounds. Is this the diet for me. I’m very healthy and want to lose that much and stop or is there another cleanse for my type.
There are so many diets, it’s not really possible to predict what’s going to work for you! Try the diet for a week and see how you feel.
I did the master cleanse for 10 days and lost 7 pounds. I was never hungry. My BM’s were at least 4 times a day,which was great for me because I have always had a problem with constipation. The only problem I had with MC was my tongue turned white and breath was foul. Brushed a lot and got listerine strips. After 10 days I ate fruit, steamed vegetables, salmon, sardines lots of salads, being creative with vegggies. I went back and fourth 2-4 pounds.
I am now on day one of Green Smoothie Cleanse and love the smoothies.
If anyone has problems with constipation, the Internal Salt Water Bathing will take care of that. Be sure you use 2 teaspoons of salt not tablespoons, and you plan to stay home that day. It works immediately!!! and often
Good luck everyone. Follow the diets and you will be fine. Don’t make your own changes
Any idea what skin’s elasticity will be after you lose weight on this program? I need to lose 15lbs and am concerned that my stomach, thighs (and other areas) will end up with saggy skin which will require some surgical procedures tighten up. Thanks!
I don’t know whether the diet itself would improve the skin’s elasticity.
15 pounds isn’t a huge amount of weight loss – in most cases you’d have only a small amount of sagging which you could address with exercise.
How many servings are in each smoothie recipe located in Appendix A of the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse book?
It looks like each recipe makes about the same amount as the cleanse recipes in chapter 4, i.e. about 36-48 ounces of liquid, or maybe a little less. That’ll give you about 3 servings of 12-16 ounces each.
I started the 10 day green smoothie plan and i just wanted to know if you can chew gum and also what is the detox drink made up of. I would like to try that to. So far so good on the green smoothie plan. Love it
A search for “gum” on the Facebook page – JJ said on Feb 25 2014 “yes, sugar-free gum is fine! The chewing motion helps some folks feel like they’re eating too”
The detox teas recommended in the book are by Triple Leaf and Yogi brands. They contain herbal ingredients such as dandelion leaf, burdock root, cinnamon bark, ginger root, and licorice root.
I had coffee will this affect it
If you had it and then realized you shouldn’t be having it, that’s okay – just work through the rest of the cleanse.
JJ says: “Coffee containing caffeine gives your adrenal glands a rush, and it is important to take a break from this. Coffee is also acidic. As you cleanse, you are bringing your pH into a more alkaline state, which is imperative for good health. Coffee will interrupt the process of bringing your body into an alkaline state. It is also an irritant to the intestines. Take a break from it for now. If you need to, have a cup of green tea instead. But this also contains caffeine. Going without any caffeinated beverage is best.” (pp. 73-74)
I wanted to start the 10 day smoothie but I don’t have a bullet can I use a regular blender
You can, but if it’s a low-speed blender you’ll probably find that the smoothies aren’t… well… smooth. If they’re grainy you might be put off from drinking them and have trouble completing the cleanse.
Penny Hammond, can you substitute dry oatmeal for the flaxseed or as an additive? Trying to find a way to make the smoothie a little more filling without using protein powder. When I make smoothies with protein powder added, I’ve noticed that they do not hold up through the day. The liquid tends to separate when protein powder is added.
The cleanse doesn’t include any starchy foods, so I’d assume that dry oatmeal wouldn’t work as a substitute. I searched the facebook page for oatmeal but didn’t find anything from JJ saying it’s okay to eat.
Are you using a high power blender? The smoothies might be separating if the ingredients aren’t blended smoothly.
I am on day 5 of the full GS cleanse. I stopped taking my one a day vitamin which contains 100 mg of caffeine. For the past 3 days I have experienced headaches and weakness. Is this normal? What can I do to stop the headaches?
It’s possible that it might be caffeine withdrawal, in which case it should just about be over by now – make sure you’re drinking plenty of water.
All the fruit in the smoothies ? Isn’t this lots of sugar for weight loss ? Just concerned I’m on day 2 with my hubby just st a concern I’d like answered were both in great health need to loss weight thank you Desiree Shifflett
It’s a natural sugar… for some people who react strongly to fruit sugars it might be a bit much for them, but there are many people who’ve had success on this cleanse including health improvements and weight loss.
I’m doing the 10day smoothie cleanse, can you eat light popcorn as a snack? I thought I read it in one of the priors. Also can you eat unsalted peanut butter or unsweetened?
Popcorn is listed as a food that you can eat to support general weight loss, but it’s not included in the cleanse. Wait until after you’ve finished the cleanse!
Hi so I am planning to start my 10 day cleanse very soon. I was wondering if I can use fresh fruits and just freeze them instead of buying frozen fruits which is more expensive? Thanks.
Yes, fresh fruits would work – they’re sometimes cheaper fresh than frozen when they’re in season, but often more expensive when out of season.
im going to start to tomorrow and would like to know if i can snack on fruits such as pineapples, grapefruits, clementines, cantalopes, grapes..
You can have fruits in your smoothies, but the only fruit allowed in snacks is apples.
During the 10 day cleanse can u have pickled eggs since its soak in vinegar…I wasn’t sure so i needed to know.. I am on day 2 and it’s going good I thought I could not make it without food but it’s really a mind over matter thing.
JJ raves about apple cider vinegar (ACV), and her favorite brand is Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar. She suggests it in water for a liver-cleansing option (p.63).
The only reference I could find for vinegar in food in the full cleanse is in the Facebook post by JJ on 1/3/16 – “OK! I’m gonna try this! My friend swears by it… It’s APPLES, CUCUMBERS with a little Lite Raspberry Vinaigrette (one with 5 grams or less of sugar)…brands like Wishbone, Annie’s and many other brands are available). Yes, its GSC-approved.”
So if you pickle your own eggs in apple cider vinegar, that should be fine. Watch out for pre-prepared pickled eggs, which may have sugar and other unapproved ingredients added.
I am on Day 4 and I was wanting to know how many boil eggs can assume in a day far as calorie intake on the smoothie cleanse.
According to the FAQs on Facebook: calories and serving sizes are not the focus, so there are no hard, fast rules… but you should snack when you’re hungry and in moderation. You have to learn to eat in moderation. Hardboiled eggs: you decide, most do 2 per day.
can i incorporate PiYo exercise or any exercise with the full cleanse?
I focus on the food, not exercise… hope this is helpful:
JJ says: “Exercising while on the cleanse is beneficial. However, if you feel really fatigued, rest! Listen to your body, and if it wants to rest, please do so. The best types of exercises are brisk walking or yoga. Keep things simple during a detox. If you do not currently exercise regularly (this would be me!), start small. Take a fifteen-minute walk today and gradually increase your time over the next ten days. It is always best not to just dive right in and make yourself take an hour walk when you are not accustomed to exercising.” (p. 70).
I don’t really need to lose more than 5 lbs, but want to know if it would help cholesterol
Searching for cholesterol on the diet’s Facebook page, there are a number of people who say their cholesterol went down after following this cleanse.
Has anyone did the diet/cleanse while breastfeeding?
If you’re breastfeeding, you need to make sure you’re getting a full range of nutrition to pass on to your baby.
Perhaps you could add the smoothies to your other foods, rather than following the full set of recommendations which would restrict your foods probably too much.
What blender would you recommend
The author says to use a high-speed blender, around 1000 watts. These brands are mentioned in the book (but no individual blenders): Vitamix, Blendtec, and Nutribullet. If you’re using a smaller blender, you may need to make the day’s recipe in two batches.
If you search for blender on the Facebook site, there are several discussions where people talk about their favorite blenders – e.g. “So, what’s your favorite blender and WHY?” on April 5, 2016.
This type of diet has had a positive holistic influence in my life. I am dropping weight and feeling better about myself. I can see the positive changes when I look in the mirror. I feel this to be a lifestyle change for me. The facebook group is awesome. The support, help and encouragement is invaluable.
That’s great, thanks for letting us know about the positive changes!
I just started the 10 day green smoothie cleanse and would like to know what I can substitute for pineapples since I’m allergic to them. Also is it ok to make your smoothies the night before and refrigerate them. My schedule is hectic and making them at night is easier to just grab and go.
Use another fruit you see in other smoothie recipes for the 10 days.
You might lose some of the nutrients if you make the smoothies the night before – is it possible to put all the ingredients in the blender pitcher in the fridge the night before, and blend them in the morning?
Am interest in during 10 cleanse…..juice for a while and enjoyed taste..am diagnosed as type all diabetic. Should use stevia or can I still use equal? Will be doing this with friends… Looking forward to starting
JJ recommends using stevia as the sweetener, not Equal, which contains dextrose, maltodextrin, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium (ace-k). Try the stevia instead.
Are you drinking the right amount of water? JJ says you should drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day! This will help tremendously!!!!
I am Type 2 diabetic, high blood pressure, & at least 3 growths on my thyroid. I lost 20 lbs. on this 10 day Green Smoothie Cleanse! Very happy with the results! It did NOT bother my diabetes at all!!!!!!
Can you blend the smoothie the night before and then remix it in the morning before you package it? Thanks
Blending chops the ingredients up and exposes them to decay – blending the night before and remixing in the morning won’t be any different from just blending the night before, and the smoothie may lose a lot of its benefits.
Just started day one of the Green Smoothie Cleanse…needing to lose 5-10lbs before my June wedding and hoping this will give me that edge. Is it okay, if I have the two green smoothies a day (breakfast and dinner) with a salad for lunch? Can I include fruit or yogurt at lunch as well?
It sounds like you want to do something between the full cleanse and the modified cleanse. However, with just salad for lunch, you might not be getting enough nutrients. The full cleanse is expected to give you faster weight loss, but if it sounds like a struggle for you then you could try the modified cleanse instead.
List A shows lemon as a ingredient but is not listed in the receipes for the first 5 days?? Also, I brought Kale that was chopped up but some of the receipes say 1 1/2 or 1 or 2 kale leaves. How do I measure this accurately with chopped kale leaves?
I’m trying to find the list you refer to (which shows lemon) – could you please let me know where it is?
A large handful of chopped kale will be approximately equivalent to one kale leaf.
Hi Penny, I just saw a post on facebook about this cleanse and decided to check it out on pinterest.The information is awesome, I have a trip to go on from May 24th and would really like to do this cleanse however i would not get the book in time. Is it possible to share the recipes only for the 10 day smoothies. I really need to this.
I’m sorry but I don’t want to provide every single piece of information for the diet on this page because it might mean people not buying the book (and the author deserves to have books sold if people are following her diet). Could you go to a bookstore or library to get the details? Or you could download the digital book from Amazon and read it straight away (you don’t need a kindle device – you can download readers for your computer or phone).
Hi there!
I did the full cleanse a few weeks ago and lost 7 pounds (plus an inch off of my waist and hips). It got me off of my diet sodas and coffee, too! I’m a HUGE fan!
I still have a bit to lose so I want to do the modified cleanse but I don’t cook. Do you have any suggestions for high protein meals? Would a simple chicken salad work? Or a piece of baked chicken from KFC? (Just looking for quick meals).
Hi! Glad to hear you’re feeling healthier.
On the modified cleanse, JJ says that the one healthy meal may consist of a salad, sautéed veggies, and fish or chicken (grilled or baked)
I looked for the ingredients for KFC Grilled Chicken – it says Fresh Chicken Marinated With: Salt, Sodium Phosphate and Monosodium Glutamate. Seasoned With: Maltodextrin, Salt, Bleached Wheat Flour, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean and Cottonseed Oil, Monosodium
Sounds like many of these ingredients don’t really tie in with the recommendations of the diet, so it may be better if you could grill or bake it yourself. If you have a freezer you could prepare a batch of it, shred it and freeze it in serving-size portions – that way it defrosts fairly quickly and can be heated up or served cold (as long as you’ve not let it sit out at room temperature).
How many hard boiled eggs can i have a day as a snack?
Most people have up to 2 a day
I just started the cleanse this morning. The Womens World magazine calls for 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Is it “cocoa” or “cacoa” powder that I should be using? Also I have made two smoothies already using 1/4 cup of pea protein in each smoothie. Is that correct or too much.? Again, I followed the recipe in the Womans World Magazine.
To follow the 10-day cleanse in the book, JJ asks that you use the recipes for each day in the book – they’re different recipes each day. There are also a number of other guidelines in the book.
It sounds like the Womens World recipe is a taster, rather than the recipe you should use every day on the cleanse.
Cocoa or cacao powder would both be okay, as long as they’re pure and not sweetened.
Many of the recipes in the book say that 1 scoop of protein powder is optional – the protein powder should be plant-based, so pea protein would be fine, and 1/4 cup sounds a little high for a scoop but that’ll depend on the brand you’re using and their suggested serving/scoop size.
I can’t find the book at all
It’s in the bestsellers lists in the USA, so possibly your local bookstore is out of stock – you can order it online, e.g. at Amazon.com.
This is a life saver I’m looking to start mine tomorrow. However my book hasn’t arrived yet. I know this is an older article but if youor anyone knows, how’d much spring water typically goes in the smoothies?
Hi! All the recipes for the first 10 days contain 2 cups of water.
I hope your book arrives soon, and that you have success!
For salads on the modified cleanse, what kind of dressings can I use?
The book has a recipe for a dressing for salmon, which it sounds like some people use as a salad dressing. There are a lot of suggestions for salad dressings on The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Facebook page, salad dressing search. JJ says (on March 4 2014 in response to Melissa Battle-Pace) “you can have any light olive oil or vinegarette dressing that’s low in sugar… A dry salad would be very hard to enjoy! Just go easy on the salad dressings.” Generally people are suggesting making your own salad dressing with oil and vinegar, or just using apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.
I love the green smothie going continue
Until I reach my goal thank you
So much jj smith
I have only lost 3 lbs and am on my 9th day. I have started my day with a DETOX tea and then had 1 smoothie at each meal. I sipped it during the day because cannot drink it all at once. I used the 10 day recipes and had carrot, apple, boiled egg and handful of seeds or nuts during the meals. Did not have all the snacks in one day but within the 10 days rotated the snacks. I am supper disappointed and discouraged. I cannot understand these success stories, if they are the truth. Please help me and send me a email.
Sorry to hear it hasn’t worked out for you – there aren’t any diets that work for absolutely everyone out there.
Are you feeling healthier?
I started the 10 day 6-11-2016 and i am very pleased with it . I found it wasn’t very hard to do the 2 smoothies and a salad for dinner, even after I cooked for my family. Doesn’t taste bad, trying to get my girlfriends on board to being health. Thanks
Add lemon slices … you can also get one of her water bottles to infuse fruit into the water. I like mine with lemon, lime or cucumber and mint.
Can I still take my daily vitamins on this cleanse?
To the question “Are there any supplements that are important to take?” (p. 69), JJ says
“Whether or not you continue to take your current vitamin supplements during the cleanse is up to you. I prefer not to take vitamin supplements when I cleanse.”
Because the diet contains so much produce, it might contain more vitamins than you usually get through food.
Ok, I am confused, it says above to snack on apples, celery, CARROTS, cucumbers and other crunchy vegetables. Then lower down in the article, it says foods to avoid. no starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, CARROTS, beets or other vegetables that are not leafy greens, which cucumbers wouldn’t be. So which is it, are carrots ok or not? I am starting mine next week, my husband will be gone for a week and it is the perfect time, no cooking for a week!!!
You should avoid adding starchy vegetables to your smoothies – the only vegetables you add to smoothies should be leafy greens.
It’s okay to have raw carrots as snacks.
Good luck!
Hi Penny,
I have done the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse before but I’m doing it again (on day 4 of full cleanse). I wish I found your page sooner! The cheat sheet will help a lot this round.
Even though I’ve done the cleanse before I still have a few questions. Maybe you can answer them:
1. Do you follow the don’t drink anything 30 minutes before and 2 hours after “rule” on pg.51 while on the cleanse? (Trying to decide when to drink my 64 oz of water)
2. Why does day 6 have the greens in cups and not handful?
3. Why are dry beans on the “foods to avoid” list (pg. 54)? What source should you use for the beans on the “foods to eat” list? Canned beans? Frozen beans?
4. Are pears OK to be eaten as a snack on the full cleanse? JJ only calls out apples but on pg. 39 it says to “pick a new fruit each day”, what does that apply?
Hi Peta,
Glad the cheat sheet helps!
1. JJ is asking you not to drink water with your meals, as this will dilute your digestive juices and make digestion less efficient. This is in chapter 6, for after the 10-day cleanse, but might apply if you’re doing the modified cleanse as well. You’re right, it does make it a little difficult to drink a lot of water if you’re restricting so much! However, you’re not eating all the time on this diet, so use this as an opportunity to keep feeling full between meals
2. You’re right, all the other days talk about handfuls, and day 6 mentions cups instead. Maybe the book was first written with cups and the testers/proofreaders pointed out that it’s difficult to measure greens in cups so they decided on handfuls instead, but missed this one out by mistake
3. Another interesting contradiction I hadn’t spotted before. Firstly, remember that this food list is for long-term, not for the cleanse. I’m guessing fresh or frozen are encouraged rather than dried, which are probably more starchy
4. I think that “pick a new fruit each day” is for the smoothies, rather than for the snack. JJ is pretty insistent that the only fruit you can have for snacks is apples.
I love the 10 day green smoothie cleanse that JJ has provided .I just have a few questions and concerns.I have only compelted the 10 day smoothie cleanse and so far down 6 pounds.I didn’t complete the smoothie cleanse after the 6 days but I did still watched what I ate.I want to continue where I left off and do the cleanse for 8 more days knowing that it’s not recomended for more than 14 days.Do I just start back on day 7 smoothie until I reach day 10 smoothie ,and choose 4 different smoothieto complete out the 14 days?Or do I start all over?What do I do?Also before I started the cleanse I was having regular bowel movements but as soon as I started drinking the smoothies and teas they stopped so I would do a sea salt flush to relieve me but if a salt water flush wasn’t conducted it wouldn’t happen unless I ate a salad after the 6 days.The detox teas didn’t work for me and I didn’t do the ACV drink nor take Mag 07.But when I continue the cleanse I will drink the ACV and take the mag 07.
That would work, starting where you left off; you could then go back to day 1, day 2, etc instead of picking smoothies randomly – that’ll give you more of a chance of having a variety of nutrients.
Good luck keeping things moving – also don’t forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day. You could try slightly warm water instead of cold water, especially first thing in the morning (perhaps with some lemon), to see if that helps.
Hi I am doing this for the first time and unfortunately, I drank alcohol yesterday, my weight has gone up. Will this change or will it now stay the same please? Also, my period started yesterday too. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
Doing the cleanse should help clear out the effects of alcohol, so no worries there.
For many people, doing the cleanse while on your period is okay – others may find that doing the partial cleanse for a few days suits them better.
Is this good for breastfeeding mothers? I need to lose a bit of weight without overworking myself. Please advise.
If you’re breastfeeding, you need to make sure you’re getting a full range of nutrition to pass on to your baby.
Perhaps you could add the smoothies to your other foods, and avoid processed foods, rather than following the full set of recommendations which would restrict your foods probably too much.
Must I use all these green ingredients at once or can I select some from the list?
The food lists show the ingredients included in the diet – they’re not a recipe of what should be used.
Please see the book for smoothie recipes for each day of the diet.
Question it mentions eating crunchy fruits can you also have mushy fruits like mango’s, raspberries, oranges, etc to snack on while doing the full detox? And if so how many a day are recommended?
Mushy fruits can be included in the smoothies, but not as snacks.
You can have crunchy vegetables in your snacks, and also apples, which are the only fruit listed as allowed for snacks.
I am going to start the cleanse but don’t want to go out and buy a mixer, can I use my Ninja?
Sure – is it one of the more powerful ones? Higher-speed blenders chop up the ingredients a lot smaller so the texture of the smoothie is more pleasant – it can be grainy if a lower-powered blender is used, and a lot of people don’t like that. That’s why JJ recommends a high-speed blender, around 1000 watts
Does JJ Smith mean only one handful of nuts or seeds a day? Or does she mean at a time when sitting and eating?
JJ says that a handful is a snack. She doesn’t say in the book how many snacks a day you should have, but says that it’s important to drink a green smoothie or snack every three to four hours to keep your metabolism revved up.
A snack should be something you’re putting thought into, not just something you’re putting in your mouth to keep your hands occupied – plan when you’re going to have snacks, and eat the recommended foods then; if you’re really hungry even after drinking water you could increase the number of snacks per day.
Heard about how the green smoothie cleanse and wanted to give it a try. I’m on day 2 and have really bad headache is this to be expected the entire time of the cleanse ? Took Tylenol but still have headache.
Sorry to hear that, I know it doesn’t feel good when you’re trying to do something to make your body better and you temporarily feel worse.
You might get a headache for a couple days as your body gets used to not having some things you were eating/drinking before (such as coffee and sugar) – it should go within a few days.
The book is usually less than $10 on Amazon
Started cleanse today me and my girlfriend cynthia gilbert so far so good. Results in ten days.
How did it go?
I am on my fifth day of the cleanse and have followed it religiously. I am 68years old and weigh 170lbs. I am really disappointed as so far I have lost 1lb. I do not feel good as I have a headache constantly. I will be stopping the cleanse tomorrow!
Sorry to hear you haven’t had much success and haven’t been feeling well.
It’s possible that the headache was from withdrawal from some of the foods you usually eat/drink, such as caffeine and sugar.
What type of dressing is good to use on salads. Im guessing olive oil but any specific vinegar and what about in restaurants
You’re talking about about the modified cleanse, right? (some raw veggies are allowed as snacks in the full cleanse, but no dressing, although you could use unsweetened peanut butter)
The book has a recipe for a dressing for salmon, which it sounds like some people use as a salad dressing. There are a lot of suggestions for salad dressings on The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Facebook page, salad dressing search. JJ says (on March 4 in response to Melissa Battle-Pace) “you can have any light olive oil or vinegarette dressing that’s low in sugar… A dry salad would be very hard to enjoy! Just go easy on the salad dressings.” Generally people are suggesting making your own salad dressing with oil and vinegar, or just using apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.
I don’t see any restrictions on type of vinegar (although balsamic might be a bit sugary). In restaurants you can often ask for an oil and vinegar dressing.
When working out, I use a pre-work out that contains caffeine. Can I continue using on the cleanse?
JJ says that going completely without caffeine on the cleanse is best. Would it be possible for you to stick to only the foods/drinks recommended during the cleanse?
How big does the cup need to be?
A cup is usually 8 fluid ounces – what ingredient are you asking about measuring?
I’ve done this a year ago and lost 14 pounds in 10 days. It was a great jump start to my journey. I decided to do it again. I am currently on day 6 and have lost 11 pounds. I drink my three smoothies per day and have 2 boil eggs, celery sticks, a tablespoon of unsweetened peanut butter a day. I also drink half a gallon of water a day if not more. It works. I recommend anyone needing a jump start to weight loss to try it. Not saying it will be easy. I got motivated seeing results so that kept me going.
Good luck!
Everyday I at least have a little more then 35 ounces of water a day and 2 green smoothies a day with a boiled egg would I still lose weight by drinking and eating that much?
Water won’t make you put on weight, and drinking enough water can help you lose weight.
This diet calls for either 3 green smoothies a day plus snacks, or 2 green smoothies and a light meal plus snacks. The amounts of food you’ve mentioned might not be enough to keep you going strong.
What excellent information. So much in-depth information. Thank you.
For myself, every January I do a detox. For the first 14 – 21 days I only consume: vegetable juices, vegetable smoothies, filtered water, coconut water, caffeine-free herbal teas and a little low sugar fruit like blueberries, limes and lemons that I add to the smoothies.
Fruitless smoothies are surprisingly delicious, if you add avocado rather than sweet fruit.
For the second half of the detox, I add blended soups and broths to that routine.
Everything homemade, nothing processed. Then slowly transition into a wholefood diet of solid foods and all fruits in February.
I normally experience detox die-off symptoms in the first week which are NOT overly fun (LOL), but they pass quickly.
I also do light exercise, dry skin brushing and salt baths or steam rooms, to assist with the detox.
I have never sought doctor approval for this detox routine, as my doctor knows absolutely nothing about nutrition. And I am fully prepared to accept total responsibility for my actions. Never had an issue. But I can understand why you would recommend it.
The only point I disagree with on the above article, is where you say: “prepare your entire day’s worth of green smoothies in the morning and pack it up to take with you”.
As I have found green smoothies can oxidize within the hour, so I always make them fresh as and when I need them. I keep a blender at home and also a blender at work, which covers my basis.
Thank you again for a great article.
Thanks for all your suggestions!
I assume JJ recommends making all the green smoothies in the morning for convenience, as many people don’t always have the ability to make smoothies from scratch throughout the day. But if you can do that, great.
Can i do this while breastfeeding?? Is it safe??
If you’re breastfeeding, you need to make sure you’re getting a full range of nutrition to pass on to your baby.
Perhaps you could add the smoothies to your other foods, rather than following the full set of recommendations which would restrict your foods probably too much.
The smoothies contain natural ingredients with lots of nutrients – the only ingredients with any processing are stevia and protein powder, which you don’t necessarily need to include.
Some people also have expressed a concern that detoxing can push the toxins into your breast milk. If you’re going to move away from eating processed foods, probably best to do it slowly while breastfeeding.
I just started today…..I’m praying that I can get through this since I’m probably the biggest foodie EVER! lol. I’m only doing the modified for the 1st 5 days and hoping to finish with the full cleanse in the second half. I’m vegetarian so chicken or fish is not an option for my meal. Can I have tofu? Also, can I have wine? My husband is doing this with me and he’s pescatarian and wants to have shrimp for his meal if possible… Please help! I have the book but I have not completed reading it yet. Thanks!
Soy is allowed in the protein powders, so tofu should be fine for the modified cleanse on this diet. I didn’t see anything one way or another for the modified cleanse doing a search for tofu on the facebook page.
“Fish” often means fish or shellfish, and in this case it looks like it’s both – there are plenty of references to shrimp in a search for shrimp on the facebook page.
Wine – sorry, no…
Good luck!
How might this 10 day cleanse be geared towards a person who has had weight-loss surgery? I’m eight months post, supposed to be on a protein only diet. I’m allowed a quarter cup of vegetables max twice per day at this point. Would like to reset my metabolism And clean my system out. But protein has to be my priority in my meals
Check with your doctor about the restrictions. Are they suggesting having small amounts of vegetables because they’re more difficult to digest? Ask whether having them as smoothies will allow you to have more, as blending will do a better job of breaking down the veggies into tiny pieces than chewing ever could. Also, what do they say about fruit, and the amount of liquid you can have? I’m assuming that the protein powder in the shakes is okay, and maybe you could have a higher proportion of protein powder.
Hello. I started the 10 day green smoothie regimen last Wednesday. I see where it does great things, but I realize now I may have made one mistake. I started allowing myself organic virgin coconut oil, and then the scale paused. I will stop it. I guess that natural food is not allowed on this 10 day program huh?
For long-term health after the cleanse, adding some coconut oil is encouraged. However, it’s not listed as something to eat during the cleanse.
There are plenty of other natural foods not included in the cleanse, but that doesn’t mean you should eat them! Stick to the guidelines to follow the diet.
I have more energy, I feel encourage about my weight loss it’s coming off,since I’ve been on the smoothies my mind set has changed I’m exercising now through out the day,to be continued,I thank God for JJ Smith this is your ministry and your saving lives and relationship minds are being renewed God will Bless you!!!!!!Your in my prayers don’t get weary in well doing.
How often you you repeat cleanse?
I’ve been doing cleanse for about six months. My body is at a plateaus now. Not sure what I’m doing wrobg.
Have you been doing the full cleanse for that long? JJ recommends you only do it for 2 weeks at a time.
See the guidelines on repeating or extending the cleanse.