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Bestselling diet books, healthy eating books, special diet books, and nutrition books – November 1 2011

In both the USA and UK this month, diet and food books continue to be lower than the rest of the year as the weather gets colder and people get ready for the holidays.

In the USA, vegan / plant fed diet and vegetarian books remain high on the bestsellers lists, with the popularity of the anti-wheat Wheat Belly dropping. Vegan/vegetarian titles include Forks Over Knives, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition, The China Study, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, The Vegan Slow Cooker, and Quick-Fix Vegetarian. In the UK, Dukan continues to reign supreme, although it’s dropped on the overall charts

The positions in the bestselling charts are according to a snapshot from Amazon. The number in brackets next to the top titles is the ranking in all books – i.e. The 17 Day Diet is the no. 33 top selling book in the USA on Amazon.

USA Diets and weight loss Nutrition Special diets Disorders and diseases
1 The 17 Day Diet (33) Forks Over Knives (61) Forks Over Knives (61) The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (32)
2 Forks Over Knives (61) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition (73) Wheat Belly The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Kindle)
3 The 4-Hour Body (72) The China Study (85) The Vegan Slow Cooker Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
4 The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition (73) Wheat Belly Quick-Fix Vegetarian The Gerson Therapy
5 The 17 Day Diet (Kindle) Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease The Paleo Solution The Emperor of All Maladies


UK Diets & Healthy Eating Diet & Nutrition Special diets
1 Dukan Diet Recipe Book The Dukan Diet (20) PCOS Diet Book
2 Nosh for Students The 5-Second Flat Belly Secret Erica White’s Beat Candida Cookbook
3 I Can Make You Thin Dukan Diet Recipe Book The Plant Programme
4 The 4-Hour Body Nosh for Students The IBS Low-Starch Diet
5 7lb in 7 Days Super Juice Diet The Dukan Diet (Kindle) Eat Well, Lose Weight, While Breastfeeding

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